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An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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    Votes: 64 53.8%
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    Votes: 55 46.2%

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You're welcome, I've never denied it. I wholeheartedly support this policy and have done so ever since I've become aware of it. Some cultures are superior to others, and the superior will replace the inferior; it's as simple as that. If you have any human feeling for the Uighurs, pray that this "cultural genocide" succeeds for their sake, because if it doesn't then China will take the "cultural" out.

You have helped as it would have opened the eyes of those Chinese fanboys who think this is not happening

China will remake the Islam within its borders. Besides, Islam is the West's best friend and will soon be China's as well. Think about it, a billion and a half people share a common history and language. If they ever got their act together they'd have some real weight in the world. Thankfully, Islam is the most retrograde ideology ever devised - its adherents will never rise out of the gutter they're in.

Please do not get arrogant as China was nowhere 20 years ago.

Forget the Arabs as they are hopeless but a lot of Muslim countries like Turkey, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia and even BD are starting to make real progress economically and technologically. It will take another decade before the countries have the economic and technological strength but come it will.

Already a core group of a Muslim alliance is coming up with Turkey, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia with Pakistan and BD also invited. Pakistan and BD are only beholden to the Gulf Arabs and so they cannot join but once they are no longer needed then they will jump in to join this group.

China is already looked on with grave suspicion by Muslims as regards Rohingya and Uighur and so keep carrying on to make sure you stay isolated and friendless in this world of alliances. Without friends you will never reach a fraction of your full economic potential.
Please do not get arrogant as China was nowhere 20 years ago.
That just makes my point. China's rise has been the greatest economic transformation in human history. One of many reasons for this is that China is free of the Abrahamic filth. You were nowhere 20 years ago, and you'll be nowhere 20, 200, and 2000 years from now.

It will take another decade before the countries have the economic and technological strength but come it will.
Take a thousand years, you'll still be where you are now. One of the Chinese "fanboys" already posted the horrific videos from Dhaka, I needn't comment further.

Without friends you will never reach a fraction of your full economic potential.
How many friends do you Muslims have?
That just makes my point. China's rise has been the greatest economic transformation in human history. One of many reasons for this is that China is free of the Abrahamic filth. You were nowhere 20 years ago, and you'll be nowhere 20, 200, and 2000 years from now.

Yeah and that is why even Pakistan rejected Chinese attack helicopter and brought Turkish instead.
BD has also placed an order for 18 Turkish T-300B MLRS units with range of 120km and considering the 300km range T-300A.

In 10 years Turkey will be able to supply the Muslim world with virtually all civilian and military tech. China will be out of business in those two areas for lots of Muslim countries.

Take a thousand years, you'll still be where you are now. One of the Chinese "fanboys" already posted the horrific videos from Dhaka, I needn't comment further.

BD is growing 8% a year and expected to stay at least 7% till 2030. Do the math at how quickly BD is progressing just like China managed from 2000 till now.

Dhaka is having massive infrastructure investments and slums are being torn down and replaced with flats at breakneck speeds.

How many friends do you Muslims have?

Many more than China it seems.
Yeah and that is why even Pakistan rejected Chinese attack helicopter and brought Turkish instead.
BD has also placed an order for 18 Turkish T-300B MLRS units with range of 120km and considering the 300km range T-300A.
Turkish, is it? No, Pakistan bought NATO helicopters through the backdoor. A Turk couldn't rub two sticks together to make fire without a European sitting beside him showing him how. Now that would-be caliph Erdogan sh*t all over his relationship with Europe, those ties with NATO are looking real questionable. He already got his country booted from the F-35 program (no backdoor stealth technology for your fantasy neo-Ottoman caliphate :cray:) and I'm sure further "triumphs" await.

As for Chinese technology, I do not exaggerate when I say it makes leaps and breakthroughs by the month. I see you at the Chinese defence section occasionally, so you know exactly what I'm talking about. The helicopters Pakistan evaluated were one thing, these
are quite another.

