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Alleged blasphemy: Mob burns 100 Christian homes in Lahore

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first we have to look at the reasons why people are so angry??
its not just this case we pakistani's are fed up. and we need just a reason to blow.
all the corruption. all this unjustice these things come out this way. people just want a reason to break things. to protest. to show there anger. and the easiest way was to go against minority. (sadly)

We have a law for blasphemy but we don't have a law for those who misuse it. We have laws that cover mobs vandalization of public property but we don't have laws that cover such zealots who vandalize in the name of the religion... What is the punishment for the ones who hurt feelings of religious minorities?

These illiterates are not even religious! They are bunch of stupid psychos!

Every one of them is voting for PTI.

Hell to these fcuking religious zealots! High time to review blasphemy laws, someone has to bell the cat.

Democracy, is all about rule of majority! it is never about right and wrong! isn't it?
One man cannot bell the cat.. he'll be labeled as dictator.

I still remember the TT of this forum and Rehman Malik, Kaira calling Dr. Qadri as Padri.. becase he wished merry Christmas to Christians.

Problem is in the liberals and these bunch you see in pictures pray to trees and wear stone and magic words for help..... they are liberals.

They are identifiable, in the pictures.. media can help to identify and govt. can arrest them if it wish so!
Every one of them is voting for PTI.

Democracy, is all about rule of majority!

Acha! But ain't we discussing a priceless gift by Zia's dictatorship?
The sad thing is most of these incidents are started based on false rumors. which christian in his/her right mind would commit blasphemy in Pakistan on purpose.
first we have to look at the reasons why people are so angry??
its not just this case we pakistani's are fed up. and we need just a reason to blow.
all the corruption. all this unjustice these things come out this way. people just want a reason to break things. to protest. to show there anger. and the easiest way was to go against minority. (sadly)

Also the culture is becoming radicalized and hence too closed. People are frustrated and many of the families are unhappy rendering disorientated children with extremist tendencies!

Is this an example of how Pakistani's are a tolerant bunch? Or people who have been fed with Islamic bigotry since their very birth? Pakistani's who hate people of every other religion and will kill them at the slightest real or imagined provocation?

Because this is not an isolated example, this is happening all over Pakistan in different forms.

@Contrarian watch your mouth...Nowhere does religion need to be dragged here.....One who does bad doesnt do it for the religion even if he or she does it in the NAME of the religion...RIP to all the dead but Dont drag religion!!

NONE of you have read about THE religion but malign it at will because of some people who carry the name and do such stuff!!

We have a law for blasphemy but we don't have a law for those who misuse it. We have laws that cover mobs vandalization of public property but we don't have laws that cover such zealots who vandalize in the name of the religion... What is the punishment for the ones who hurt feelings of religious minorities?

very well said @Emmie

These illiterates are not even religious! They are bunch of stupid psychos!

@A.Rafay more cultural if you ask me...all this naak kaat di and stuff is cultural whereas Islam forbade it so nothing Islamic there!!
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via RAW, to increase pakistan's birth rate ultimately resulting in children such as you :azn:
@Hindustani dont stoop low... Targeting a WHOLE NATION is not really any form of bravery nor showing any intelligence!
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NONE of you have read about THE religion but malign it at will because of some people who carry the name and do such stuff!!


You know what ?

Non-Muslims dont care or dont need to care what is written in Arabic in your texts. We care what the readers and practioners of those texts do to non-Muslims using what is written in those texts as justification.

For non-Muslims, Islam is what Muslims practise. What it is in practise, not what it is supposed to be in theory.
@ Windjammer, we agree that we too have our nutjobs in India & we condemn their acts & what they do is a crime according to the law of the country & therefore punishable. But here you cannot compare with what is happening in Pakistan, because the perpetrators are hiding behind a questionable law passed by the Pakistani Govt, which legalises their crime.
@Hindustani dont stoop low... Targeting a WHOLE NATION is not really any form of bravery nor showing any intelligence!

You're right. I apologize to you and the other sane pakistanis for the stupid comments by some of your idiotic countrymen.
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