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American Sailors attacked in Turkey

Bro if your warship is in the maritime territories of another country and that country has granted access to it's waters; due to international protocols you have to hoist the flag of that country as long as you sail on their waters. If you look at the photos from Task Force Barbarossa, you'll see TCG Gediz and our other ships hoisting the flag of African countries.

It doesn't have anything related with the incident. :)
Hmm but the article says it isnt neccessary to raise the host countrys flag, anyways, seems like the journalist has no clue what hes writing there.
Hmm but the article says it isnt neccessary to raise the host countrys flag, anyways, seems like the journalist has no clue what hes writing there.

What? He has not then. Otherwise the Northern Sea Area Command wouldn't let them pass through our boundaries. Any foreign warship has to that.
The uss Ross should have just tomahawked the place afterwards
Turkey is definitely pushing its luck too far.

As a one time regional power it must be frustrating for Turkey to watch its former colonies leave them behind in economic development and it is natural that some will want Turkey back in its Ottoman glory. But the power has shifted. A country as geographically small like Turkey will never be a world power. Countries like USA, Russia and China will simply not accept that. The present government of Turkey is acting like it is the regional satrap. They already were in a mess for deteriorating relations with Israel and their vehement opposition for aid to Kurds. In all their actions there has been a very persistent anti-west sentiment. Now this same sentiment is showing among Turkish common public. The Turks would want to rectify their mistakes sooner than later.
As a one time regional power it must be frustrating for Turkey to watch its former colonies leave them behind in economic development
Which one ??? There is not single ex Ottoman-State that have a higher GDP then us..
d it is natural that some will want Turkey back in its Ottoman glory. But th
e power has shifted. A country as geographically small like Turkey will never be a world power.
History refutes you with the England example... a small country like England made you slaves, didn't they ?
Countries like USA, Russia and China will simply not accept that. The present government of Turkey is acting like it is the regional satrap.
Russia and China are irrelevant, US our ally. There is no problem.
They already were in a mess for deteriorating relations with Israel and their vehement opposition for aid to Kurds.
So, every country in the world who relations with another country deteriorates, it goes into a mess ??? Nice logic..
Swap "Kurds" with "YPG", you don't know jack shıt.
In all their actions there has been a very persistent anti-west sentiment.
This is a pure lie.
Now this same sentiment is showing among Turkish common public.
If this group of 5, represents Turkish public..
Then i can call, Indian public as maniac rapists. As we know 10-15 Indian in a bus, rapes women...
The Turks would want to rectify their mistakes sooner than later.
Turks don't give a fvck about a lunatic Indian's opinions..
Every former ex-ottoman state is doing better than the sick man of Europe. It is funny to see you talk tough when your country is dependent on charity of tourists and turks themselves are busy applying for visa applications to Germany to live as refugees. It is funny to see turks talk tough when in reality they will crowd around a tourist begging, "Malik, sherbet?".
who gives a damn, Turks love us, so every other nationality can go to helll loolzzzzz
Which country loves who is difficult to say. On what do you base that turks love you? I am not saying they don't love you but what is your conviction based on. If its the number of tourists then please bear in mind that tourism is business not love. If A jew pays a million bucks in a week he will be treated like royalty in KSA or Pakistan.

Currently only two countries come to min when you say this country loves the other. Its England and USA. Both countries not only support each other on most political matters, share the same foreign policy but during times of conflict both are committed to send troops together. The third point is absent in all the rest of the countries that so deeply love each other.

If I were in that guy's shoes I would have removed my membership from this site by now... They will never learn...

If I were in that guy's shoes I would have removed my membership from this site by now... They will never learn...

I usually don't respond to Indian retards.... well, i replied to this one, than added him to my ignore list.... not seeing his posts anymore..
The US army did the same to Turkish soldiers captured in Iraq, in 2003. The Turkish street replied to the US Army putting paper bags on Turkish soldiers arrested in Iraq in 2003.
View attachment 150880

huh........what were turkish soldiers doing in Iraq?:what: And why wait over a decade later before responding?:undecided:
huh........what were turkish soldiers doing in Iraq?:what:

Turkish soldiers have more right being in Iraq than American soldiers have for following reasons;

* Iraq is our neighbors and we have military agreements between two for place troops in Iraq.
* We already have bases in N. Iraq.
* The mountainous area in N. Iraq used by PKK terro-rats for hiding and shelter.
* Our troops have security missions for national security.

Now ask yourself this question mr empty talker.. What were American soldiers doing in Iraq anyway? huh...


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