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China's ‘XXX Files’: ‘25 Thousand People Disappear Each Year, Their Organs Are Harvested

They are all fake pictures taken from fake news fabricated by Falun Gong and the CIA anti-China organization. Only mental patients believe this. :lol: :lol: :omghaha: :omghaha: :rofl: :rofl: 🤮 🤮
Western electoral systems train politicians to like this method of lying.Because it could win them elections.But how useful is this propaganda outside the election?

Do people actually do something about reading a few stories or looking at a few pictures?Will Afghans, Iraqis, and Syrians like The United States because they've seen a few American propaganda and ignored the bombs, the ruins, and the bodies around them?

In an election, voters have an easy choice.But in reality people don't have much choice.Of course, Afghans would like to believe the Americanst and the Australians have come to save them, but that doesn't stop the slaughter in the wheat fields, the rapes in the villages.

Muslims can certainly believe this American propaganda, but that doesn't make them immune to American bombs or mysterious Chinese doctors harvesting their organs. People always take care of themselves, their families, their cities, their country before foreigners.The United States could also unite Muslims in support of the so-called oppressed Uighurs.As long as Americans solve the problems of Muslim countries and let Muslims live like Western Europeans.But americans can't, because the U.S. government doesn't care about its own citizens.

So China and the US are not living in the same election and the US cannot win with this propaganda. The United States can claim to be the strongest country to respond to a pandemic.But the virus doesn't care. It will spread like crazy in the weakest countries, exactly as shown, killing millions of people. Uighurs do not suddenly die on the streets just because americans claim they are dead. Nor do Uighurs quit their jobs because Americans call them slaves .

American politicians have used all their electoral skills to find that no one has voted and no one has declared victory.People in the world just do their jobs and run their own businesses. American companies continue to increase their investment in China, and various countries have strengthened their economic cooperation with China.American politicians are angry and the world is bought off by China.

No one was bought, just tired of playing with kids. So the US is crying out that China is committing genocide.But Americans should know best that if there were justice in the world, americans would have been extinct 200 years ago.

For all the natives of America, Oceania, Africa, And Asia, for the Chinese of Nanjing. 12.13
you can get a chinese kidney in burma provided you are ready to pay 5000$ plus surgery in an unhygienic hospital.

they provide you with the whole health profile of the donor saying he is a prisoner on death row in china.

o_O you srs ?

Till about 15 years or so ago you could arrange a poor donor in India for a sum, they'd fudge the paperwork and make them your relative.. that was then, near impossible now to get a kidney from anyone else but a legit relative these days. Heard this scene went down to Sri Lanka later. A friend's dad has had to undergo multiple transplants, was easy the first time around in India, a relative stepped up and donated the next time is how I know.
It's also reported by aljazeera too.

Anyway stop attacking the messenger, instead address the message.
I heard China sold those organs to the Aliens for dissection. Pretty sure if ur cause Aljazeera and Haaretz reported, even though none ever set foot in China to investigate.

Just like how Huawei is spying even without any proof, or covid created from China lab even without a shred of evidence. But heck, if a 12 year old believes it, who. Am I to say no.
o_O you srs ?

Till about 15 years or so ago you could arrange a poor donor in India for a sum, they'd fudge the paperwork and make them your relative.. that was then, near impossible now to get a kidney from anyone else but a legit relative these days. Heard this scene went down to Sri Lanka later. A friend's dad has had to undergo multiple transplants, was easy the first time around in India, a relative stepped up and donated the next time is how I know.
My friend told me is 20k usd$ for a kidney in Indonesia. They even arrange the limo.
I heard China sold those organs to the Aliens for dissection. Pretty sure if ur cause Aljazeera and Haaretz reported, even though none ever set foot in China to investigate.

Just like how Huawei is spying even without any proof, or covid created from China lab even without a shred of evidence. But heck, if a 12 year old believes it, who. Am I to say no.
This is legit accusations.

