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ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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    Votes: 64 53.8%
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    Votes: 55 46.2%

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Since you're so enamoured with Turkey and you think they're so developed and advanced and all that stuff, you should be able to answer this simple question: how many nanometers? How small can Turkey make its chips with its indigenous technology? I'll give you the answer for China: 14nm in volume production, 12nm in risk production. It can design chips smaller than that, but that's what it can make for itself. How many nanometers for Turkey?

Turkey has not made the investments in microprocessors that it had in the defence tech areas.
It will all come in due course.
Turkey has not made the investments in microprocessors that it had in the defence tech areas.
So what's it making all those "indigenous" radars and military electronics with? :what:
Whose chips?
If I bothered to go and look, am I going to find America like with the engines? :azn:

It will all come in due course.
Of course, of course, within 5 years. :lol:
but they know full well that without China they're just going to be a part of Akhand Bharat.
Frankly that is only possible if you get British to come back again. Conquer the sub-continent and then appoint the Queen as the Empress of 'Akhand Bharat' dressed as the British Raj. Would you be okay with that?

30'000 US dollar per capita PPP is developed.
A developed country of 80 million people has the industrial technology to make tank and helicopter engines.
Hey even Japan has fifth gen fighter prototype engine now ready and they came from just 50kn engine.
Nobody used PPP to claim to be developed. Standard is the used GDP of USD20000 per capital and above as gauge.

Japan is a 4 trillion economy and turkey is no where it's level. Japan is a leader in many CNC ,shipbuilding and biotech while turkey beside kebab. I have not known any area in technology where turkey can be claim as leading. Please bring facts and rather than your own personal reason in here. I am asking for facts and not your reasoning.
Pakistan: China, please dont clarify what you're doing in Xinjiang
China: f*ck off.
Pakistan: Thank you for clarification

I think you miss the OP, Its about Indonesia not Pakistan .

Turkey is a smart nation. They use the narrative based on their benefits. They use secularism to befriend of Nato and West, and Islamist card to club all the Muslim nations who are looking for leaders. It is not the fault of Turkey that they are smart rather it is the mistake of nations who do not calibrate their foreign strategy based on realism.

See the hypocrisy of BD and Pakistan. In the time of crisis for Pakistan, there are only 3 people who stood up with IK. One is Gulf nation, IMF and China. Where was Turkey at that crucial juncture for Pakistan? And again, Turkey is quite a rich country too. They could have easily afforded to invest and provide loans with less restricted terms to Pakistan. Who stopped them to provide a helping hand to Pakistan?

This thread is not about Pakistan ...

@Starlord @Indus Pakistan ....At least, we, as an enemy fairs better in this respect while discussing about your issue.s

This is not the right thread to discuss it, that guy is overly emotional and childish to say the least .. No country is above the critique , so China also gets their fair share .. What i am failing to understand here, Why some members are so hell bent on bringing Pakistan into a Thread which is about Indonesia asking some clarification from China ? What does it has to do with us ? Indonesia is independent country , not part of some unified Caliphate or something . Whatever some Muslim countries are doing is in their individual capacity .

@waz brother take a look at this thread, I think a fair warning is due to some members who are going off topic .
This utter farce, i more prefer for Indonesia to keep laying low, not meddle other country business and keep build their economy, military and diplomatic fronts without that you just make a clown for yourselves. This world is being ruled by the one who got bigger military, economy and cultural power to backing their rules. No one give a **** against America as they bombed Iraq, Afghanistan into middle ages again or no one give a **** when Saudi killing orphans in Yemen, thats how far the world is working. You want to voice your interest, just backing them up with your muscle and wallet
talking about Indonesia's own problems is a fallacy to distract from CHina's problems. AS of now, we are focused on the Uighurs your country is abusing, so pls dont use "2 wrongs make a right" logic because its faulty. You didnt disagree with my point that Indonesia isnt as afraid of China, so i think u agree with me on that. cheers.
Why not u say that to Indonesian.. it's not about 2 wrong. But one need to question is intention for such inquiry. A person itself is never just ,is never qualify to lecture others no matter what. It just make your stand and inquiry invalid. Is Indonesian really care about those uyghur or just making use of them to achieve political cheap shot? If is really care, then why double standard on its own citizen? Is it becos most west Papua are Christian and non indo and they do not deserve to be treated with respect?

