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Altaf Hussain arrested in London over money laundering charges.

I would like to highlight few more points for better understanding/clarification. Imagine if Police formally charges him within the next few days. Nobody is saying that Altaf Hussain will remain under arrest. He will only be charged and later released on bail as the Police will become a party and proceed the matter to the court. It's going to be Scotland Yard vs Altaf Hussain in the crown court. Now if the jury decides that the evidences gathered by the Police department are sufficient they will sentence Mr Altaf Hussain. If the jury is not convinced with the evidences provided by the Police, Altaf Hussain will be released

But here comes the trick, he can then sue both Metropolitan Police and the Scotland Yard for destroying his political image. If he was proven innocent he can even file a lawsuit worth $1 billion dollars and the police will have to pay that to him. He is officially gonnai be one of the richest Pakistani in UK :rofl: It is not Pakistan where the lawsuits are pointless. Here he can sue the entire police department and get every penny for destroying his image.

if it was UK only believe me it would have not taken that long, and since some money may have been originated from pakistan they are taking a lot of time to be sure it not laundered, otherwise it would be very easy to determine in UK whether it was laundered or not
Actually The Police in UK always want fair trial so it is easier to expand the case up to any extent. If you name 50 suspects they will open 50 cases against each of them and will not conclude until they have explored the depth of each individual. So once MQM brought Pakistan in, they had to investigate further about the matter. But the whole case in principal revolves around one individual Altaf Hussain and the Police who is investigating the matter against him.
every association/organisation/unions from all professionals and businesses and other walks of life coming to MQM sit in and announcing to extend complete support, now what you gonna say about closing down karachi? you can witness yourself http://www.mqm.org/tv

MQM has served these people and they are with MQM in troubling times

those who say karachi is not with them, they are very much misguided



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AH makes statements the wording and intentions is pretty much clear but yet the supporters give clarifications which is completly contradictory after most of his controversial speeches. Try to change the meaning? I know a few people from MQM even they admit that AH give these remarks and the party ends up giving justifications. Coming to the point, I even dont say the words you mention and yet you get the other meaning of out of it. How do you do that?

We are living in 21st century, who keeps cash? Mostly wire transactions are preferred in countries like UK. I think you must already know. You say it was 400k, it still is big amount, why he was keeping it in cash. Even a few thousand pounds are enough for emergencies purposes.

Oh Allah, now "trillions of pounds"? I already told you that I can not directly identify if they own any property in UK. It will come-out someday. But as i said, hiding money or property is not impossible.

I never said, SUN was or it wasnt involved. Sensibly, you need all the data non-financial n financial to prove that. I am not here to do it.
And yes I agree that AH will come out subsequently or (in my opinion) he will just get out of the picture as he has already played his role. I appreciate your effort for at-least trying to be reasonable in your argument unlike other MQM supporters.

Thats all for the day from me...
Altaf Hussain has been living in one of the most expensive cities of world for 22 years. He is from middle class. He went there on an asylum. He begged the British to let him stay.

The Brits obliged because they knew by controlling Karachi MQM can create a pressure point which will come handy for Britain dealing with Pakistan.

In a city like London, you cant live a single day without working. Altaf Hussain it seems was not just living there, but living in a very big house in London. This needs some explanation. No matter how AH is for MQM, he is not god.

Not just a big house, the police found large amount of cash. As he has been arrested in money laundering case, it seems MQM or AH was not able to convince the British authorities or account for such cash lying in the house. This is crime and if we go by the logic of MQM followers who think of AH as some god, then this god must have known the laws of the country he was citizen of. Accounts of MQM had been frozen some time ago as AH himself admitted and usually passport is also taken away in such crimes.

London is not a city that MQM can lock down. Even if they have vast support there, they cant do it. That leaves poor Karachi, living in the fear of MQM terror, as easy prey to MQM politics of terror. The bazaars in Karachi did not shut out of love for MQM, but out of fear.

Pakistan is fortunate it happened in UK. One, if it was Pakistan, no one could have touched him as Pakistan has no rule of law. Its this reason that in Pakistan the biggest criminals are our biggest leaders.
UK jail mein khanay mein kia serve hota hai......... the fat monny might die out because of hunger........ look on the bright side, maybe he survuves and his blood pressure gets under control! :P

Any way we can send Nawazoo to UK jail as well? I'm sure he's guilty of at least 100 counts of money laundering..... not counting drug smuggling, man slaughter and plain old tax evasion........ he surely deserves it....... :D
Altaf Hussain has been living in one of the most expensive cities of world for 22 years. He is from middle class. He went there on an asylum. He begged the British to let him stay.

The Brits obliged because they knew by controlling Karachi MQM can create a pressure point which will come handy for Britain dealing with Pakistan.

In a city like London, you cant live a single day without working. Altaf Hussain it seems was not just living there, but living in a very big house in London. This needs some explanation. No matter how AH is for MQM, he is not god.

Not just a big house, the police found large amount of cash. As he has been arrested in money laundering case, it seems MQM or AH was not able to convince the British authorities or account for such cash lying in the house. This is crime and if we go by the logic of MQM followers who think of AH as some god, then this god must have known the laws of the country he was citizen of. Accounts of MQM had been frozen some time ago as AH himself admitted and usually passport is also taken away in such crimes.

London is not a city that MQM can lock down. Even if they have vast support there, they cant do it. That leaves poor Karachi, living in the fear of MQM terror, as easy prey to MQM politics of terror. The bazaars in Karachi did not shut out of love for MQM, but out of fear.

Pakistan is fortunate it happened in UK. One, if it was Pakistan, no one could have touched him as Pakistan has no rule of law. Its this reason that in Pakistan the biggest criminals are our biggest leaders.

Keya ka mein bheen bhenn laga rakhi hai

Altaf Hussain has been living in one of the most expensive cities of world for 22 years. He is from middle class. He went there on an asylum. He begged the British to let him stay.

The Brits obliged because they knew by controlling Karachi MQM can create a pressure point which will come handy for Britain dealing with Pakistan.

In a city like London, you cant live a single day without working. Altaf Hussain it seems was not just living there, but living in a very big house in London. This needs some explanation. No matter how AH is for MQM, he is not god.

Not just a big house, the police found large amount of cash. As he has been arrested in money laundering case, it seems MQM or AH was not able to convince the British authorities or account for such cash lying in the house. This is crime and if we go by the logic of MQM followers who think of AH as some god, then this god must have known the laws of the country he was citizen of. Accounts of MQM had been frozen some time ago as AH himself admitted and usually passport is also taken away in such crimes.

London is not a city that MQM can lock down. Even if they have vast support there, they cant do it. That leaves poor Karachi, living in the fear of MQM terror, as easy prey to MQM politics of terror. The bazaars in Karachi did not shut out of love for MQM, but out of fear.

Pakistan is fortunate it happened in UK. One, if it was Pakistan, no one could have touched him as Pakistan has no rule of law. Its this reason that in Pakistan the biggest criminals are our biggest leaders.
Another perspective. Game over successor needed.

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