Oh, and guess who Pakistan is going to cooperate with on its project Azm stealth fighter. Turkey? No, Turkey has no stealth fighters. But guess who does...:azn:

If your fantasy new Organization of Islamic Countries ever gets off the ground, guess who's going to be China's man on the inside.

In 10 years Turkey will be able to supply the Muslim world with virtually all civilian and military tech. China will be out of business in those two areas for lots of Muslim countries.
In 10 years Turkey's going to be booted out of NATO and your conduit to Western technology is going to be cut off. Let's see if Turkey still has electricity then.

Many more than China it seems.
Let me answer that question for you: 0. None whatsoever. Pakistan - if it leaves this ummah nonsense behind and embraces nationalism - will have a strong and sure friend in China. Take a lesson from it.
Just be a realist, one doesnt need clarification when you got bigger fist and a thick wallet
Turkish, is it? No, Pakistan bought NATO helicopters through the backdoor. A Turk couldn't rub two sticks together to make fire without a European sitting beside him showing him how. Now that would-be caliph Erdogan sh*t all over his relationship with Europe, those ties with NATO are looking real questionable. He already got his country booted from the F-35 program (no backdoor stealth technology for your fantasy neo-Ottoman caliphate :cray:) and I'm sure further "triumphs" await.

Nope it is all Turkish apart from the US engine - just based on Italian design though.

Uses Turkish radar, avionics and missiles.
Turkey can export to anyone apart from US and Italy and so that proves that the tech is Turkish

Guess what? Philippines is also going to take 10 helicopters for a total of 40 exported.
BD was looking to get Turkish T-129 but decided to go for US AH-64E.
Chinese Z-10 has exported precisely zero so far:lol:

Oh, and guess who Pakistan is going to cooperate with on its project Azm stealth fighter. Turkey? No, Turkey has no stealth fighters. But guess who does...:azn:

Turkey is building a 5th gen aircraft and it will be able to make everything apart from the engine for it. It is working with UK on this project.

Your J-20 uses a 4th generation WS-10B engine and so talk when it has WS-15 installed as it is not true 5th gen jet yet

In 10 years Turkey's going to be booted out of NATO and your conduit to Western technology is going to be cut off. Let's see if Turkey still has electricity then.

Turkey has learnt enough from the West and is making their own tech now.

They have a GDP per capita at PPP of 30,000 US dollars, far more than the 20,000 US dollars of China and so they are well developed with population of 80 million. They also are expected to grow 3-4% a year average and so should catch up with Western Europe by around 2030. You think a country of near 100 million people by 2030 with GDP per capita on the level of Western Europe is not going to be fully developed?

Of course Turkey will have a massive market for it's defence products in the Muslim world and they will sell billions of US dollars per year in the 2020s just to other Muslims. This large export market will help Turkey develop cutting-edge weapons systems for the use of all Muslim countries.

Let me answer that question for you: 0. None whatsoever. Pakistan - if it leaves this ummah nonsense behind and embraces nationalism - will have a strong and sure friend in China. Take a lesson from it.

In 10 years time, apart from the Arabs pretty much most of the Muslim world will be working as a common bloc for Muslim interests. China will be out there alone and even Pakistan will be keeping it's distance from you as it's population is Muslim and anti-atheist.

Pakistanis are far more hardcore Muslims than BD'shis FYI.
That is not the first attempt ;)

China responds to Indonesia’s question about alleged abuse of Xinjiang’s Muslims
  • Dian Septiari
    The Jakarta Post
Bandung / Thu, December 20, 2018 / 11:35 am
Men dance in front of the Id Kah Mosque after morning prayers on June 26, 2017 during Idul Fitri in the old town of Kashgar in China's Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region. (Agence France -Presse/Johannes Esielle)

China has responded to Indonesia’s question about alleged human rights abuse against Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang, saying that Beijing guaranteed the religious freedom of all of its citizens, including the Uighurs.

