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Featured Al-Sisi: Any Egyptian intervention in Libya has become legal

Don't be dumb, Egypt could use C-130s to drop large bombs on the dam if need be. Ethiopian air force or air defense is non existent nor trained.

If Egypt can get its forces to Western Libya it can setup its S-300 layered with Buk and Tor for all around protection from missiles, drones, and aircraft while also using AWACS for detecting incoming threats for fighter vectoring for Egyptian aircraft. Then Egypt would have to destroy all airbases used by GNA making air power impossible for Turkey even using tankers with F-16s generating limited sorties. Turkey would have to rely on it's navy which without fighters would be of next to no help to GNA.

Abrams and YPRs operated with infantry would have no trouble at all getting through GNA's defenses even with GNA's ATGMs there would be some losses but as past conflicts showed you can't win wars with ATGMs alone. With an all around push from LNA, and Egyptian forces GNAs defenses would be spread so thin that they would eventually collapse.

(Either that or just bomb the shit out of everybody like Russians)
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Don't be dumb, Egypt could use C-130s to drop large bombs on the dam if need be. Ethiopian air force or air defense is non existent nor trained.
In terms of quality egyptian army is in the same league as ethiopian
Egypt has better airforce but the range is too much between these two countries they aren’t even neighbors which makes it even more difficult to explain before international community
The dam is built by chinese-another interesting factor
Let’s say they bomb it and then what???
Ethiopia will retaliate combined with economic sanctions for Egypt and what about Libya??
Ethiopia can quickly(4-5 years) rebuilt the dam while acquiring modern fighter jets...
There has not been a military coup in Egypt either.. The people of Egypt asked Sissi to run for elections, then elected him.. put that in your brain.. The Egyptians decide not the Turks ..
I am trying to laugh .....
There has not been a military coup in Egypt either.. The people of Egypt asked Sissi to run for elections, then elected him.. put that in your brain.. The Egyptians decide not the Turks ..

Are they dumb like that in the GCC?
In terms of quality egyptian army is in the same league as ethiopian

Even though the Egyptian army is incompetent as hell when fighting they god mad lining skills. Respect.
Look who is talking again..Is that heroin you are taking along with your army is that good on your brain!?

  1. If Egypt wants to move its force to West Libya, it will take at least a few days while moving over desert
  2. Turkey bloc has option to force Sirte, and Houn fronts before Egyptians can arrive in force
  3. Egypt will have to provide extensive air cover to the force on the move, this will require mobilisation of a big part of Egypts air force, and massive mobilisation/readiness improvement
  4. If Egypt air cover fails, Baraktar force, and ATGM technicals will have a walk in the park.
  5. Egypt may resort to just sending a big enough portion of their Western theatre force, that they have more tanks than Turks have missiles. Only if they have balls for that...
  6. Egypt has a lot of short to medium range air defence, thanks to lessons learned from Israel bombing their airforce to nothing a few times.
  7. Egypt has a quite decent multi-role airforce with relatively good reach, but no extensive aerial refueling, so they are airfield bound
  8. Israelis kept Egypt from acquiring decent ballistic missiles.
  9. Turkey has 100 Yildirims, not much, but they can launch a big enough barrage to penetrate Cairo missile defence. For a simple reason there are only 100 of them, don't expect much. Turkey may reserve them.
  10. Turkey has enough standoff air launched munitions though, and SEAD experience from NATO exercises. They will outrage best air defence Egypt has, and likely deplete Egyptians air defence munition stock enough to make them care
  11. Turkish navy, and Egypt navy is not an apples to apples comparison. Egypt is very defensive, lots, and lots of missile boats, mine-layers. Enough to make approaching its shores dangerous to any capital ship. They can try to mine Turkey, but they have no way to cover their mine layers. If they try mining, they are likely to loose both mine-layers, and its cover force. Turkey has naval experience from NATO exercises, and better capability in open ocean. They will be likely better equipped if Egypt decides to do any amphibious adventure away from its shores, in Libya, or Turkish mainland.
Too much BS in one post..
The Libyans are the ones to attack..supported by the Egyptian army..
And you seem to be more biased against Egypt than how rational you might want to sound..just the fact that you said: "Egypt has a lot of short to medium range air defence, thanks to lessons learned from Israel bombing their airforce to nothing a few times.".. that shows you ignorance of the facts.. that only happened once..and through deception by the US.. read what the then US president Roosevelt said before that 1967 war..

