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An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

  • Yes

    Votes: 64 53.8%
  • No

    Votes: 55 46.2%

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Do not lie, Bengali boy, you get butthurt because we gang raped your master in the PLAN 2025 thread.
You have 2000 usd per capita on paper, but in reality, you are not even close to Pakistan... Just look at how many cars you produced per year: that is: 2,000 a year ... You have no shame at all...
Although I am not a fun of vietnam, but honestly, in comparison, your country does not look like a country with a gdp per capita of 2,000 like vn @Viet , but one of poorest on this planet...
And do not find excuse after excuse after excuse like 'gain independence in 1971...' It has nothing to do with the shitty life of your people in reality... And we refuse the future tense here, like your beloved india's super power 2020 shxt...

This is off-topic.

If you wish to discuss BD economy and learn about it, please open a thread in BD section, tag me and I will post detailed information in it.
Don't assume things about me and libel me.

Seems like lying all day for CCP, you've become a habitual liar.

Kid, i was defending Islam and responding to Indian filth who associated Islam with terrorism and mocked Jihad when i first joined this forum.

Now every hypocrite who are happy Indian Muslims are suffering and their mother is condemning India because it's fashion in Pakistan and the cool thing to do so i don't waste my energy on that but i never pass an opportunity to condemn India. I even see a hypocrite like you cry crocodile tears for oh Muslims of India while Muslims of China get forced to commit Shirk.

Uighurs are the unfortunate people that whoever speaks for them get faced with dire consequences. I have 19 warnings on my profile, have been banned every month for speaking for Uighurs.

I don't appreciate your lies about me.

In fact, i am bored of your one dimensional propagandist posts with Iraqi WMDs and all that crap. The Iraqi WMDs story was debunked by Western media not Xinhua or CGTN or whatever Chinese. You eat and believe the same media that you call fake.

Kid, what you don't realise is that the SAME people who claimed that Iraq had WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins are the SAME people who are making accusations against China. Claiming that they are oppressing the Uighers...............:disagree:
Don't assume things about me and libel me.

Seems like lying all day for CCP, you've become a habitual liar.

Kid, i was defending Islam and responding to Indian filth who associated Islam with terrorism and mocked Jihad when i first joined this forum.

Now every hypocrite who are happy Indian Muslims are suffering and their mother is condemning India because it's fashion in Pakistan and the cool thing to do so i don't waste my energy on that but i never pass an opportunity to condemn India. I even see a hypocrite like you cry crocodile tears for oh Muslims of India while Muslims of China get forced to commit Shirk.

Uighurs are the unfortunate people that whoever speaks for them get faced with dire consequences. I have 19 warnings on my profile, have been banned every month for speaking for Uighurs. This is on an online forum, imagine that. People in real life face bigger consequences.

I don't appreciate your lies about me.

In fact, i am bored of your one dimensional propagandist posts with Iraqi WMDs and all that crap. The Iraqi WMDs story was debunked by Western media not Xinhua or CGTN or whatever Chinese. You eat and believe the same media that you call fake.
Ignore him bro.He's just an overgrown man-child more Chinese than the Chinese themselves who will go whine to the mods whenever you burst his bubbles.
This is off-topic.

If you wish to discuss BD economy and learn about it, please open a thread in BD section, tag me and I will post detailed information in it.
Who cares... BD economy, LMAO... First explain how a country with 2000 usd GDP per capita and 0.17 billion in population only make 2,000 cars a year... From your past B.S. style, the answer I am expecting from you is: your 0.17 billion people all prefer those super luxurious rickshaws to cut the carbon emission and to make a better planet... right??? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Yes in some ways but he is also butthurt about how I put his "mighty" PLAN down in that other thread. Lol @ getting a good beating from a country with 1/20th the population in the oceans.
Anyway this is my last reply off topic as we need to be discussing Chinese crimes against Uighur. Muslims must be united against this criminal behaviour against defenceless Muslims.:angry:
begali boy got butthurt because his master got gang raped by PLAN, and his shitty navy being our dump yard...LMAO...
Uigurs??? Excuse me, my advice to you bumpkins, save yourselves first to feed your stomach... And don't let your 'Uigur brothers' laugh at you bumpkins... LMAO...
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You are just another enemy of Islam and Pakistan.
I am politically neutral (although personally hostile) to the first because although I personally believe Islam to be a retrograde and backward ideology (along with the rest of its Abrahamic kin), I believe that over time China can come to control and exploit it - first within its borders and then beyond. One should never reject an instrument of control and exploitation.

