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Featured Al-Sisi: Any Egyptian intervention in Libya has become legal

Why their is a Khilafat Concept in Islam? Because it unites the entire Muslim Ummah!
the prophet said that there will no khilafa until we get rid of the evil dictators, the Muslims are already united, the only problem is the alliance of Arab/non Arab dictators, once Sisi/MBS/MBZ ... collapse, you will have your Khilafa ruling the world, and the jews can't do a thing about it !
Sisi feels cornered very bad. Ethopia catched the Sisi from the tail. Turkish backed legitimate forces are advancing from West and Majority of Egyptian people are waiting correct time inside so He is threatening neighbours with war. He is digging his own grave. #fillthedam Ethopian presidant will carry out an official visit yo Sarac government in following days.

Urgent .. Washington: Sisi's statement on Libya reflects the importance of the cease-fire

The State Department added that Washington supports the desire of all Libyans to end foreign interference.

The US State Department, we support the efforts launched by Egypt to return to international negotiations, stressing that Washington supports improving security in Libya and reviving its economy.

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the prophet said that there will no khilafa until we get rid of the evil dictators, the Muslims are already united, the only problem is the alliance of Arab/non Arab dictators, once Sisi/MBS/MBZ ... collapse, you will have your Khilafa ruling the world, and the jews can't do a thing about it !

Next Khilafa is Muslim NATO
the prophet said that there will no khilafa until we get rid of the evil dictators, the Muslims are already united, the only problem is the alliance of Arab/non Arab dictators, once Sisi/MBS/MBZ ... collapse, you will have your Khilafa ruling the world, and the jews can't do a thing about it !
How can you lie like that.. there were no Khalifa in times of the prophet or before him ..you are taking people for idiots..on this forum..
Are you even a Muslim and if so.. you seem pro.Iran or Ikhwani.. hating the rest of Sunna Muslims.. don't hide..

my arab brothers. you are becoming a deaf & dumb unfortunately because you are doing the exact what israel and USA want you to do bit by bit.
That is all you have to say, while Usrael is contained..
You sound like you have more wishful thoughts and wet dreams than the Usraelis themselves..

Egypt now opened 5 fronts; Sinai, Libya, Sudan (sea dispute), Ethiopia and most importantly, his OWN people.

He is indeed digging his own grave.
Or yours..HaHaHa
the prophet said that there will no khilafa until we get rid of the evil dictators,

Brother Please send me the link of this specific Hadith.

the Muslims are already united

I wish that was the case, where do you see unification? Between whom? Turkey & Pakistan? you can say that for some extent, who else?

the only problem is the alliance of Arab/non Arab dictators, once Sisi/MBS/MBZ ... collapse, you will have your Khilafa ruling the world

That's why I said and I quote again "I wish our Military could stand up and unite all these Idiots either by hook or by crook"

"All sides have a lot of pride and identity in this project. The Nile river is central to Egypt's existence and its identity and its economy," he continued, adding: "And Ethiopia has spent $4.6bn of its own resources to build this dam and its seen as a point of national pride, where it is going to be able to generate power for itself and for the entire region as a means of lifting the country out of poverty. They've gone through a very long process of raising funds from everyday citizens, and so, they have a lot invested in seeing this through."
Ethiopia does not even have those resources so that comment is a blatant lie.. look who is financing that project.. mostly China, Italy and others..
And don't worry Egypt took its precautions long time ago.. Ethiopian Dam or not..

That's why I said and I quote again "I wish our Military could stand up and unite all these Idiots either by hook or by crook"
You want to send your military to certain death!?
Your military knows better..
You want to send your military to certain death!?
Your military knows better..

Death for a Muslim with a strong faith in Allah SWT is a serene reality. You would know that, and feel it too, don't you?
Death for a Muslim with a strong faith in Allah SWT is a serene reality. You would know that, and feel it too, don't you?
Yes of course.. but don't be arrogant you are talking about other Muslims with a strong faith in Allah SWT too..That is why I said that..
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but don't be arrogant

how have you noticed my arrogance in a simple yet straight question? You said that "You want to send your military to certain death!?" who would ask a question like this? set aside my arrogance and yours too, just be a neutral individual, how did you come up with such a question?
President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said that any direct intervention by the Egyptian state in the Libyan crisis has become possible through international legitimacy, whether within the framework of the United Nations Charter, the right to self-defense, or based on the sole legitimate authority elected by the Libyan people, the House of Representatives, and it will have goals.

