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Amarinder Singh urges Union Government to restrict flow of Ravi-Beas rivers from Punjab into Pakista


Apr 21, 2018
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Amarinder Singh urges Union Government to restrict flow of Ravi-Beas rivers from Punjab into Pakistan
Amarinder said he had not yet received the letter purported to have been written by his Haryana counterpart Manohar Lal Khattar on the issue.

Harpreet Bajwa
Express News Service
CHANDIGARH: Punjab Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh has urged the Union Government to take the lead in ensuring optimum harnessing of the Ravi-Beas waters, suggested the constitution of a technical panel of experts to work out ways to restrict the flow of water from Punjab into Pakistan.

Amarinder said he had not yet received the letter purported to have been written by his Haryana counterpart Manohar Lal Khattar on the issue but made it clear that his government would take every possible step secure more water for the state.

Pointing out that melting of ice leads to rise in the water levels in the three rivers of Ravi, Beas and Satluj, causing it to flow into Pakistan, Captain Amarinder said he had written to Union Water Resources Minister Nitin Gadkari suggesting storage of the excess water in dams in Himachal Pradesh to check its flow into Pakistan. He had further suggested that all the stored water be controlled in Himachal Pradesh, said the Chief Minister, stressing the need for the central government to take the initiative in the matter.

It may be noted that under the Indus Water Treaty, 1960, India has been allowed unrestricted usage of available water in Rivers viz. Ravi, Beas and Sutlej. Significant quantum of water of Ravi was flowing across the International Border through tributaries like Ujh, Jallialia, Tarna etc. joining the Ravi downstream of the rim station at Madhopur. The quantity of water of River Ravi flowing across the international border was assessed to be 0.58 MAF. In 2015, the Punjab Government has submitted a report giving two alternatives - firstly, Pump water from Makora Pattan to UBDC at RD 79,000 feet, involving lift of 85 feet over the distance of 30 Km and secondly, Pump water from Jainpur to UBDC at RD 79,000 feet, involving lift of 96 feet over the distance of 32Km.

Further, a High Powered Steering Committee for implementation of National Projects, chaired by Secretary (Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation), constituted a team comprising officers of Central Water Commission and Irrigation Department, Government of India on March 3, 2017, to visit the site of proposed Second Ravi Beas Link Project and submit a Feasibility Report. The team visited the site on December 5, 2017 and observed that harnessing the waters of Ravi was in national interest, and from among Ravi, Beas and Sutlej rivers, the greatest scope for utilization of unharnessed waters was in Ravi and technical feasibility of transfer of water from Ravi to Beas needed to be ascertained.

it will result in to nuclear war.we should not hesitate to bomb these dams and if required nuke india
it will result in to nuclear war.we should not hesitate to bomb these dams and if required nuke india

He is talking about eastern rivers which are 100% allocated to India under IWT.

It may be noted that under the Indus Water Treaty, 1960, India has been allowed unrestricted usage of available water in Rivers viz. Ravi, Beas and Sutlej.

PM Narendra Modi likely to inaugurate Kishanganga hydel project on 19 May
Work on the Kishanganga project was started in 2007, but Pakistan moved the International Court of Arbitration in 2010 claiming the project was in violation of the 1960 Indus Waters Treaty that regulates use of waters of the shared rivers. In 2013, the court allowed India to go ahead with the construction

SP Sharma | Jammu | May 9, 2018 3:27 pm


The project is designed to divert water from the Kishanganga river to a power plant in the Jhelum river basin (Representational photo: Getty Images)

Prime Minister Narendera Modi will during his expected visit to Jammu and Kashmir on 19 May dedicate to the nation North Kashmir’s 330 mega watt Kishanganga hydroelectric project, the construction of which had been opposed by Pakistan which had moved the International Court of Arbitration in the Hague.

By constructing the project, India has in a way asserted its rights on the river’s water under the Indus Waters Treaty. While moving the court of arbitration, Pakistan had accused India of violating the treaty by constructing the Salal, Dul-Hasti and Baghliar projects on Chenab river in Jammu division.

Work on the Kishanganga project was started in 2007, but Pakistan moved The Hague court in 2010 claiming the project was in violation of the 1960 treaty that regulates use of waters of the shared rivers.

It was a great victory for India in 2013 when the court allowed India to go ahead with construction of the project just near the Line of Control (LoC) between India and Azad Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) in the Bandipora district of the Valley. Kishanganga has been named as Neelum in the Azad Kashmir. The international court asked India to let 9 cubic metres of water flow into the Neelum.

The Kishanganga project constructed at a cost of Rs 5,750 crore will generate 1713 million units of electricity per annum.

PM Modi is also scheduled to fly to Leh on the same day to participate in the 100th anniversary celebrations of Kushak Bakula, the most respected spiritual and temporal leader of Ladakh.

During his visit to Ladakh, Modi is likely to lay foundation stone for the strategic tunnel that would bypass the formidable Zojila Pass and cut short the distance between Srinagar and Kargil.

The PM is also expected to inaugurate a new route to the Vaishnodevi shrine,

And take stock of the utilisation of the Rs 80,000-crore development package for J&K that he had announced earlier.

it will result in to nuclear war.we should not hesitate to bomb these dams and if required nuke india

Sorry, but you won't and you can't do a jack if ever the water is stored.

Whatever GOI do will be well within the premise of WHT. The maximum you can do is to sit back and cry out loud. :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:
We will take what is allotted to us under IWT.
Nothing more nothing less.
give it a try
Do you know that four dams in Pakistan are running dry even before summer is setting in. What more do you want us to try? I hope you already fuelled the Ghauris and Shaheens ...

The summers going to be hard this year in Pakistan, no water, rising crude prices, extremely low forex, extremely high temperatures, no bijli .... Allah is surely testing Pakistanis....
Do you know that four dams in Pakistan are running dry even before summer is setting in. What more do you want us to try? I hope you already fuelled the Ghauris and Shaheens ...

The summers going to be hard this year in Pakistan, no water, rising crude prices, extremely low forex, extremely high temperatures, no bijli .... Allah is surely testing Pakistanis....
And you crude prices won’t hurt india.

India doesn’t have electricity load shedding (let alone hundreds of millions without electric connections).

Shortage of water (in a country of 1.3 billion)


Hot summers..

Because after all bhagwan lives hindus..:lol:
Ravi & Beas are already dead river in Pakistan, people have encroached the lands, made huts and living in there.
as per indus water treaty ravi is indian river they have every right to block the water no issue .
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