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Featured Al-Sisi: Any Egyptian intervention in Libya has become legal

Gargash: The Turkish leadership and expansion program will implicate Ankara and its interests negatively..

He added.. that "over the years, the relations of neighbourliness, respect, and the reinforcement of the economic and political ties between Turkey and its Arab region, unfortunately, have been replaced by a program of expansion and leadership that sees the Arab world as a strategic space for historical dreams, a policy far from wisdom that will negatively reflect on Ankara and its interests in the next stage..

People are misguided to believe Turkey and Egypt will go to war. No pro war sentiment in either Turkey or Egypt :hitwall: Seriously its like talking to a brick wall.
is that all you have to say? The way you responded explains a lot about you, so you have took it personally, since you have indirectly indicated that you are indeed an Arab!

what can we do with the stupid acts of yours? Not acknowledging alone describes it that why did you had to say that you want to drag your military to a death trap! Death & Arabs run completely parallel to each other.

This explains a lot about you!
Too much BS to respond to.. you seem stuck in your own faulty thoughts.. and you know it.. jealousy is killing you..

El-Sisi to the Western Region Forces: Prepare for any mission inside or outside our borders, if necessary..

The President: Our army insures and does not attack. This is our belief that will not change..

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said that he always says that the Egyptian army is strong, and one of the most powerful armies in the region, but that it is a rational and wise army that protects and does not threaten, explaining, "This is our strategy, it is our belief, it is our principles that will not change."

The President to the Western Region Forces: Sure, if we need your sacrifices, you will do it ... like a lot of activities that are not well known to many..

Al-Sisi directed his speech to the elements of the western military region: "Sure, if we need you to do work and sacrifices, as you have shown many times before, and that many people do not know about them, especially on the entire border with the sister country, Libya, on the borders of 1200 kilometers, to be secured for more than 7 years."

The President: We have secured the entire border with Libya over a distance of 1,200 kilometers for 7 years

And the President of the Republic continued: "Insurance is carried out by the Special Forces, the Air Force, and the Border Guard. Let me thank you, and tell you, be ready to carry out any task, here within our borders or outside our borders if necessary, thanks and may God protect you."

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In brief:
- Egypt announced that it would resort to military force if the Turkish backed militias attempted to attack Sirte and Al-Hafra
- Egypt asked the terrorist militia to give up arms and hand them over to the Libyan Arab Army
- The UAE sent 3 tankers to Egypt and Mirage fighters
- Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Bahrain and Jordan announced their support for Egypt's moves
- Sisi declared willingness to arm the Libyan tribes to repel the Turkish aggression
- Welcome and demonstrations of support spread across the Libyan cities to welcome the Egyptian army
It was narrated by Ahmed in his Musnad, from Al-Nu’man b. Bashir, who said: “We were sitting in the mosque of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), and Bashir was a man who did not speak much, so Abu Tha’labah Al-Khashnee came and said: ‘Oh, Bashir bin Sa’ad, have you memorized the words of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) regarding the rulers?’ Huthayfah replied, ‘I have memorized his words’. So Abu Tha’labah sat down and Huthayfah said, ‘The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said ‘Prophet-hood will be amongst you as long as Allah wishes, then He will lift it up when He wishes to lift it up. Then there will be a Khilafah on the way of the Prophet, and it will be as long as Allah wishes it to be, then Allah will lift it up when He wishes to lift it up. Then there will be Biting Rule, and it will last as long as Allah wishes it to, then Allah will lift it up if when He wishes to lift it up. Then there will be a Oppressive Rule, and it will last as long as Allah wishes it to be, then Allah will lift it up when He wishes to lift it up. Then there will be a Khilafah on the way of Prophet-hood.’ Then He (ﷺ) was silent.”

Reference: Masnad Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal (Hadith # 18430) , As-Saheeha al-Albani (Hadith # 5). It has been declared Hasan by Sh’uaib Arnaoot, and al-Albani classified it as Sahih. The text quoted is the one from Masnad Imam Ahmed.


Once again I believe it is in the form of Muslim NATO (military) and MUSLIM EU (economic). Khalifah like what in the simple mind of ISIS follower will only bring destruction to Muslim nations since according to them (and also Hizbutahir at some extend) Muslim must be under one supreme leader just like in the old days and it means waging war to Muslim nations.

In my opinion, If there is a leader (Khalifa) among Muslim nations so it will be like how US President act as a leader in NATO. So to create unity among Muslims should be to improve cooperation among Muslim nations, and not to eliminate Nation states. I still remember how Obama really become a leader within western world and people from western countries will flock to hear his speech.

This hadith IMO also show that democracy is the future government for Muslim. Any way Khalifah during 4 just Khalifah is very close to democracy system although still quite simple in nature.

