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China's ‘XXX Files’: ‘25 Thousand People Disappear Each Year, Their Organs Are Harvested

No, you address the messenger (Haaretz)
You are so genius. Communist China is so stupid that they took out the prisoner's organ then took picture where the organ have placed in a labeled organ box. 8-):yahoo:
They are all fake pictures taken from fake news fabricated by Falun Gong and the CIA anti-China organization. Only mental patients believe this. :lol: :lol: :omghaha: :omghaha: :rofl: :rofl: 🤮 🤮

Actually PDF bunch of low IQ've believed those fake news, pity them:sad:.
If someone is given the death sentence then there is nothing wrong with collecting their organs for reuse. It should be part of the death sentence. Killers and child rapists would be good candidates. Why waste something that could be used to save innocent lives?
If someone is given the death sentence then there is nothing wrong with collecting their organs for reuse. It should be part of the death sentence. Killers and child rapists would be good candidates. Why waste something that could be used to save innocent lives?

The policy collecting death sentence organs was cancelled 5 years before, death sentence is strictly limited compared with 10 years ago only if brutal murder.

Now child rapists, corruption can escape death sentence if no killing, however, we deeply want them be executed asap, same with western BS gov now.

Enough IQ would not believe western or indian fake media hilarious propaganda.
You are so genius. Communist China is so stupid . 8-):yahoo:
We both can agree on this.
LOl, this guy is going nuts
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