During his inspection of the elements of the western military region, President Sisi added: "The first is to protect and secure the western borders of the state with its strategic depth from the threats of mercenary terrorist militias, the second is to quickly support the restoration of security and stability on the Libyan scene as an integral part of Egypt's security and stability and true Arab national security, and the third is the right of the Libyan people, east and west, by creating conditions for a ceasefire and preventing any of the parties from exceeding the current conditions, the fourth is an immediate ceasefire, and the fifth is the launching of a comprehensive political settlement process under the auspices of the United Nations in accordance with the outputs of the Berlin Conference and a practical application of the Cairo Declaration.


how have you noticed my arrogance in a simple yet straight question? You said that "You want to send your military to certain death!?" who would ask a question like this? set aside my arrogance and yours too, just be a neutral individual, how did you come up with such a question?
No I said yours..don't try to flip it around.. that is a looser post..
The Pakistani armed forces certainly knows better than your wet dreams..of sending it to fight Arabs and unite Muslims in the way you wet dream for..
And nuclear weapons don't scare Arabs if that is you arrogance.. we don't have any arrogance.. but Usrael and the US had that too and we fought them and won the war.. so if there is any arrogance it is on your part.. and you are not the only one being that illusional on this forum.. you have a lot of companions..HaHaHa!
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Brother Please send me the link of this specific Hadith.

It was narrated by Ahmed in his Musnad, from Al-Nu’man b. Bashir, who said: “We were sitting in the mosque of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), and Bashir was a man who did not speak much, so Abu Tha’labah Al-Khashnee came and said: ‘Oh, Bashir bin Sa’ad, have you memorized the words of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) regarding the rulers?’ Huthayfah replied, ‘I have memorized his words’. So Abu Tha’labah sat down and Huthayfah said, ‘The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said ‘Prophet-hood will be amongst you as long as Allah wishes, then He will lift it up when He wishes to lift it up. Then there will be a Khilafah on the way of the Prophet, and it will be as long as Allah wishes it to be, then Allah will lift it up when He wishes to lift it up. Then there will be Biting Rule, and it will last as long as Allah wishes it to, then Allah will lift it up if when He wishes to lift it up. Then there will be a Oppressive Rule, and it will last as long as Allah wishes it to be, then Allah will lift it up when He wishes to lift it up. Then there will be a Khilafah on the way of Prophet-hood.’ Then He (ﷺ) was silent.”

Reference: Masnad Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal (Hadith # 18430) , As-Saheeha al-Albani (Hadith # 5). It has been declared Hasan by Sh’uaib Arnaoot, and al-Albani classified it as Sahih. The text quoted is the one from Masnad Imam Ahmed.


Once again I believe it is in the form of Muslim NATO (military) and MUSLIM EU (economic). Khalifah like what in the simple mind of ISIS follower will only bring destruction to Muslim nations since according to them (and also Hizbutahir at some extend) Muslim must be under one supreme leader just like in the old days and it means waging war to Muslim nations.

In my opinion, If there is a leader (Khalifa) among Muslim nations so it will be like how US President act as a leader in NATO. So to create unity among Muslims should be to improve cooperation among Muslim nations, and not to eliminate Nation states. I still remember how Obama really become a leader within western world and people from western countries will flock to hear his speech.

This hadith IMO also show that democracy is the future government for Muslim. Any way Khalifah during 4 just Khalifah is very close to democracy system although still quite simple in nature.
wet dream for.

is that all you have to say? The way you responded explains a lot about you, so you have took it personally, since you have indirectly indicated that you are indeed an Arab!

what can we do with the stupid acts of yours? Not acknowledging alone describes it that why did you had to say that you want to drag your military to a death trap! Death & Arabs run completely parallel to each other.

you have a lot of companions..HaHaHa!

This explains a lot about you!
The best governance for Muslim nations is democracy where Islamist, Nationalist, and Secular Nationalist can live together peacefully. We need to manage our differences.

This song is good to bring unity among Muslim.


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