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Altaf Hussain arrested in London over money laundering charges.

why UK allows billions of nawaz investment in UK when he is no less controversial?

Theifs will always blame other..... First answer for ur crime lol

I still remeber what u used to say about this case. For gode sake wake up.
Nawaz Sharif is alleged to have a property worth 500 million pounds (around 900 million dollars). But the problem is he has some legal documents to back himself out, Altaf Hussain was probably not as clever as he is.

beta you first need to get knowledge about MQM, how it works, it is the most organised party in Pakistan

now shh, go back to your sleep chamber
you got proof?

Same way Altaf Hussain could not proof for his 500 000 £ i guess Nawaz Sharif cant tell were did 500billion come from. Next on target is Hassan Nawaz.
why UK allows billions of nawaz investment in UK when he is no less controversial?
UK dont have problem with investment in business as long as you can show source of money and give taxes ...they have problem with money laundering come from drugs, extortion, land theft, gunda taxes/bhatta etc..I was talking about giving political asylum though..Altaf hussain did like to be arrested ..firstly in Pakistan and now in UK :D
Pakistan MQM leader Altaf Hussain arrested in London
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Altaf Hussain's MQM party have been accused of following militant tactics as Shahzeb Jillani reports

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Police in London have arrested the leader of Pakistan's powerful MQM party, Altaf Hussain, on suspicion of money-laundering.

Officers are searching a residential address in north-west London where they say a 60-year-old man was detained.

Mr Hussain has lived in the UK since 1991, saying his life would be at risk if he returned to Pakistan.

His party, which controls Karachi, has urged supporters to stay calm amid outbreaks of violence there.

The British and Pakistani authorities have in the past expressed concerns that any arrest of Altaf Hussain could lead to violent protests in Karachi.

Police investigators arrived at Altaf Hussain's London home on Tuesday morning
There was an angry reaction in Karachi to news of Mr Hussain's arrest - protesters are reported by officials to have torched at least 12 vehicles
The roads in Karachi became gridlocked as people returned home early or rushed to stock up on groceries ahead of an expected prolonged shutdown in the city by MQM supporters
Shootings have been reported from some parts of Pakistan's largest city, which BBC correspondents say is tense.

Traffic jams were reported in Karachi and other cities in Sindh province as businesses closed and people headed home fearing violence.

One man in the city, who gave his name as Tahir, told the BBC that MQM supporters were firing guns in the streets and setting fire to any shops which remained open.

Another, Nabil, said there had been "turmoil" and "massive confusion" about whether Altaf Hussain had been arrested or not.


Who is Altaf Hussain?

  • Born in Karachi in 1953 to a middle-class family; studied pharmacy at university.
  • Formed MQM party in 1984 to represent Mohajirs - descendants of Urdu-speaking Muslims who migrated from India to Pakistan.
  • Requested political asylum in UK in 1992, later gained British citizenship; continues to run MQM from north London.
Karachi in fear after Altaf Hussain arrest

Pakistan's powerful but absent politician


Karachi has been wracked by violence - much of it politically motivated.

Security is being tightened around the British mission in the city, which has been closed temporarily, and other buildings.

A Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) spokesman in London, Nadeem Nusrat, confirmed the arrest and urged its supporters to "maintain peace at all costs".

"The police arrived with a search warrant and wanted to question Mr Hussain regarding allegations of money laundering," he said in a statement.

Mr Hussain had been "very unwell" for the past few days and was getting ready to go to hospital when the police arrived, the statement added.

Police later confimed that Mr Hussain had been escorted to a hospital appointment while still in custody.


Analysis: Owen Bennett-Jones, BBC News
Altaf Hussain has widespread support in Karachi but is based in Edgware
For many years now, Altaf Hussain's MQM has had a bloc of about 20 members in the National Assembly, making him a powerful figure both in Pakistan's biggest city Karachi and in the country as a whole. Remarkably he has led the party from London for over 20 years for fear that going back home could result in legal cases or a physical threat to his security.