Great post. It makes so much sense. Alot of groups like AQ, BokoHaram, ISIS, HizbTahrir want to destroy all Muslim nations, and make one state under one army, one leader. It's a great idea but if only all Muslims agree. This ofcourse is impossible at the moment. I believe these people misuse islamic ideas in order to destroy Muslims.

So a nato like military alliance is the same but just a modern idea. Same with one state with an EU type alliance. Just call it Islamic Sultante and keep the same countries as 57 States within the Islamic Islamic Sultanate, call each countries parliaments as State parliaments and make one EU type Parliament and elect a leader. This will give everyone freedom but also be United on military and economical level, make Visa free entries but people need documents in order to identify them(passports).

If we destroy all countries then we still have to establish names, even borders for security and checkpoints, even have regional armies as locals from their areas will protect their states. How will one leader look after the affairs of 1.6Billion Muslims, so the leader will need leadership and parliaments in each areas in order to effectively rule, like the prime ministers we have.

Islamic leaders were elected by the people, and at times elected by the Majlis Shura(the parliament).
The issue is having so many different political parties fighting over power, this has destroyed us.
Another issue is when we have leader for 5 years, it's not enough to implement his vision and i think this is why Hizbtahrir want a leader for life, as long as he does what is required.

I still dont understand how they would elect a leader or Majlis shura because they say voting is democracy and they are against it.
Sisi will get trouble if he go in Libya. It seems problems inside Egypt is bigger then we now:-).

S.Arabia,The Uae(Israel) and France wants to use SISI as a pawn against Turkiye
SIRTE and AL JUFRA will re-take by Libyan Government from terrorists and invaders ..

Turkish UCAVs gave a big lesson to Russia,Iran,Assad Regime in Syria
Turkish Ballistic and Cruise Missiles are ready to give a big lesson to SISI

Egypt doesnt have military capability to attack Turkiye

but if the Turkish Armed Forces want then only 24 hours and no more Air - Naval Bases in Cairo , Alexandria and Port Said

Egypt has right to protect its border but Sirte , Al Jufra are nothing to do with Egypt,The Uae and France

Turkiye is in dialog with Russia for Sirte and Al Jufra also Idlib/Syria .. we dont care about puppet dictators like SISI and ASSAD

You pathetic Arab dictators are nothing without American or Russian protection
know your place
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S.Arabia,The Uae(Israel) and France wants to use SISI as a pawn against Turkiye
SIRTE and AL JUFRA will re-take by Libyan Government from terrorists and invaders ..

Turkish UCAVs gave a big lesson to Russia,Iran,Assad Regime in Syria
Turkish Ballistic and Cruise Missiles are ready to give a big lesson to SISI

Egypt doesnt have military capability to attack Turkiye

but if the Turkish Armed Forces want then only 24 hours and no more Air - Naval Bases in Cairo , Alexandria and Port Said

Egypt has right to protect its border but Sirte , Al Jufra are nothing to do with Egypt,The Uae and France

Turkiye is in dialog with Russia for Sirte and Al Jufra also Idlib/Syria .. we dont care about puppet dictators like SISI and ASSAD

know your place
  1. If Egypt wants to move its force to West Libya, it will take at least a few days while moving over desert
  2. Turkey bloc has option to force Sirte, and Houn fronts before Egyptians can arrive in force
  3. Egypt will have to provide extensive air cover to the force on the move, this will require mobilisation of a big part of Egypts air force, and massive mobilisation/readiness improvement
  4. If Egypt air cover fails, Baraktar force, and ATGM technicals will have a walk in the park.
  5. Egypt may resort to just sending a big enough portion of their Western theatre force, that they have more tanks than Turks have missiles. Only if they have balls for that...
  6. Egypt has a lot of short to medium range air defence, thanks to lessons learned from Israel bombing their airforce to nothing a few times.
  7. Egypt has a quite decent multi-role airforce with relatively good reach, but no extensive aerial refueling, so they are airfield bound
  8. Israelis kept Egypt from acquiring decent ballistic missiles.
  9. Turkey has 100 Yildirims, not much, but they can launch a big enough barrage to penetrate Cairo missile defence. For a simple reason there are only 100 of them, don't expect much. Turkey may reserve them.
  10. Turkey has enough standoff air launched munitions though, and SEAD experience from NATO exercises. They will outrage best air defence Egypt has, and likely deplete Egyptians air defence munition stock enough to make them care
  11. Turkish navy, and Egypt navy is not an apples to apples comparison. Egypt is very defensive, lots, and lots of missile boats, mine-layers. Enough to make approaching its shores dangerous to any capital ship. They can try to mine Turkey, but they have no way to cover their mine layers. If they try mining, they are likely to loose both mine-layers, and its cover force. Turkey has naval experience from NATO exercises, and better capability in open ocean. They will be likely better equipped if Egypt decides to do any amphibious adventure away from its shores, in Libya, or Turkish mainland.
Pakistan is busy with it's own Internal and external issues, Covid-19 and Kashmir Issue. Turkey too is engaged in Libya, Syria and Iraq. Lebanon and Hisbollah are also engaged in Syria. Who else is left? Saudi Arabia? Qatar? UAE? Bangladesh? Indonesia that has never raised a voice against Israel? Malaysia?