I am very friendly to Pakistan. I am sad to see the state Pakistan is in (if I felt less censored here I might discuss Islam's role in getting Pakistan to that state, but as things stand...) and hope China can help it grow out of that state. I want to see Pakistan develop into a strong, prosperous, secular-nationalist country.

I have reported you to mods for bringing Islam to into this thread and insulting Islamic concepts like Ummah, taqwa, jihad, and Khilfat.
Your very existence insults concepts like nationalism, patriotism, government, and state.

I can understand Turk apprehensions on this matter as they view Uyghur East Turkestan as their integral part along with the rest of Turan/Turkestan. They also have historical rivalries with China, like for example in the time of Kurşat. China should understand and allay the concerns.
Of course you understand Turkish apprehensions - a perfectly conditioned slave feels his master's pain even before the master himself feels it. What exquisite empathy you have; I only wish you could have it for the country you claim to be from. What you seem incapable of understanding is that - by your own admission - Turkey has designs on Chinese territory. Understand that that is casus belli sufficient for China to end Turkey's existence as a state. China should help Kurds carve up Turkey like a... turkey. :)

As for China "allaying" Turkey's concerns, here's a confidence-building measure
I don't know about you, but I sure feel my concerns allayed and confidence built.

Arabs, esp Muslim Brotherhood USA and the rest of Levant MB, are functioning as CIA assets and trying to spread disinformation among their people and at the same time trying to marginalize Pakistanis, who are pro-Chinese.
Ah, the old "those evil kafir governments are conspiring against Islam!" Of course they're conspiring against you - you're conspiring against them!

You are neither the target of economic, proxy warfare from US, nor do you have to field a standing army on your border with India. You do not border Afghanistan nor Iran. Your people did not have to pay the corruption of 3 of the richest and most treacherous previous government which Pakistan had to.
What is this fitna between @UKBengali and @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan, aren't you brothers in the ummah?:astagh:
I love how Muslims claim to have close bonds that transcend borders and languages - when the historical reality is that the moment Mohammed died the ummah fell into civil war

Next step is for BD government to start raising this issue with the Chinese government.
If the BD government raises the issue, the Chinese government raises the interest rates. You've been crowing about the strength of the Bangladeshi economy, so surely it can afford higher interest rates. You want to talk about Uighurs, it's going to cost you. :azn:

China cannot charge more than 2-3% as BD government has said no to anymore and rather not take the loans then.
Since only 10% of BD infrastructure projects are financed by China, no great loss to BD

Anyway you think China will risk the loss of BD trade(economic and military) if BD starts rebuking China over Uighur?
Ignore him.He is the Riyad of Pakistani posters for China.Might be mentally-handicapped as well.Ignore his trash posts & verbal diarrhea.Besides, he doesn't really care for any unity between Muslims so you'll probably never get through him no matter how much logic you throw at him.

@waz @Dubious @The Eagle @WAJsal @Horus @Irfan Baloch

Read the following personal insults above. I don't want to respond as I will get banned. This troll posts loads of anti-Pakistani posts and abuses Pakistan yet is allowed to stay on this forum. Please deal with this creature.
Can we all leave the personal insults please, and as for people tagging me earlier, I’ve checked the thread and found nothing out of the usual.
Members are advised to exercise civility and manners while having a discussion. Subjects as such warrants an intellectual capacity that we all can practice merely by little efforts. Personal attacks are worst kind of way of debate and has been done only by the party that lost arguments based upon knowledge and information. Just don't force staff/us to enforce bans or warnings.


China cannot charge more than 2-3% as BD government has said no to anymore and rather not take the loans then.
Since only 10% of BD infrastructure projects are financed by China, no great loss to BD

Anyway you think China will risk the loss of BD trade(economic and military) if BD starts rebuking China over Uighur?
BD trade...:rofl::rofl::rofl: ....You think way way too much of yourself... LMAO....
Pakistan has far more natural resources than BD - more arable land and massive hydroelectric resources. This is just not being utilised as well as it could be.

There is a lot of potential in Pakistan, what is missing is political will and security from enemies.

BD may be much behind China but economy is growing at sustained 8% a year and all independent forecasters think it will pretty much stay this way till 2030 at least.

BD is doing well and I for one am glad for that. I wish the best for brother BD people.

