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Altaf Hussain arrested in London over money laundering charges.

Brigadier Imtiaz was sacked from Army and recieved a dishonorable discharge. He was sent to prison on corruption charges. How convient some Baysharam, bay haya MQM walas are that they Paint punjabis corrupt but willing to use a testimony of dishonest lier, dishonorable person to prove Altaf didn't take money. Yeah Sunny leon is virgin also as said by Brigaider Imtiaz
If proving anything against politicians was so easy, our prisons would be full of them. Non-availability of justice is the root cause of problem, they get away with whatever they do. Or come up with some NRO type of scheme, which benefits all. Once they think that it is out of their hands, they seek refuge in other countries like Altaf.
Please clarify one more thing, on what ground MQM supporters claim him to be "the father of the Nation" (I wanted to add something but my manners dont allow, contrary to yours). Obviously, most of the Pakistanis (atleast the ones I know), even on this forum shows that they hate him and the party whatever the reason be.
Sunnaa haiii keh @HRK Bhai aur @Jazzbot nei jubbb seh khabar soniii haiii woh rooh...rooh kar nidhal ho gaiii hain ! :o:

Eik key khushiii keh aansooon tou dosreiii keh afsordagii keh - Bu-jo kissss key kaun sehh ? :D

........ :whistle:

Altaf Bhai Kitne Door Andesh insaan hai ..... :angel:

If this was done by Sind police, MQM would have said, oh we are being targeted because we are Muhajir.. Thanks God he is captured in London and MQM cannot play the dirty card of their being Muhajid (even after 70 years they are Muhajirs.. lol) there... if they have enough juice in their balls, go and give a call for strike in London.. or protest in front of 10 downing street ... burn the buses there and do firing ... huh
just wait and see how this will be played... I am sure sane minds will reconsider their affiliation with altaf and mqm, with the fall and rift between the ranks... just a matter of time now..

You jumped in but you don't know what was the discussion between us ...............
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