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Featured Al-Sisi: Any Egyptian intervention in Libya has become legal

as per my thoughts its very very easy to enter in mess like afghanistan/somalia/yemen/libya/syria . but its then very very hard to get out of this mess . all those whom involved in this mess have problems . so its better to give intelligence free hands but stay away from fire .

I agree with a small modification - the happiest party is the one that can sell arms to all / any side of a conflict.
Saudi Arabia has gifted your country with $20 billion to get back on its feet..that is all I need to tell you..
So stop crying here.. or are you from those ISIS or something like that..because you don't seem genuine..

What is Turkey doing in an Arab state like Libya? not even mentioning Syria and Iraq and now it wants to get involved in Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.. Did you know that almost 500 million Arabs cherish their freedom and have a common Arab national security.. Even the US and NATO were involved in much of this..and they left..
Do you really think Turkey can stick around even if backed financially from tiny Qatar who is itself sanctioned by most Arabs?
These are Arab matters that can only be settled between Arabs.. no foreign intervention will do..

Your pan-Arabism blabber is nonsense in the age of independent statehoods. Libya is an independent state and is not subject to any of your "These are Arab matters that can only be settled between Arabs" bullshit. They have requested Turkish help. Now shut up with this nonsense.
I agree with a small modification - the happiest party is the one that can sell arms to all / any side of a conflict.
since last 50 years we are next door to fire and i think if it was not next to us we have far more better future . we have seen so many countries came and go in afghanistan nothing happen unless someone nuke it and full kill them all . there are no education heath civilization left in these countries . war is economy for them . if they go peaceful they will die with hunger . just think you are war lord countries paying you in dollars and arms and you sit in safe house your people fighting . what you will do if war end and there is peace ? in fact now peace did not suit these countries :D ask any afghan war lord he will say no to peace .
The most important things that came in the statement of the President of the Algerian Republic regarding the Libyan file today on the national channel:

- Algeria has not any greed in Libya, our goal is to stop the bloodshed. Algeria has lived in this situation before
- As he said, whoever dies is the Libyan, and the one who is destroyed is the Libyan. No matter how many people are killed or ruined in Libya in the end, there will be negotiations..So our goal is to shorten that distance
- He also said that the Libyan extension is in Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria and we welcome any decision by the sister Egypt to stop the Libyan bleeding...
- He also said that Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria have the right to support the Libyan people and to assist only the Libyans
- He also said that we want to stop Libyan bloodshed and establish a state and institutions, after which the Libyan people are free to establish their international relations, even if they are with any country. The goal is to stop the bloodshed.
- He also said that there are countries that have sent weapons to Libya, although they have signed on the outcomes of the Berlin meeting
- As he said, we have no problems with Haftar, nor with al-Sarraj, nor with the Libyan tribes. On the contrary, they have confidence in Algeria ...
- We do not care who rules, nor how international relations are
- The goal is to stop the fighting of the Libyans, to stop the bloody bleeding, and depleting the resources of the Libyans in a war between them, that can only increase the hostility between the Libyan families.
- He also said that when Algeria has stable borders, this makes us reduce armaments and money that goes to the national defense, we use it to improve social development and develop the local product.

Your pan-Arabism blabber is nonsense in the age of independent statehoods. Libya is an independent state and is not subject to any of your "These are Arab matters that can only be settled between Arabs" bullshit. They have requested Turkish help. Now shut up with this nonsense.
They who?
Turkey was involved since the beginning of this conflict in Libya.... just go cry on your state of affairs somewhere else..
Forgot the Arab Mujahedeen that came from all these Arab states to fight for you..it wasn't independent states then?.. use your brain .. if no heroin in it..
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Saudi Arabia has gifted your country with $20 billion to get back on its feet..that is all I need to tell you..
So stop crying here.. or are you from those ISIS or something like that..because you don't seem genuine..
OK, thanks for the 20 Billions but you won't get it back,all you're money is gone, and I am not ISIS ,as far as I am concerned you are ISIS , after all what's the difference between your false god MBS abu Minshar the PUB G gamer and lil wayne boyfan and the Isis guys ? Nothing at all, both are criminals, and I will again say it to piss you off because you know its true, and it is going to happen whether you like it or not, the Arab dictators will collapse soon ...and when they do I will be here :pop:
OK, thanks for the 20 Billions but you won't get it back,all you're money is gone, and I am not ISIS ,as far as I am concerned you are ISIS , after all what's the difference between your false god MBS abu Minshar the PUB G gamer and lil wayne boyfan and the Isis guys ? Nothing at all, both are criminals, and I will again say it to piss you off because you know its true, and it is going to happen whether you like it or not, the Arab dictators will collapse soon ...and when they do I will be here :pop:
Are you going to kill your king too ..Mohammed VI? HaHa
I know you are ISIS sympathiser.. don't try to hide that ugly face..
Jordan: Our security is Egypt's security and we will stand by it in the face of "any threat"

no way , our beloved king is a good man, he doesn't harm people, he doesn't send people with chainsaws to kill journalists in a foreign embassy, let me ask you again, where is the body of Jamal Khachoqji ?
Who knows? do you know?
So your king just got that money for you to bite the hand that has assisted you and call the Saudi Monarchy dictators.. what a Laeem..
Turkey is not threatening any Arab country nor it wants to . after LNA's defeat all other neighboring country need t help Libya comes to stability rather then crumbing for another anarchy.
Well, sorry to tell you..but Arabs know better about this hypocrisy..
Turkey is now considered a threat .. even a terrorist threat in the Arab world.. it has even sided with Iran in Iraq lately..while they are killing each other in Syria.. no more to say.. use your brain ..
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They who?
Turkey was involved since the beginning of this conflict in Libya.... just go cry on your state of affairs somewhere else..
Forgot the Arab Mujahedeen that came from all these Arab states to fight for you..it wasn't independent states then?.. use your brain .. if no heroin in it..

