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Featured Al-Sisi: Any Egyptian intervention in Libya has become legal

Egyptian Army is fully prepared and on high alert. El-Sisi has warned Turkey for multiple times in his Speech.




Russian fighter jets still present on Libyan soil.


I can imagine Ethiopians celebrating and dancing

ERDOGAN spent over $60 billion for humanitarian aid to muslim Countries ( most of them are Arabs ) since 2012

on the other hand Egypt,S.Arabia,The Uae were allies with christian Greece,France,Russia and zionist Israel to make muslim countries including Libya as slaves to christian France,Russia and zionist Israel

ERDOGAN stop spendig tens of billions of dollars for Arabs and create great military power to kick all puppet dictators even at the same time

puppet dictator SISI is preparing to fight Turkiye since 2013 ...
5 pages of Egyptian bravado! Turkey has no forces in Lybia to speak of, just militia shipped from Syria and drones. These two main Turkish components sent Haftar reeling back to Benghazi. The late Sissi's speech is just a speech, he has no traction behind it..because the minute he crosses the Lybian border, he will be facing the most formidable force of the area.The same force with an unequaled experience to boot and thousand times stronger than the ones that forced Israel to sit with Egypt at the 101 km in 1973 .Let see Sissi if he is that foolish....to cross the border....
Even though the Egyptian army is incompetent as hell when fighting they god mad lining skills. Respect.
They are skills and skills...Egyptian army accumulated a lot of wares but has yet to improve her skills....You can watch the posted videos..they have none !
Indonesia always support Palestinian and quite hostile to Israel.
Indonesia always support Palestinian and quite hostile to Israel.

I understand and Indonesia did had a hostile behavior against Israel in the past, however things have been changing rapidly.
This news is still a bit old, but lets start from here;

Pakistan has no diplomatic ties with Israel and we never recognized Israel as a state or even a Country. Indonesia well renowned cleric meets Netanyahu creates lots of doubts in ones mind, lets not get into the deapth of it; have a look at the fresh news.


and there is a lot more than that; few things that off course are not on record.
How can you lie like that.. there were no Khalifa in times of the prophet or before him ..you are taking people for idiots..on this forum..
Are you even a Muslim and if so.. you seem pro.Iran or Ikhwani.. hating the rest of Sunna Muslims.. don't hide.
WTF is wrong with you ? it's me who should ask you that Question !! are you even a Muslim ?
You seem so desperate to Silence me, cast me out of Islam, label me as an Ikhwani (as if the ikhwans are not Muslims !!) or a pro-Iran, or any other labeling to make yourself feel at ease, you are blinded by hatred/Racism, and that's not Islam, Don't you realize that people deserve freedom, don't you realize that we are living the fitna of Duhayma, it's a faceoff between two camps amongst the muslims, every camp claims righteousness, the fight will keep on until the antichrist comes out, at the same time the tidings tell that the evil dictatorships (Al Mulk Al Jabri) will come and that they will collapse, Sisi/SA/UAE are putting all of their power to stop the second wave of the Arab spring, but they will fail, the civil war between Arab/Muslims has noting to do with race or nationality, it's beyond that, it's about freedom, the evil dictators(including Iran :agree:) will perish one by one and after that the new Islamic global state will unite all Muslims .
that's what going to happen, I know the future :agree:
Ethopia starting bombing Sudanese amfal military camps. A clear message to Sisi and Ethopia will open the dam next month and Sisi will fall into desperate situation in following days. Turkey, Algeria and Tunis will meet tomorrow. The real action will start in a short time. Turkey is waiting a dump move that Sisi will make in this complication ! Turkey is openly support Ethopia.

Ethopia starting bombing Sudanese amfal military camps. A clear message to Sisi and Ethopia will open the dam next month and Sisi will fall into desperate situation in following days. Turkey, Algeria and Tunis will meet tomorrow. The real action will start in a short time. Turkey is waiting a dump move that Sisi will make in this complication ! Turkey is openly support Ethopia.

still waiting ... :-)
Egypt can enter “legally” in Libya(the border region) under the pretext of self defence using article 51 but first they need to stage attack from Libya but they can’t go to Sirte Jufra and the oil crescent who are all located in the central region(500km+ far from Egypt)
If international community(read western hypocrites) allows such adventure then they shouldn’t be mad when China go after Taiwan or when Russia decides to occupy Kiev/baltic states

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