A Chinese Embassy spokesman in Jakarta said in a statement on Thursday that “China is a country with multiple ethnic groups and religions".

“As prescribed in the Constitution, all Chinese citizens enjoy the freedom of religious belief,” the statement said.

The statement said that the Chinese government was facing the threat of religious extremism in Xinjiang, which is home to about 14 million Muslims. Some Xinjiang residents, it said, had struggled to find jobs because of their poor command of the nation’s official language and lack of skills.

“This has made them vulnerable to the instigation and coercion of terrorism and extremism,” it said.

“In light of the situation, Xinjiang has established professional vocational training institutions as the platform, providing courses on China’s common language, legal knowledge, vocational skills, along with de-radicalization education for citizens influenced by extremist ideas.”

Previously, the Foreign Ministry said it had summoned Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia Xiao Qian on Monday to convey the concerns of Indonesian Muslims about the plight of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang.

“The Foreign Ministry stressed that in accordance with the universal declaration of human rights, religious freedom and belief are human rights and it is the responsibility of all countries to respect it,” ministry spokesperson Arrmanatha Nasir told reporters on the sidelines of the Diplofest event on Wednesday evening.

He said Xiao Qian conveyed China’s commitment to the protection of human rights. In addition, the ambassador said it was very important for the Indonesian public to know the condition of the Uighurs in Xinjiang, an autonomous region.

“Even though it is a domestic issue, the Foreign Ministry noted the embassy’s intention to expand communication with various civil society groups in order to convey information about the condition of the Uighur community.”

The summons of the Chinese ambassador came shortly after Indonesian Islamic groups demanded an explanation on the situation in Xinjiang.

Western countries have accused China of persecuting Uighurs through its “re-education centers”, which Beijing insisted were actually vocational and training centers that combat religious extremism.

The situation in Xinjiang was highlighted during China’s third United Nations Human Rights Council’s universal periodic review last month.

Human Rights Watch says Uighur people in particular are subject to intense surveillance and are made to give DNA and biometric samples.

Muhammadiyah chairman Haedar Nashir said if the reports were true, then China had violated universal human rights and his organization was ready to mobilize humanitarian and material support for peace in Xinjiang, especially for the Uighur community.

”The Chinese government’s inaction is feared to hurt diplomatic relations between Indonesia and China, and the good relations our people have had for centuries,” Haedar said as quoted by Antara on Wednesday.

Social media messages calling on Indonesians to take to the streets to defend Uighurs have been circulating online in the last few days.

On Monday, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) advisory council leader and former chairman of Muhammadiyah, Din Syamsuddin, said the alleged crackdown was an outright violation of basic human rights and demanded that the Indonesian government take firm action to advocate for the Uighur people.

Responding to the MUI’s call, Vice President Jusuf Kalla said Indonesia would not interfere in China’s handling of Uighur Muslims.

“Of course we reject or [want to] prevent any human rights violations. However, we don’t want to intervene in the domestic affairs of another country,” Kalla told journalists on Monday.

The Chinese Embassy’s spokesman said that, “China and Indonesia have always supported each other on issues concerning respective major interests.

“I believe after knowing the real situation in Xinjiang, our Indonesian friends would better understand and support the Chinese government's efforts to combat terrorism and extremism and to safeguard stability and security in Xinjiang,” he said.

May I know what issue? Indonesian raise an issue and China give a satisfactory answer. So happy ending for everybody...

Remember Irian Jaya riot recently? I hope you have not forgotten it so soon what cause it to happened...


Indigenous Papuans angered by decades of racism rallied in 30 cities across Indonesia, including Jakarta, this week, after video circulated of Indonesian militias racially abusing Papuan students. Rioting Papuans burned down a local parliament building in Manokwari and a prison in Sorong, West Papua province, on Monday, as video of the events spread. On Thursday the government shut down the internet in Papua.