As well as his solid electoral base in Karachi, Mr Hussain has a powerful party organisation in the city which is often accused of extorting money from businesses and using violence - or the threat of it - to get its way.

For years the British authorities tolerated the MQM being based in London. In fact British diplomats sought to take advantage of the situation by trying to influence the party to help achieve British objectives in Pakistan. But the mood changed when a senior MQM party member Imran Farooq was murdered in London in 2010.


Mr Hussain, his party, and some of his associates and relatives are currently the subject of a number of British investigations.

One is looking into the question of whether in his televised speeches he has incited violence in Pakistan, charges Mr Hussain denies. Another is into whether the MQM has paid its UK taxes correctly.

The most high-profile investigation followed the 2010 murder in London of a senior MQM leader Imran Farooq. No-one has been formally charged with his killing.

The MQM is often accused of extorting money from businesses in Karachi and shipping the money to the UK, charges the party also denies.
BBC News - Pakistan MQM leader Altaf Hussain arrested in London
UK dont have problem with investment in business as long as you can show source of money and give taxes ...they have problem with money laundering come from drugs, extortion, land theft, gunda taxes/bhatta etc..I was talking about giving political asylum though..Altaf hussain did like to be arrested ..firstly in Pakistan and now in UK :D


beta i wont trust a haraam khor who recieved bribe from general aslam baig not one but many times, and i wont trust a haraam khor who was nurtured under general gilani

nawaz probably killed hakeem saeed because nawaz party was notorious for drugs


if MQM was such a haraam khor, altaf would have accepted millions offered to him, MQM was the party which got lots of deaths because of opposing afghandrug mafia in sohrab goth

beta i wont trust a guy who recieved bribe from general aslam baig not one but many times, and i wont trust a haraam khor who was nurtured under general gilani

nawaz probably killed hakeem saeed because nawaz party was notorious for drugs

Hey kid give rest to these accusations.. I am not blind supporter of nazwz or any other politician. If nawazo has done corruptions and it get prove in court then i would love to see him behind bar

aur altafe ka business kia ha kale dhundey k alawa
Hey kid give rest to these accusations.. I am not blind supporter of nazwz or any other politician. If nawazo has done corruptions and it get prove in court then i would love to see him behind bar

general aslam baig gave bribe to nawaz who was a known establishment tout back then and its on record with several witnesses including brigadier imtiaz and others, why don't you just admit haraam khor nawaz has eaten haraam ki kamaye?

how else did he get so much rich wearing 4 million dollar watch in the parliament?
general aslam baig gave bribe to nawaz who was a known establishment tout back then and its on record with several witnesses including brigadier imtiaz and others, why don't you just admit haraam khor nawaz has eaten haraam ki kamaye?

Court dont count your day dreams as evidences of money laundering. You witness how many peopel here bashing and saying Altafa is killer.. take it as proof then?.Geez you should more worry about him right now

Court dont count your day dreams as evidences of money laundering.. Geez you should more worry about him right now


and you need to worry about how the haraam ISI tout is destroying pakistan with his corruption, no need o worry about MQM

the tout who attacked supreme court because of his case on money laundering
Taxi in UK or US does not matter (thanks for the correction though).. The psychological problem you people have of calling others by names, it shows your upbringing as well. Thats your domestic matter we will not talk about it here.
All party's do make money and a lot of it, no need to mention that.
The killings in Karachi on daily basis get on my nerves. The life is too precious of any living thing, Islam gives rights to tinniest of living creature. Who is responsible for that? Na-maloom afrad? (Please, Dont point fingers on other provinces or parties, we are not discussing those here.) Your government, your police and your voters, all the resources are on your party's disposal and yet murders daily basis. Bori band lashein and I even remember Altaf saying in his speech "tum apna naap tyar karo bori hum tyar karein ge".
Your leader from the beginning have been spiting poison about creation of Pakistan. I am referring to the speech in India and dont say that was in some other context. Burning of flag. I dont need to provide evidence for all that. If your party supporters are so against the creation of Pakistan, why not leave Pakistan. Why asking for a seperate province that will subsequently turn into a country?
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