He might be a fake Pakistanis.Yep, like the Indians were cheering and celebrating when a Pakistani plane crashed. I have not heard any Chinese who did it or doing it.
@mourning sage you need to recognize who are your true enemies. Don't make us your enemy.
The British comes with guns and cannon. We didn't. Choices are given to u all. As for independent inquiry for covod-19. Your news are outdated. China do support an inquiry for covid-19.Indians are our enemies and will remain so.
You misunderstand me. I am not making or taking you as my enemy. China is following a policy of colonisation far worse than the British did. By buying off every key asset like KSE and State Bank, becoming the major shareholder in every major industry, be it the energy or transportation, you have cut our legs and tied our hands and thrown us into the water. We are at your mercy. Now, you didnt do this to us forcefully. We came to you ourselves. We bent over and let you rape us.
Guess what, it's US refuse an inquiry for origin of covid-19.