You need to up your daily dose of al jazeera instead of Xinhua.
Every single person in Xinjiang is covered by health care and enjoys free annual physical check up, Xinjiang's medical standard is undisputably the best in central and south Asia, that's why tons of foreign medical students come to Xinjiang to study medicine, that's the real fact of Xinjiang.

This is legit accusations.

You need to up your daily dose of al jazeera instead of Xinhua.
Legit huh, saddam was legit too, 500k kids killed and a whole country fcked up. Anybody can accuse somebody, but you need evidence, understand? Not reports, guesstimate of Tiananmen square range fromm 300 to 100k killed, so you tell me mate using your 12 year old logic. Let uncle teach you something in life, when US was bashing China, you weren't even a sperm cell. I saw how they accuse China from everything from 3 gorged dam will collapse to Deng eating babies. Lol. Its been 20 years and now they are still creating new things to bash.

My cousin years ago had a kidney transplant in Indonesia because they can't get illegal kidneys in China, so tell me now what is truth? You think US givrs a damn about indonesia? Because your country is weak and useless, they don't feel threaten, your leaders can be controlled easily.
Legit huh, saddam was legit too, 500k kids killed and a whole country fcked up. Anybody can accuse somebody, but you need evidence, understand? Not reports, guesstimate of Tiananmen square range fromm 300 to 100k killed, so you tell me mate using your 12 year old logic. Let uncle teach you something in life, when US was bashing China, you weren't even a sperm cell. I saw how they accuse China from everything from 3 gorged dam will collapse to Deng eating babies. Lol. Its been 20 years and now they are still creating new things to bash.

My cousin years ago had a kidney transplant in Indonesia because they can't get illegal kidneys in China, so tell me now what is truth? You think US givrs a damn about indonesia? Because your country is weak and useless, they don't feel threaten, your leaders can be controlled easily.
Eh calm down lah.

Saddam is a mass murderer there's no doubt about it, only evil revisionist said the otherwise.

Tianmen massacre exist, I mean there's an actual footage around the internet (except when you're living in a great firewall)
Eh calm down lah.

Saddam is a mass murderer there's no doubt about it, only evil revisionist said the otherwise.

Tianmen massacre exist, I mean there's an actual footage around the internet (except when you're living in a great firewall)
Both PLA and civilians died in that incident, it's the government putting down a revolt which resulted in some casualties, calling it a masscare is simply not true, but western media tends to call any thing in China a massacre or genocide or crime against humanity etc, we are so used to it after 7 decades of PRC. The more the west calls us bad names, the more we know we are on the right track developing our country.
o_O you srs ?

Till about 15 years or so ago you could arrange a poor donor in India for a sum, they'd fudge the paperwork and make them your relative.. that was then, near impossible now to get a kidney from anyone else but a legit relative these days. Heard this scene went down to Sri Lanka later. A friend's dad has had to undergo multiple transplants, was easy the first time around in India, a relative stepped up and donated the next time is how I know.
I have heard far worse stories but it will get me banned here because of mods big egos. So lets leave it there.
CNN Indonesia.jpg

CNN Indonesia1.jpg
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this is not a theatrical act like the falun gong activists do
hindu moslem riot.jpg

too much Western propaganda and Indian interference in the Indonesian media.
No wonder the majority of Indonesian Moslems love India and quickly forgot the incidence of Moslem persecution in India
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Eh calm down lah.

Saddam is a mass murderer there's no doubt about it, only evil revisionist said the otherwise.

Tianmen massacre exist, I mean there's an actual footage around the internet (except when you're living in a great firewall)
Actual footage of what! You seen the bodies? You counted them? So how many did Saddam murder? Tell me. Do you have proof? So because Saddam murders some people, US gets to destroy a country of moderately prosperity in the mideast and kill 500k kids. Young boy, before you were born, Iraq was the richest and most well developed country in the mideast. Don't be naive.
Iron Brother stop this tomfoolery at once. In the long run it will come back to haunt you.

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