What kind of verdict can Indonesian give on China when they themselves are abuser too? Will their verdict be just and no biased?

You have not answer many of my inquiry and I know you have no answer for it. So stick to your own problem until u prove your real just. I treat any of this inquiry with a punch of salt. And if others meddle into your own business. I hope you don't use double standard and claim others can't while I can, becos I feel more superior. Is this what u are trying to tell?
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Indonesia: We will not meddle in China's Uighur debate
akarta / Mon, December 23, 2019 / 06:21 pm

Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko told reporters Monday that the government would not be poking its nose in another country’s business

“Every country has the sovereign right to manage its own citizens, so the Indonesian government will not meddle in the internal affairs of China,” Moeldoko said at his office in Jakarta

Indonesia: We will not meddle in China's Uighur debate
akarta / Mon, December 23, 2019 / 06:21 pm

Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko told reporters Monday that the government would not be poking its nose in another country’s business

“Every country has the sovereign right to manage its own citizens, so the Indonesian government will not meddle in the internal affairs of China,” Moeldoko said at his office in Jakarta

I hope their foreign minister will not raise the issue with China again. This is the last time and mind your Irian Jaya riot first. @Indos

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Why is that when there's a news of a Muslim majority country taking any foreign action remotely Muslim related you guys immediately start saying that country should be the leader of the Muslim world ?
I have seen that many times on here. Some will claim Turkey/erdogan should be the leader of Muslim world if he says anything regarding Muslims , some will claim Egypt should be the leader if there's a similar case, same with Iran if they said/did anything remotely similar , others will say Pakistan , others Saudi arabia , others Malaysia etc etc for various reasons .

So who is going to/should be the leader then? :undecided:
well said :D
I hope their foreign minister will not raise the issue with China again. This is the last time and mind your Irian Jaya riot first. @Indos


Well, we will see whether your wish will come true since asking China about Uigyur for time to time look like has become one of our foreign policy objective. Actually, this administration is under a leadership of Jokowi who comes from Secular Nationalist party (PDI-P) but regardless of that, he still raise this issue directly into Chinese foreign minister. This show how Muslim issue is difficult to be separated from Indonesia foreign affair and show the influence of Muslim organizations like Muhammadiyah and MUI in any Indonesian administration.

2024 Presidential election could be won by a coalition of Islamist and Nationalist Religious parties just like happen since 2004 until 2014. If that is the case more firm stand will possibly made on Uigyur issue by our foreign affairs office.

This comes from Foreign Affair official statement:

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Foreign Ministry continues to seek clarification from the Chinese government about the latest developments in Xinjiang region related to the alleged discrimination and persecution of the Uighur Muslim ethnic group. "Indonesia has made and will always make approaches with the Chinese government through bilateral communication to discuss the Xinjiang issue," spokesman for the Foreign Ministry Teuku Faizasyah said in Jakarta Friday,

"So from time to time, we conduct communication. This shows how serious we are to see development in the field," he said.

Well, we will see whether your wish will come true since asking China about Uigyur for time to time look like has become one of our foreign policy objective. Actually, this administration is under a leadership of Jokowi who comes from Secular Nationalist party (PDI-P) but regardless of that, he still raise this issue directly into Chinese foreign minister. This show how Muslim issue is difficult to be separated from Indonesia foreign affair and show the influence of Muslim organizations like Muhammadiyah and MUI in any Indonesian administration.

2024 Presidential election could be won by a coalition of Islamist and Nationalist Religious parties just like happen since 2004 until 2014. If that is the case more firm stand will possibly made on Uigyur issue by our foreign affairs office.

This comes from Foreign Affair official statement:

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Foreign Ministry continues to seek clarification from the Chinese government about the latest developments in Xinjiang region related to the alleged discrimination and persecution of the Uighur Muslim ethnic group. "Indonesia has made and will always make approaches with the Chinese government through bilateral communication to discuss the Xinjiang issue," spokesman for the Foreign Ministry Teuku Faizasyah said in Jakarta Friday,

"So from time to time, we conduct communication. This shows how serious we are to see development in the field," he said.

