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My respect for Indonesia grows day by day.Hope to see it claim a leadership position of the Muslim world in the future.
Why is that when there's a news of a Muslim majority country taking any foreign action remotely Muslim related you guys immediately start saying that country should be the leader of the Muslim world ?
I have seen that many times on here. Some will claim Turkey/erdogan should be the leader of Muslim world if he says anything regarding Muslims , some will claim Egypt should be the leader if there's a similar case, same with Iran if they said/did anything remotely similar , others will say Pakistan , others Saudi arabia , others Malaysia etc etc for various reasons .

So who is going to/should be the leader then? :undecided:
Pressure on China is going to get more intense.
^My reaction when an ant thinks it can pressure an elephant. Get real. As I said, you can blather as much as you want, you can think you're applying all kinds of pressure and declare victory even as you suffer defeat after crippling defeat - it's something Muslim countries specialize in. Israel sh*ts all over you, America sh*ts all over you, Europe sh*ts all over you, Russia sh*ts all over you; hell, even Myanmar sh*ts all over you. Your own rulers sh*t all over you because they know well exactly what kind of creatures you are.

China tried to treat you with respect, but you're incapable of reciprocating respect. What can I say, one can't expect a cockroach to become a butterfly. You are determined to provoke China into sh*tting all over you like everyone else. Be careful what you wish for, China (like the elephant I began this discussion with) can drop a deuce on you bigger than all the rest that got dumped on you put together.

These are loans that BD will pay back with interest(2-3% a year)
Even if you pay the money back (doubtful), it still makes you a wh*re. Why are you doing business with those who oppress Muslims? The money's too good, right?:omghaha:
Why is that when there's a news of a Muslim majority country taking any foreign action remotely Muslim related you guys immediately start saying that country should be the leader of the Muslim world ?
I have seen that many times on here. Some will claim Turkey/erdogan should be the leader of Muslim world if he says anything regarding Muslims , some will claim Egypt should be the leader if there's a similar case, same with Iran if they said/did anything remotely similar , others will say Pakistan , others Saudi arabia , others Malaysia etc etc for various reasons .

So who is going to/should be the leader then? :undecided:

Because there needs to be some leadership. Its been too long that the Gulf has effectively been arm twisted into paying protection money to the US and reneged on their historic leadership role. As the US has effectively become imbued with Evangelical zeal since George Bush era and thinks there is no opposition to it bombing the hell out of these countries.
So who is going to/should be the leader then? :undecided:
They've been fighting over that question amongst themselves for a hundred years since the Ottoman empire fell (in truth, they've been fighting over it for the 1400 years since their prophet died; the dissolution of their empire just took the lid off and exposed it to everyone). Maybe in another hundred years they'll get back to us with an answer.

Without a trace of irony I'll say that China should lead it. China has Muslims, therefore China should lead the Muslim world. It's as good a justification as any they have.

Even if you pay the money back (doubtful), it still makes you a wh*re. Why are you doing business with those who oppress Muslims? The money's too good, right?:omghaha:

BD has always paid it's loans back and will do so to China as well.
It has debt to GDP ratio less than 30% of GDP - far lower than most countries.

Why do you do business with Japan after what they did to you in WW2?
No apology either last time I heard.
Indonesia seeks clarification on latest situation in Xinjiang
20th December 2019

"So from time to time, we conduct communication. This shows how serious we are to see development in the field"

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Foreign Ministry continues to seek clarification from the Chinese government about the latest developments in Xinjiang region related to the alleged discrimination and persecution of the Uighur Muslim ethnic group. "Indonesia has made and will always make approaches with the Chinese government through bilateral communication to discuss the Xinjiang issue," spokesman for the Foreign Ministry Teuku Faizasyah said in Jakarta Friday,

"So from time to time, we conduct communication. This shows how serious we are to see development in the field," he said.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi also touched on the Xinjiang issue during a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on the sidelines of the 14th Asia-Europe Ministerial Meeting held in Madrid, Spain, on Monday, December 18.