The rest is all speculations..and biased at that too..:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Arab League to hold urgent meeting on Libya upon Egypt's request on Tuesday

21 Jun 2020

The Arab League said it will hold an emergency meeting on Tuesday upon Egypt’s request to address the recently heightened tensions in the Libyan crisis.

The meeting was originally scheduled for Monday before it was put off until Tuesday in order for the necessary arrangements to be wrapped up.

The meeting was scheduled a few days after the Arab League said it had received a request from Egypt for an emergency meeting at the ministerial level to discuss the developments in Libya.

The Arab League is also set to host a virtual meeting on Monday by the International Follow Up Committee on Libya (IFCL), an informed source at the Arab League Secretariat said on Sunday.

The meeting, the third by the IFCL since its establishment during the Berlin Conference last February, will tackle the implementation of commitments and goals stipulated in the conference’s resolutions.

The source added that the meeting comes at a “critical time,” as it will review current military and security developments in the country, especially amid escalations in the Libyan city of Sirte.

It will also discuss means of achieving an immediate de-escalation to resume negotiations on a ceasefire between the internationally recognised Government of National Accord (GNA) and the Libyan National Army (LNA) under UN sponsorship.

The scheduled meetings come a few days after Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi said that Cairo has a legitimate right to intervene in the war-torn neighboring country to restore security and stability after receiving "direct threats" from "terrorist militias," stressing that Egypt has long been reluctant to make such a move.

El-Sisi said that any intervention in Libya by Egyptian forces “would be led by the Libyan tribes,” stressing that the Libyan frontline of Sirte and Al-Jufra is “a red line” for Egyptian national security.

Earlier this month, President El-Sisi, commander of the LNA Khalifa Haftar, and the speaker of the Libyan parliament Aguila Saleh announced a peace initiative, dubbed the Cairo Declaration, to end the civil war in Libya through a ceasefire and an elected leadership council.

The Cairo plan comes after the collapse of an offensive launched by Haftar in April 2019 to capture the Libyan capital, further extending the rival GNA control over most of northwestern Libya.

Egypt, the UAE and Russia are backing Haftar in the east, while Turkey supports the Tripoli-based GNA.

Shukri in response to the Libyan National Accord government’s rejection of Sisi's speech


Egyptian Foreign Minister, Sameh Shoukry, announced that the Libyan government of Al-Wefaq’s refusal of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s speech is inconsistent with the endeavors for a political solution in Libya.

Shoukry said today, Sunday, to the channel "Echo of the Country", that Egypt is seeking to find a political solution in Libya, where it called on all parties to cease-fire and adhere to the red line at Sirte and Al-Jafra.

He added that the Egyptian armed forces are not aggressor forces, but rather seek to protect Egyptian and Arab national security.

He stressed that the speech made by the Egyptian president yesterday, Saturday, during his inspection of the western military region, is a warning message to all Libyan parties in the event of avoiding a political solution.

He pointed out that there is Russian and international support for the Egyptian position regarding the Libyan crisis and the need to resolve the issue politically and peacefully, away from military thinking.



The Libyan army announced a 195-km flight ban beginning east of Sirte

..... Al-Mesmari called for the necessity of disbanding the armed militias in the capital, Tripoli, and continued, saying: "Our military position is the best and we have started to reap the fruits of our battle."


Arab Tweeters from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf .. "Long live Egypt and Long live Sisi"

They affirmed that the Arab nation as a whole stands with its prestige with Egypt and all the capabilities of the Arabs are mortgaged to Egypt, since its security is Arab national security..


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As I said here many times ... a few months ago .... Egyptian Red Line is Eastern Libya .

Those Turks big mouths in PDF know NOTHING.... but their Military leaders KNOW that this is not Syria/ Cyprus/ Iraq .... this is serious .... so they didn’t dare to breach the seize fire announced in the Cairo declaration 10 days ago .

Now , the Red Line had been declared ( Sirte / Aljufra ) line .... crossing it will unleash hell .
As I said here many times ... a few months ago .... Egyptian Red Line is Eastern Libya .

Those Turks big mouths in PDF know NOTHING.... but their Military leaders KNOW that this is not Syria/ Cyprus/ Iraq .... this is serious .... so they didn’t dare to breach the seize fire announced in the Cairo declaration 10 days ago .

Now , the Red Line had been declared ( Sirte / Aljufra ) line .... crossing it will unleash hell .
Man.. they are shocked .. and it is Shock and Awe..


Egypt responds with "Determination" to the OSC statement in Tripoli

An official source in the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said, Sunday, that Cairo will respond with full force and determination against any threats, prejudicing its national security, or infringement of its interests.