Sure, this looks more like symbolic move rather than any real inquiry. The Indonesian government never once claim they are unsatisfied with reply from Chinese counterpart. They know they are in no position to criticize China in xinjiang issue.

Indonesia is having a hard timing battling separatist in West Papua. They will definitely support all measures by Chinese in xinjiang.

Indonesia seeks clarification on latest situation in Xinjiang
20th December 2019

"So from time to time, we conduct communication. This shows how serious we are to see development in the field"

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Foreign Ministry continues to seek clarification from the Chinese government about the latest developments in Xinjiang region related to the alleged discrimination and persecution of the Uighur Muslim ethnic group. "Indonesia has made and will always make approaches with the Chinese government through bilateral communication to discuss the Xinjiang issue," spokesman for the Foreign Ministry Teuku Faizasyah said in Jakarta Friday,

"So from time to time, we conduct communication. This shows how serious we are to see development in the field," he said.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi also touched on the Xinjiang issue during a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on the sidelines of the 14th Asia-Europe Ministerial Meeting held in Madrid, Spain, on Monday, December 18.

At the meeting, Retno asked Wang Yi to clarify the latest situation in Xinjiang. Wang Yi said China guarantees freedom of religion for Muslims in Xinjiang.

Earlier in the day, Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) Secretary General Anwar Abbas urged the ongoing Kuala Lumpur (KL) Summit to take a firm, stern stance against China to optimally fight the repression of the Uighur ethnic group in Xinjiang.

"The MUI calls on participants of the summit of Islamic countries in Kuala Lumpur or the KL Summit to take a firm and firm stance against the Chinese government," Abbas noted in a written statement released Friday.

Muslims across the world vehemently oppose China's mistreatment of Uighur Muslims, he stated.

The Chinese government has blatantly violated the human rights of Uighur Muslims, including preventing them from offering religious services under their religion and belief, he remarked.

"We realize that as a state, China has the right to govern them. However, they must not suppress the human rights of their people, especially the fundamental rights of Muslims there," he said.

He urged the Chinese government to end the violence against Uighur Muslims with immediate effect. The ethnic minority in China should be allowed to exercise their religious rights and follow their religious teachings properly.

In the absence of this, the world will be dragged into new local and global tensions, he cautioned.

"People in each country, especially Muslim nations, including Indonesia, will appeal to their government to take a firm stand against the Chinese government. Thus, it will have a detrimental impact on the development they are conducting," he added.

Reporter: Yashinta Difa/Suharto
Editor: Gusti Nur Cahya Aryani


Mind your own fucking business, once we dealt with the orange orangutan in the white house, we need pay back the fucking Turks and Indonesians by donating free weapons and money to Kurds and some other rebellions

And fucking hypocrites too, why don't you raise Kashmire issues to Modi? where are you voice when Iraq were bombed into pieces with WMD lies?
Indonesia Is Not Silent On Uighur: Foreign Minister

DECEMBER 27, 2019

Muslim protesters stage a rally to protest against alleged oppression on China's Uighur Muslim communities in front of the Central Sulawesi's legislative council building in Palu, Central Sulawesi on Dec. 13, 2019. (Antara Photo/Basri Marzuki)

Jakarta. Indonesia has been actively communicating with China on Uighur issues to raise concern about freedom of religion among the Muslim-majority ethnic group in China's westernmost Xinjiang province, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said on Friday.

The Indonesian government and moderate Islamic groups like Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah have been in the spotlights in the past weeks for their perceived silence over alleged persecution against the Uighur ethnic group.

Retno said she met with her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi on Dec. 16 and Chinese Ambassador for Indonesia Xiao Qian on Monday.

“We have been communicating continuously with the Chinese government to express and request information regarding the situation,” Retno said after attending a meeting at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs’ compound in Central Jakarta.

She said Indonesia is actively engaging diplomatic measures on the issue.

“We had a pretty long talk with the [Chinese] foreign minister, and we stressed about the importance of freedom of religion. So, it’s not true that we are not doing anything, check our social media record,” Retno said.

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