At the meeting, Retno asked Wang Yi to clarify the latest situation in Xinjiang. Wang Yi said China guarantees freedom of religion for Muslims in Xinjiang.

Earlier in the day, Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) Secretary General Anwar Abbas urged the ongoing Kuala Lumpur (KL) Summit to take a firm, stern stance against China to optimally fight the repression of the Uighur ethnic group in Xinjiang.

"The MUI calls on participants of the summit of Islamic countries in Kuala Lumpur or the KL Summit to take a firm and firm stance against the Chinese government," Abbas noted in a written statement released Friday.

Muslims across the world vehemently oppose China's mistreatment of Uighur Muslims, he stated.

The Chinese government has blatantly violated the human rights of Uighur Muslims, including preventing them from offering religious services under their religion and belief, he remarked.

"We realize that as a state, China has the right to govern them. However, they must not suppress the human rights of their people, especially the fundamental rights of Muslims there," he said.

He urged the Chinese government to end the violence against Uighur Muslims with immediate effect. The ethnic minority in China should be allowed to exercise their religious rights and follow their religious teachings properly.

In the absence of this, the world will be dragged into new local and global tensions, he cautioned.

"People in each country, especially Muslim nations, including Indonesia, will appeal to their government to take a firm stand against the Chinese government. Thus, it will have a detrimental impact on the development they are conducting," he added.

Reporter: Yashinta Difa/Suharto
Editor: Gusti Nur Cahya Aryani

Thank you Indonesia

Why is that when there's a news of a Muslim majority country taking any foreign action remotely Muslim related you guys immediately start saying that country should be the leader of the Muslim world ?
I have seen that many times on here. Some will claim Turkey/erdogan should be the leader of Muslim world if he says anything regarding Muslims , some will claim Egypt should be the leader if there's a similar case, same with Iran if they said/did anything remotely similar , others will say Pakistan , others Saudi arabia , others Malaysia etc etc for various reasons .

So who is going to/should be the leader then? :undecided:
Dora the explorer
Why do you do business with Japan after what they did to you in WW2?
Cute dodge. Japan oppressed China, China is oppressing Muslims. What Japan did is in the past, what China is doing is an ongoing present. So, once again, why are you doing business with China?
Cute dodge. Japan oppressed China, China is oppressing Muslims. What Japan did is in the past, what China is doing is an ongoing present. So, once again, why are you doing business with China?

Still no apology and you do business with them.

China is desperate to do business with BD last time I saw.

It is the largest Foreign Direct Investor in BD and has also shown interest in the 17-18 billion US dollar 2nd nuclear power project.

Also, does China want in on BD's next-gen frigate programme that will be at least 8 ships(up to 2030) and maybe 16 up to 2040?

China is just as keen to do business with BD as the other way round.
Still no apology and you do business with them.

China is desperate to do business with BD last time I saw.

It is the largest Foreign Direct Investor in BD and has also shown interest in the 17-18 billion US dollar 2nd nuclear power project.

Also, does China want in on BD's next-gen frigate programme that will be at least 8 ships(up to 2030) and maybe 16 up to 2040?

China is just as keen to do business with BD as the other way round.
I should know better than to expect logic from you, but I'll try anyway. China isn't the one squawking about oppression, you are. China doesn't have a problem doing business with anyone. These are the premises:
1) China is oppressing a group of Muslims and aims to remake their cultural and religious identity.
2) Bangladesh is a Muslim country.
3) Muslims consider all other Muslims to be part of their extended family.
Given 1, 2, and 3, why is Bangladesh doing business with China? Why is any Muslim country doing business with China?
Don't bring up Japan. Don't regurgitate the obvious fact that China does business with X, Y, and Z. Answer the very simple question: why is Bangladesh doing business with China?
I should know better than to expect logic from you, but I'll try anyway. China isn't the one squawking about oppression, you are. China doesn't have a problem doing business with anyone. These are the premises:
1) China is oppressing a group of Muslims and aims to remake their cultural and religious identity.
2) Bangladesh is a Muslim country.
3) Muslims consider all other Muslims to be part of their extended family.
Given 1, 2, and 3, why is Bangladesh doing business with China? Why is any Muslim country doing business with China?
Don't bring up Japan. Don't regurgitate the obvious fact that China does business with X, Y, and Z. Answer the very simple question: why is Bangladesh doing business with China?

