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Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

ASELSAN's subsystem participation in Bayraktar Tactical Blocks and AKINCI UCAVs

CATS E-O Reconnaissance and Surveillance System

Air-Satellite Communication Terminal
Military Flight Audio Communication and Control System
Airborne radios and relays
Intelligence reconnaissance surveillance data link
Internal Speech and Communication Systems
Tactical Broadband Radio Family
Satellite earth stations


CATS E-O Reconnaissance and Surveillance System

Airborne Satellite Communication Terminal
Recognition and Identification system
Internal Speech and Communication Systems
Tactical Broadband radio family
Satellite stations

Multi-function AESA Radar

Communication Electronic Support
Communication Electronic attack
Radar Electronic Support
Radar Electronic Attack
Countermeasure systems
Electronic warfare pods
Karetta Anti-jam system

TOLUN and SADAK 4T (Multi-role SDBs and quad-rack)
LGK-81/82 (General purpose bombs with laser guidance kit)
GÖZDE (Guided munition kit with Laser Seeker Head)


ASELSAN CATS sensor system diagram

via, gdh defence

Thats why some low level companies starting with no infrastructure will not able to compete with real defence companies in the world. Our drone fleet will go uptdate, when you don't have the right people you will ask it from others... 😆



These guys are Legit. The story where the terrorist were using sophisticated encryption to detonate IED's remotely was decrypted by Seljuk and team shows these guys know what they are doing.

These guys are Legit. The story where the terrorist were using sophisticated encryption to detonate IED's remotely was decrypted by Seljuk and team shows these guys know what they are doing.

Yes You are right.. young grasshopper..

Bayraktar is a Turkish Superiority Mastery company.. they have declared an oath to be nothing but Turkish Superiority and to serve for the cause of Turkish Superiority Mastery, hence why they succeed well.

ASELSAN's subsystem participation in Bayraktar Tactical Blocks and AKINCI UCAVs

CATS E-O Reconnaissance and Surveillance System

Air-Satellite Communication Terminal
Military Flight Audio Communication and Control System
Airborne radios and relays
Intelligence reconnaissance surveillance data link
Internal Speech and Communication Systems
Tactical Broadband Radio Family
Satellite earth stations


CATS E-O Reconnaissance and Surveillance System

Airborne Satellite Communication Terminal
Recognition and Identification system
Internal Speech and Communication Systems
Tactical Broadband radio family
Satellite stations

Multi-function AESA Radar

Communication Electronic Support
Communication Electronic attack
Radar Electronic Support
Radar Electronic Attack
Countermeasure systems
Electronic warfare pods
Karetta Anti-jam system

TOLUN and SADAK 4T (Multi-role SDBs and quad-rack)
LGK-81/82 (General purpose bombs with laser guidance kit)
GÖZDE (Guided munition kit with Laser Seeker Head)


ASELSAN CATS sensor system diagram

via, gdh defence

Thanks for the post.
Any update on AESA Radar case.
  • TAI will export 3 ANKA systems to Malaysia for approximately 100 million dollars. While the contract is called Phase-1, Malaysia's ANKA procurement will continue as Phase-2, Phase-3.
  • Vardan said, "The UAVs and ANKAs we will supply to Malaysia will be equipped with special radars. Therefore, the delivery time is getting longer. We will be making and delivering equipment specifically for their own requests, which we call tailor-made."

  • "Our relations will not stop only with ANKAs. We know that they are also interested in HÜRJET. The fact that HÜRJET has made its first flight and will enter the inventory within two years has opened the door for us. In addition to our desire to diversify and increase the number of ANKAs, we also have a desire to present HÜRJETs. The King himself said this during his visit. He is also interested in our KAAN. He is a pilot himself. They are organising a place for us here for our GÖKBEY. They want to assemble and build GÖKBEY here. We are working on these. Actually, we don't want to be only a seller. In other words, when we look at it as a company strategy, we endeavour to work out how we can do this hand in hand, arm in arm, and how we can develop the win-win principle."

via Göksel Yıldırım
Good luck to PANTSIR , TOR , BUK and many more even S300 , PATRIOT

TB-2 can not carry long range munition , only 15 km laser guided MAM-L
TB-2 can not carry CAKIR , KUZGUN missiles

but TB-2 to carry 4 x KEMANKES to attack on enemy targets from safe distance ( from 50 km to 250 km )

Imagine , 25 TB-2s to carry 100 KEMANKES for swarm attack on Greek PATRIOT AD Systems in Skyros