What are you blabbing about? You are making no sense and are failing to produce one coherent argument.
Jordan: Our security is Egypt's security and we will stand by it in the face of "any threat"
the Jordanian King is also a good man, but he just needs the GCC fusaqs money, so he is playing along, I am telling you ur PUB G gamer is a fool, gets milked left and right, but again the Jordanian people are educated and they are true Muslims, they are all against the Zionists and the Arab dictators running in their cercles
Who knows? do you know?
So your king just got that money for you to bite the hand that has assisted you and call the Saudi Monarchy dictators.. what a Laeem..
WTF dude, Basically, what ur saying is that, 45 million Moroccans are living of MBS's 20 billions Dollars donation, so we should kiss PUBG gamer's hand and keep our mouths shut on the atrocities committed against Jamal, the Egyptians, the Yemanis,the Syrians (UAE supports Bashar and u can't deny it), and now the Libyans !!
what a real Taghut ...
Turkiye to set up 2 big military Bases in Libya for Land Forces , Navy and Airforce


Turkish Forces/Military Bases = Turkish Republic of Nothen Cyprus , Albania , Iraq , Syria , Somali , Qatar and now Libya
Not gonna happen!

The most important things that came in the statement of the President of the Algerian Republic regarding the Libyan file today on the national channel:

- Algeria has not any greed in Libya, our goal is to stop the bloodshed. Algeria has lived in this situation before
- As he said, whoever dies is the Libyan, and the one who is destroyed is the Libyan. No matter how many people are killed or ruined in Libya in the end, there will be negotiations..So our goal is to shorten that distance
- He also said that the Libyan extension is in Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria and we welcome any decision by the sister Egypt to stop the Libyan bleeding...
- He also said that Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria have the right to support the Libyan people and to assist only the Libyans
- He also said that we want to stop Libyan bloodshed and establish a state and institutions, after which the Libyan people are free to establish their international relations, even if they are with any country. The goal is to stop the bloodshed.
- He also said that there are countries that have sent weapons to Libya, although they have signed on the outcomes of the Berlin meeting
- As he said, we have no problems with Haftar, nor with al-Sarraj, nor with the Libyan tribes. On the contrary, they have confidence in Algeria ...
- We do not care who rules, nor how international relations are
- The goal is to stop the fighting of the Libyans, to stop the bloody bleeding, and depleting the resources of the Libyans in a war between them, that can only increase the hostility between the Libyan families.
- He also said that when Algeria has stable borders, this makes us reduce armaments and money that goes to the national defense, we use it to improve social development and develop the local product.

They who?
Turkey was involved since the beginning of this conflict in Libya.... just go cry on your state of affairs somewhere else..
Forgot the Arab Mujahedeen that came from all these Arab states to fight for you..it wasn't independent states then?.. use your brain .. if no heroin in it..
If Egypt army crosses the Lybian border, you will be witnessing the real Algerian response...
Turkey does not have the purpose or plans to establish a detached military base in the territory of Libya.

Turkish military institutions works started with the request of the Libyan state; and only contain that providing military consultancy and technical support services. In addition, various joint training programs are planned for officer training of Libyan army and training of special operations units. (Like an example of Somalia)

It is also ironic that countries that already have military bases in Libya with billions dollar worth of equipment and mercenaries stacks, or countries threatening to INVADE Libya make these accusations about TR.

Turkish teams are currently busy cleaning land mines and booby traps for Libyan children laid by Egyptian and Russian soldiers.

Turkey have reached consensus on many African countries such as Algeria, Tunisia, Ethiopia and many others, about Libya's territorial integrity, civilian constitution and government, and deducting Wagner, Janjaweed or other thugs/terrorists/mercenary groups over the Libyan people.

Those who have no fear from democracy and the will of the Libyan people should not be afraid to return to the 2015 process.

However, those who cause military sieges, blockades and civilian massacres that have been carried out for more than 2 years around Tripoli, which constitutes 60% of Libyan population, are of course as afraid of this will of the people possibility as possible.

AND again:
why did you change the title? this show becoming more and more tragicomic. According to which UN decision or bilateral agreement, how military intervention can be legal? please show us

If this happens it will be a completely illegal intervention. Egypt do not have any border security agreement with the Libyan state. It threatens to occupy the borders of a legitimate and UN-recognized state under international law. This barbarity attempt can leads to a major fiasco for Egypt.

Algeria's and Tunisia's attitude and diplomatic language of theirs accommodatings which covering all the interlocutors of Libya issue, should be an example to Egypt.

The forum rules are clearly violated in this topic. Because the subject title contains a false expression. It aims to mislead the readers perception.

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