I wish our Military could stand up and unite all these Idiots either by hook or by crook. Unfortunately, we, all the Muslims are heading towards our own destruction, and their is no one who could stop it.

Indonesia always support Palestinian and quite hostile to Israel.

Benjamin Netanyahu took two-hour flight detour to avoid Indonesian airspace
This article is more than 3 years old

Israeli prime minister’s El Al flight from Singapore to Sydney took more than 11 hours rather than the usual eight and a half

The Israeli prime minister was forced to take a two-and-a-half-hour detour en route to Australia, apparently to avoid Indonesian airspace.

Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in Sydney at about 6.30am AEDT on Wednesday for a four-day visit, the first time an Israeli prime minister has visited Australia.

The average direct flight from Singapore to Sydney takes about eight and a half hours; according to the flight tracking site FlightAware, Netanyahu’s total flight time was just over 11 hours as his flight path dodged Indonesia’s airspace.


Not only Israel, Indonesia foreign policy also criticize US heavily

This is our foreign policy regarding Palestine, taken from Indonesian foreign ministry official website:


It is undeniable, Israel still continues to annex the Palestinian territories by destroying Palestinian homes for expansion of settlement in the West Bank, even though these actions are illegal and contrary to UNSC Resolution No. 2334 (2016).

Meanwhile, the United States (US), which is known to be active in the Palestinian-Israeli peace process, during the administration of President Donald Trump no longer acted as an honest broker in seeking peaceful solutions. The US unilaterally on December 6, 2017 has announced its decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and has been followed by the transfer of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on May 14 2018 by occupying a building inside the US Consulate complex in Arnona area , West Jerusalem. Recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the transfer of the embassy is the realization of one of President Donald Trump's campaign promises in 2016.

The unilateral action of the United States greatly deviates from the principle of "two-state solution" and the peaceful spirit in the MU and UNSC resolutions issued since 1948, and is considered to damage the process of peace negotiations in the Middle East in general as well as Palestinian-Israeli negotiations in particular , bearing in mind that this acknowledgment gave Israel support in conducting future negotiations vis-a-vis Palestine.

Moreover, US actions have disrupted the "status quo" of Jerusalem where the international community and MU and UNSC resolutions confirm that the status and boundaries of Jerusalem claimed by both parties will be the subject of direct negotiations between Palestine and Israel.

Turkey has 100 Yildirims, not much, but they can launch a big enough barrage to penetrate Cairo missile defence. For a simple reason there are only 100 of them, don't expect much. Turkey may reserve them.

You are talking about YILDIRIM Ballistic Missiles

since 2014 , 280/360km KHAN/BORA Ballistic Missiles are in service
even Turkiye doesnt show what we have ....800/1.000 km Ballistic Missile technology

even Turkiye can arm dozens of Cargo Ships with hundreds of KHAN/BORA Ballistic Missiles to hit Air - Naval Bases in Cairo , Alexandria and Port Said in one night

like Israeli concept LORA Ballistic Missile fired from Cargo Ship

even I am not talking about the Turkish Air Force with large scale operation capability
only one night will be enough to hit Air - Naval Bases in Cairo , Alexandria and Port Said

Russia is crying because of Russia dreamed about to create Naval military base in Sirte and air base in Al Jufra

but The US/NATO said stop dreaming Russia or you will lose military bases even in Syria

so Egypt doesnt have power to fight Turkiye ..... Sirte and Al Jufra will be cleaned from terrorists and invaders

Egypt,S.Arabia,The Uae and loser France are trying to give Libya to Russia to become a very big threat to Europe/NATO

and without Russia loser Egypt,S.Arabia,The Uae and France are nothing in Libya
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even Turkiye doesnt show what we have ....800/1.000 km Ballistic Missile technology
ROKETSAN showed Yildirim 3 (Khan) on IDEX a few times, and other defence expos.

Guessing by its size, and some linear programming, it's not hard to guess what the range would be with near double the fuel of B-611m or DF-11 export modification (Which it is based on)

DF-11 already had a massive thrust to weight ratio reserve because its fuel grain was chopped in half from original size under a treaty, and it carried an oversized HE warhead to tame the thrust to weight ratio, and compensate for stability loss from smaller length. So it it's kinda hard to believe that the Roketsan rocket is only 2500kg, when the engine section was increased at least by half, and it's launched from a much more beefier TEL.
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