The videos show Indonesian police detaining 43 Papuan students in Surabaya, Java Island, last Saturday, for allegedly failing to raise the Indonesian flag to celebrate Independence Day. Dozens of militia members and military officers surrounded the student dormitory, calling them “monkeys,” and police stormed the dorm, using teargas to arrest the students. Militia used similar racial slurs and harassment in Malang and Semarang in Java.

Papuan students have repeatedly been targets of intimidation by Islamist and nationalist groups as international advocacy for Papuan independence has escalated since the formation of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua in 2014.

Papuans have protested against discrimination and marginalization, including demographic change as a result of five decades of government-sponsored transmigration of Indonesian settlers to the provinces of Papua and West Papua.

While police released the students that night, the riots prompted Indonesian security forces to deploy hundreds of new troops into West Papua and Papua. In Fakfak, two Papuan men were critically wounded when Indonesian militias allegedly attacked their rally. On Thursday, Indonesia’s Ministry of Telecommunication “temporarily” shut down the internet “to accelerate government efforts to restore order.”

The Indonesian government has a responsibility to ensure security in West Papua and Papua and to respect the human rights of everyone, including protesters. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, who plans to visit Papua, should condemn racist remarks and actions, promote tolerance, and direct the police to impartially investigate abusive militias and officers.

Indonesian authorities should immediately restore access to the internet, which is vital for emergency communications and basic information in times of crisis. Papua is already isolated, with the government preventing foreign journalists from reporting freely. Officials should stop limiting information and allow people to peacefully express their views.


Look what trigger the riot. Shall China raise an inquiry to Indonesian for the all well being of locals there?
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BD has always paid it's loans back and will do so to China as well.
It has debt to GDP ratio less than 30% of GDP - far lower than most countries.

Why do you do business with Japan after what they did to you in WW2?
No apology either last time I heard.
They surrender defeat to China after defeat of WWII and we accepted. So what is the issue?


While you think there is so much grievances against China based on believe we mistreat Muslim. Why continue business?
Nope it is all Turkish apart from the US engine - just based on Italian design though.
In other words, the US can turn these "Turkish" helicopters into oversized paperweights if it restricts Turkey's access to its engines. Good luck with that. :)
Didn't take long, did it?

BD was looking to get Turkish T-129 but decided to go for US AH-64E.
*Tsk, tsk*, you had the chance to buy Muslim helicopters and you bought them from kuffar instead?:astagh:

Guess what? Philippines is also going to take 10 helicopters for a total of 40 exported.
Wow, the Philippines is all grown up and buying its own helicopters now. I'm so proud of them, they were on the dole just a moment ago
If China were as petty as I am, it would probably have told the Philippines to ditch those third-rate Turkish American helicopters and buy some serious monsters like the Z-10ME. What a beast of a chopper that is, 1200kW engines - a medium helicopter with engines almost as strong as early AH-64 heavy choppers. Beastmode!

Turkey is building a 5th gen aircraft and it will be able to make everything apart from the engine for it. It is working with UK on this project.
So instead of switching it off directly, the US can switch it off by remote control. Yeah, you really solved your problems there. :coffee:

Your J-20 uses a 4th generation WS-10B engine and so talk when it has WS-15 installed as it is not true 5th gen jet yet
You have nothing. More accurately, the Turks you want to rule over you have nothing. What happened to the white worship? Feeling a little bored of your current master and looking for a little excitement? A little Turkish delight? :azn:

You have no fighter, you have no stealth technology, you have no engine and you don't ever intend to have an engine. And somehow you can manage the nerve to badmouth a Chinese stealth fighter in service. Don't worry about the WS-15, it's in advanced testing now and will be in service long before your Turkish fantasies even get a millimetre off the ground.

Of course Turkey will have a massive market for it's defence products in the Muslim world and they will sell billions of US dollars per year in the 2020s just to other Muslims.
China's already doing that now. China's cornered the Middle Eastern drone market, and the UAE (the only serious Arab military) is using them on the reg to support Khalifa Haftar in Libya by blasting Turkey's terrorist b*tch-boys to kingdom come. The US is so mad about this it leaned on Jordan (failed Muslim state #4525) to ditch its Chinese drones - how underhanded.