PATRIOT should fire $2 million missile to intercept $20.000 KEMANKES

6 kg warhead is enough to harm Radar Systems

man-in-the-loop capability
KEMANKES can perform target detection autonomously through the electro-optical seeker head and to hit targets with point accuracy

and difficult to detect KEMANKES by radars

Daha ne yapacak bunu anlamayacak ne var ? TB-2 ler stratejik bir silaha kavuşuyor

Örnek , SKYROS Adasında ki yunan PATRIOT larına swarm attack yapıyorsun
ve $20.000 lık bir KEMANKES i durdurabilmek için karşı taraf milyon dolarlık hava savunma füzesi fırlatmak zorunda kalıyor


View attachment 926702
WOW! So easy for Turkey to win 😮

Turkey is superpower! Not even USA can fight Turkey.
WOW! So easy for Turkey to win 😮

Turkey is superpower! Not even USA can fight Turkey.

You still make fun of it
I give you real info and I am saying again

Imagine , 25 TB-2 UCAVs to carry 100 KEMANKES kamikaze Drones for swarm attack on Greek PATRIOT AD Systems in Skyros or S300s in Crete

PATRIOT should fire $2 million missile to intercept $20.000 KEMANKES

6 kg warhead is enough to harm Radar Systems
and EO/IR Camera for pinpoint accuracy

10 years ago Turkiye had nothing except 50 American SLAM-ER and 95 HARM Missiles

now even Turkish UCAVs - Unmanned Vessels armed with many and varied of guided munitions , missiles and kamikaze Drones to hit all military targets in the region from 30 km to 1.000+ km

30 km MAM-T
30 -40 km TRG/TRLG-122
70 km TRLG-230
120 km TRG-300
150 km J600T
150 km CAKIR and TRG/TRLG-230
180 km KUZGUN-TJ
200 km SIMSEK
250 km ATMACA
280 km SOM
280 km BORA
500 km AZAB
500+ km TAYFUN
800+ km KARGI
1.000+ km CENK

Also KGK-LR long range glide Bomb , GEZGIN strategic cruise missile , AKBABA anti-radiation missile , RAMJET powered supersonic anti-ship missile on the way

keep sleeping
in a conflict Turkish weapons will wake up all daydreamers
You give a lot of theory based on the best possible scenario and a lot of imaginary numbers

Its reality
on the other hand $2 million expensive PATRIOT or S300 Missile

You will probably finish your very expensive air defense missile stock in 1 day to stop our cheap munitions

after the first swarm attack on Air Defense Systems
there will be 2nd beat strike by CAKIR , SOM , ATMACA , SLAM-ER , HARM , HARPOON , BORA , TAYFUN , etc against defenceless Greek military targets

and Greece can not produce anything .. Greece has limited Air Defense Missiles

on the other hand Turkiye produce its own Cruise Missiles , Ballistic Missiles , guided munitions and Kamikaze Drones

even I am not talking about 500+ American-İsraeli ATACMS , SLAM-ER , HARM , POPEYE , JSOW , HARPOON

all military targets in Greece and Greek Islands are in range of Turkish fire power
and Greece never can stop it
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Its reality
$20.000-30.000 cheap KEMANKES , KUZGUN , AZAB , KARGI , SUPER SIMSEK
on the other hand $2 million expensive PATRIOT or S300 Missile

To stop our cheap munitions, you will probably finish your very expensive air defense missile stock in 1 day

after the first swarm strike on Air Defense Systems
there will be 2nd beat strike by CAKIR , SOM , ATMACA , SLAM-ER , HARM , BORA , TAYFUN , etc against defenceless Greek military targets

and Greece can not produce anything .. Greece has limited Air Defense Missiles

on the other hand Turkiye produce its own Cruise Missiles , Ballistic Missiles , guided munitions and Kamikaze Drones

even I am not talking about 500+ American-İsraeli ATACMS , SLAM-ER , HARM , POPEYE , JSOW , HARPOON

all military targets in Greece and Greek Islands are in range of Turkish fire power
and Greece never can stop it
Listen,it's the same idiotic poem you've been posting for years.

I'll say it again,you can't put it in your head,but others can: You always use the best case scenario for Turkey and the worst case scenario for your enemies,you use completely imaginary and theoretical numbers like "if we produce this number of this and that number of that and use them all together",you ignore everything else and write down a long list of weapons and theoretical possibilities and then you just c/p it like a loop,in countless threads and discussions.

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