The official source denounced the statement issued by the so-called "Libyan Presidential Council" headed by Fayez al-Sarraj, stressing that "the Council seeks once again to seek the rest of the Libyans based on the support of an external party that is not keen to achieve the interests of the Libyan people, but puts its wealth in mind."

The official Egyptian Middle East News Agency quoted the Egyptian official as saying: "Those who contend with Egypt must be aware of their truth and size inside Libya and be aware of those who speak with them."

He added: "Egypt is showing a lot of patience, but it will be very firm in the face of any prolongation or attempt to violate its interests and national security."

Sisi: I'm not a failed state!!!!! This is war! Take me seriously!!!

Meanwhile libyan government establishing ties with friendly neighbours
Heard that Ethiopian pm or president is coming to Libya to forge ties with the Libyan government also.

UAE mad?
To be honest all this doesn't matter when it comes to the bigger picture. What matters is hard power and reality on the ground. If Egypt intervenes and succeeds in driving out the GNA from the country then the world will just have to accept the reality on the ground and get used to it(fait accompli). So it all depends on who can back the talk not just talk the talk.
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Libya is heading for long term ceasefire , don't think either side will test each other.
And this troll army thinks this show scares the world. But the history of the army of Egypt is full of fiasco from Yemen to Sinai, land losses, losing the huge air force in 6 days, and not being able to hold even 3 libyan villages when their masters did not allow. But same military tradition is very experienced and successful in managing coup detat, civilian massacres, mosque raids and civilian economy like mafia.
Hmmmmmmm..........I wouldn't be so sure. Egypt is not a small/weak country militarily. On the contrary, if they really intervene then things will get really bad for the GNA and Turkey. You should know that Egpyt has the military power, manpower, financial power(KSA,UAE, and to a lesser extent France, Russia) and most of all they border Libya so they will face less logistics issues unlike Turkey. So they have the home advantage. I fail to see how this is good news for Turkey like some of you claim. If anything it will undo all the efforts Turkey has put into Libya and undo all GNA's gain. So i think Turkeys best bet is to reign on their proxy the GNA and tell them to stay put and just keep the territory they already control.
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Let's say sisi invaded a sovereign country. You think a Nato standard trained armed forces will stand by and watch? There won't be just drones this time.
A sovereign government country which controls 10% of that country?.. you must be sick in you heads..
A NATO standard trained armed forces! Against the best of human armed forces; the Egyptians.. are you day dreaming? and where do you think Egyptians got a lot of training..? did you know it was with the US armed forces the father of NATO, Russian armed forces and own warfare training based on real war experience..!.. what that NATO standard armed forces have.. apart from exercises and hitting militias with no air cover or tanks to respond.. that is just arrogance at it lowest level..
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Wth such stupid strength shows, Sisi can just frighten the countries similar to the one managed by junta dictators. This guy is digging own grave at present. There is just one UN recognized legitimate government that countries are in dialogue. It is GNA but this coward is openly threatening sovereignity of Libya by exprrssing his invading plans in fromt of World commumity. There is not any legal ground Sisi can defend himself in this event. It seems Gulfies has just transfered the money and he started barking. The future will be really tragicomic If this coup plotter make a mistake in Libya.

BTW, Serrac was in Algeria today and signed many deals with Algeria regarding economic and financial matters. A few days later, Ethopian president will visit Sarac in Libya. In recent days, Turkish delegation visited Sarac and signed lots of deal but Our coup plotter Junta Sisi will invade this state. Why? Because He is not happy. Sisi’s coup plotter junta gangs are being crushed by legitimate government. What a guy!

those Libyan brothers .... we supported them to get free from Italian Occupation ....do you remember it ...!

that occupation started by a deal between Italy and the Sick Man of Europe....

and I believe you will deliver Libya to the west again once you got a good deal ...!
Hmmmmmmm..........I wouldn't be so sure. Egypt is not a small/weak country militarily. On the contrary, if they really intervene then things will get really bad for the GNA and Turkey. You should know that Turkey has the military power, manpower, financial power(KSA,UAE, and to a lesser extent France, Russia) and most of all they border Libya so they will face less logistics issues unlike Turkey. So they have the home advantage. I fail to see how this is good news for Turkey like some of you claim. If anything it will undo all the efforts Turkey has put into Libya and undo all GNA's gain. So i think Turkeys best bet is to reign on their proxy GNA and keep the territory they control.
You mean Egypt When you say .."you should know".. I guess.. so can you correct your post..
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