But the proof of the pudding is in the eating. The UAE keeps buying the drones, and Saudi Arabia is opening a factory to make them
That sounds like a satisfied customer. Arabs were hopeless, but now that China's on the scene hope has come to the hopeless.

Just be a realist, one doesnt need clarification when you got bigger fist and a thick wallet
Exactly so. That's what it means to be a winner in life - a big fist and a thick wallet. I couldn't have put it better, thank you for that.
That just makes my point. China's rise has been the greatest economic transformation in human history. One of many reasons for this is that China is free of the Abrahamic filth. You were nowhere 20 years ago, and you'll be nowhere 20, 200, and 2000 years from now.

Take a thousand years, you'll still be where you are now. One of the Chinese "fanboys" already posted the horrific videos from Dhaka, I needn't comment further.

How many friends do you Muslims have?

Your arrogance is only tolerated in this forum because you are Chines.
LOL.. Indian try talking righteous and muslim to Chinese. How ironic.

Yeh, it is very ironic the way China and relationship of muslim world works.
Pakistan and BD are the best buddies for you in PDF that they do not give any chance to any one counter you guys propaganda in PDF. How ironic is that same Chines poster is blasting about their religion and no one from BD and Pakistan poster even dare to counter you. For me , this is so ironic to see it.
In other words, the US can turn these "Turkish" helicopters into oversized paperweights if it restricts Turkey's access to its engines. Good luck with that. :)
Didn't take long, did it?

*Tsk, tsk*, you had the chance to buy Muslim helicopters and you bought them from kuffar instead?:astagh:

Wow, the Philippines is all grown up and buying its own helicopters now. I'm so proud of them, they were on the dole just a moment ago
If China were as petty as I am, it would probably have told the Philippines to ditch those third-rate Turkish American helicopters and buy some serious monsters like the Z-10ME. What a beast of a chopper that is, 1200kW engines - a medium helicopter with engines almost as strong as early AH-64 heavy choppers. Beastmode!

So instead of switching it off directly, the US can switch it off by remote control. Yeah, you really solved your problems there. :coffee:

You have nothing. More accurately, the Turks you want to rule over you have nothing. What happened to the white worship? Feeling a little bored of your current master and looking for a little excitement? A little Turkish delight? :azn:

You have no fighter, you have no stealth technology, you have no engine and you don't ever intend to have an engine. And somehow you can manage the nerve to badmouth a Chinese stealth fighter in service. Don't worry about the WS-15, it's in advanced testing now and will be in service long before your Turkish fantasies even get a millimetre off the ground.

China's already doing that now. China's cornered the Middle Eastern drone market, and the UAE (the only serious Arab military) is using them on the reg to support Khalifa Haftar in Libya by blasting Turkey's terrorist b*tch-boys to kingdom come. The US is so mad about this it leaned on Jordan (failed Muslim state #4525) to ditch its Chinese drones - how underhanded.

But the proof of the pudding is in the eating. The UAE keeps buying the drones, and Saudi Arabia is opening a factory to make them
That sounds like a satisfied customer. Arabs were hopeless, but now that China's on the scene hope has come to the hopeless.

Exactly so. That's what it means to be a winner in life - a big fist and a thick wallet. I couldn't have put it better, thank you for that.
You raise an interesting topic.. Bangladesh recently buys Chinese VT-5 tank instead of Turkish Kaplan.


Chinese VT-5 use domestic engine vs Kaplan using American caterpillar engine. I am sure Bangladesh is concern about Turkish tank is not sanction proof.
Your arrogance is only tolerated in this forum because you are Chines.
I'm so pleased with what the Chinese team is trying here. They prove lots of things about their arrogance (the most fun part here) discourse and psychology of oppression that tries to teach something with all its ignorance which are we can't convince Pakistanis if we try for months.
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