Pakistan & Bangladesh face different challenges. Comparing our economies are like comparing apples & oranges.
Let us not argue with ourselves just because of what a Chinese pulls out from his rear.He's doing it to distract ourselves from discussing their atrocities in Xinjiang & to derail the thread by bringing up Pakistan & Bangladesh so that we take shots at each other instead of focusing on Xinjiang. Don't fall into his trap.

There was no one pushing me to ask those questions, @Kai Liu is innocent.

I asked brother @UKBengali those questions just because I don't agree how some posters compare Pakistan to other countries.

BD posters are in universal condemnation of China.
Chinese know that they are no longer liked by BD'shis.
Next step is for BD government to start raising this issue with the Chinese government.

BD has no bone in this issue. BD should work on reducing its reliance to India, and increase cooperation with China and Pakistan.

The Chinese Pharaoh Xi Jinping has ordered Holy Quran to be edited among other religious books.

No one can change the Quran, Allah swt has protected it. Anyone can try, they will fail. Many have tried.

@waz @Dubious @The Eagle @Horus @WAJsal @Irfan Baloch

Notice how bangladeshis on PDF are always spreading anti-Chinese propaganda. These SAME bangladeshis NEVER EVER condemn indian oppression against Muslim Kashmiris. They in fact are supporters of india. The bangladeshis here are trying to give PDF a bad name in front of our allies.

Good point.

@waz @Dubious @The Eagle @WAJsal @Horus @Irfan Baloch

Read the following personal insults above. I don't want to respond as I will get banned. This troll posts loads of anti-Pakistani posts and abuses Pakistan yet is allowed to stay on this forum. Please deal with this creature.

He was doing the same to me. He is trying to suppress the voice of Pakistanis on this issue. Pro-China Pro-Uyghur Pakistanis like us need to give our voices on this issue.
No one can change the Quran, Allah swt has protected it. Anyone can try, they will fail. Many have tried.

Not many have tried, what are you talking about? . This Pharaoh is the only person in history i know who has the audacity to try it. I think i am insulting Pharaoh by calling him that, he's worst than Pharaoh. He's pure evil.

What's your point? You didn't tell me something i or any Muslim already doesn't know. Neither did i need any consolation about it from you nor is any Muslim afraid of Holy Quran being changed.

Are you saying what China is doing is fine because Allah has promised protection of Holy Quran?
Not many have tried, what are you talking about? . This Pharaoh is the only person in history i know who has the audacity to try it. I think i am insulting Pharaoh by calling him that, he's worst than Pharaoh. He's pure evil.

What's your point? You didn't tell me something i or any Muslim already doesn't know. Neither did i need any consolation about it from you nor is any Muslim afraid of Holy Quran being changed.

Are you saying what China is doing is fine because Allah has promised protection of Holy Quran?

Firaun was the worst tyrant who had ever lived, there is no one as bad as him before or after. Quran mentions him as such. So evil was he, even his shahdat at his death was not accepted. His body was preserved until 1990s for us to see as a warning for the coming Yawm ul Akhir (Last Day.)

Quran gives an open challenge to all to try to produce something like the Quran. If they want to do that, they are responsible for their own sins and Allah swt will directly punish them.

We should be like Abdul Mutallib, when Abraha's army came to destroy the Kaaba. He only asked for his herd of camels back, and when Abraha asked him about the Kaaba, he said "I am the owner of these camels and responsible for them, the Kaaba has an owner and He is responsible for it."
Firaun was the worst tyrant who had ever lived, there is no one as bad as him before or after. Quran mentions him as such. So evil was he, even his shahdat at his death was not accepted. His body was preserved until 1990s for us to see as a warning for the coming Yawm ul Akhir (Last Day.)

Quran gives an open challenge to all to try to produce something like the Quran. If they want to do that, they are responsible for their own sins and Allah swt will directly punish them.

We should be like Abdul Mutallib, when Abraha's army came to destroy the Kaaba. He only asked for his herd of camels back, and when Abraha asked him about the Kaaba, he said "I am the owner of these camels and responsible for them, the Kaaba has an owner and He is responsible for it."

acha yaar, don't turn this forum into a theology course. What does this forum serve to do anyway? Update us the current situation of the Uyghurs, or just debate about a situation that we as Pakistanis cannot stop.
We should be like Abdul Mutallib,

Is that something Islam teaches us to do or is it your understanding of Islam?

Islam is very clear what we should do when we see wrong. Do you want me to quote you Holy Quran and ahadith that clearly mentions the opposite of what you are preaching?
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