Same can be said about why China does business with USA.

China accuses USA of trying to sabotage it's rise(rightly so! lol) and still does business with it. When is China going to cut off all economic relations with USA?

In this world no nation is truly free to do business only with nations it freely chooses to and so we have to make do with the reality.
China accuses USA of trying to sabotage it's rise(rightly so! lol) and still does business with it. When is China going to cut off all economic relations with USA?
You have real difficulty sticking to the topic. I can turn your silly example on its head: the US accuses China of trying to take its place in the world (rightly so! lol) and still does business with it. When is America going to cut off all economic relations with China?

Not any time soon, apparently, since Trump (Mr. America First) is crying for a deal with China to save his political career and with it any chance he has of dying outside a prison cell.

In this world no nation is truly free to do business only with nations it freely chooses to and so we have to make do with the reality.
This is obviously the closest thing to a straight answer I'm going to get from you, so I'll work with it. Make do with reality, that's exactly it. Here's the reality: Xinjiang is a matter of China's sovereignty and territorial integrity - it doesn't get bigger than that. China is going to take Uighur culture, grind it into a powder, and then remake it into a Disneyfied parody. Nobody can stop this, it's as immutable as gravity. China will not tolerate its territory being used as a base for terrorism and separatist violence and subversion.

Let me tell you something else: pray to Allah every single day that this process works as quickly and painlessly as possible. Because if it doesn't, if China becomes convinced that the Uighurs are beyond redemption, then "Uighur" will be something that you know only through history books. Whenever you're chanting your silly slogans and doing your hashtag jihads on Twitter, pray quietly for China's success because you can be sure what the alternative will be.
This is obviously the closest thing to a straight answer I'm going to get from you, so I'll work with it. Make do with reality, that's exactly it. Here's the reality: Xinjiang is a matter of China's sovereignty and territorial integrity - it doesn't get bigger than that. China is going to take Uighur culture, grind it into a powder, and then remake it into a Disneyfied parody. Nobody can stop this, it's as immutable as gravity. China will not tolerate its territory being used as a base for terrorism and separatist violence and subversion.

Let me tell you something else: pray to Allah every single day that this process works as quickly and painlessly as possible. Because if it doesn't, if China becomes convinced that the Uighurs are beyond redemption, then "Uighur" will be something that you know only through history books. Whenever you're chanting your silly slogans and doing your hashtag jihads on Twitter, pray quietly for China's success because you can be sure what the alternative will be.

Thank you for admitting your ongoing efforts at cultural genocide against Uighur.

Like Russia failed to erase Islam, so you will too.
Thank you for admitting your ongoing efforts at cultural genocide against Uighur.
You're welcome, I've never denied it. I wholeheartedly support this policy and have done so ever since I've become aware of it. Some cultures are superior to others, and the superior will replace the inferior; it's as simple as that. If you have any human feeling for the Uighurs, pray that this "cultural genocide" succeeds for their sake, because if it doesn't then China will take the "cultural" out.

Like Russia failed to erase Islam, so you will too.
China will remake the Islam within its borders. Besides, Islam is the West's best friend and will soon be China's as well. Think about it, a billion and a half people share a common history and language. If they ever got their act together they'd have some real weight in the world. Thankfully, Islam is the most retrograde ideology ever devised - its adherents will never rise out of the gutter they're in.

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