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Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

are you have a comprehension issues?, you, don't know about other Turkish members here and Indian members are the same blind hyper nationalist they are HYPERPOWER OF THE UNIVERSE, i am ending this debate to you, because you do nothing about military technology and tactics that's HOW ITS WORKS, you always have a childish posts

an ignorant TROLL like you know about military technology and tactics

topic is over with ignorant TROLL like you
an ignorant TROLL like you know about military technology and tactics
i am not trool like you, can you define what is the T/W ratio/ what is L/d ratio, what is high and low by pass ratio engine, what is power to weight ratio, what area rule fuselage, what is elevators, what is spoilers, what is leading and trailing edge flaps etc etc, can you explain it?
i am not trool like you, can you define what is the T/W ratio/ what is L/d ratio, what is high and low by pass ratio engine,, what is spo what is power to weight ratio, what area rule fuselage, what is elevatorsilers, what is leading and trailing edge flaps etc etc, can you explain it?

what a stupid TROLL

İf you are talking about Tactical , MALE , HALE , its ok

but in a conflict who cares what about power to weight ratio, what area rule fuselage, what is elevatorsilers, what is leading and trailing edge flaps etc etc, ?

superior service ceiling , superior payload , superior firepower , capable of launching an ALCM , AESA Radar , SEAD role , air to air combat capability , Electronic Data Gathering ( ELINT / COMINT ) capabilities , Common Aperture Targeting System and 6 multi-core Artificial Intelligence Computers

Chinese Wing Long-II has no this capabilities and you compare with Chinese crap with AKINCI

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what a stupid TROLL

İf you are talking about Tactical , MALE , HALE , its ok

but in a conflict who cares what about power to weight ratio, what area rule fuselage, what is elevatorsilers, what is leading and trailing edge flaps etc etc, ?

superior service ceiling , superior payload , superior firepower , AESA Radar , SEAD role , air to air combat capability , Electronic Data Gathering ( ELINT / COMINT ) capabilities and 6 multi-core Artificial Intelligence Computers

Chinese Wing Long-II has no this capabilities and you compare with Chinese crap with AKINCI

i just say to you LOL, you're not technical in mind if you know basic of these aerodynamic terms, that's shows your class

Ok, now tell me what is the difference between pulse doplar radars and AESAS, and define some maneuver like barrel role in air to air fight
NATO including Turkey is ahead of China and Russia in E/O Systems

No, we are not among those NATO members. Yet. On the other hand, Israel, which is not a member of NATO, can produce superior E/O Systems.
No, we are not among those NATO members. Yet. On the other hand, Israel, which is not a member of NATO, can produce superior E/O Systems.

I am not talking about İsrael .... I am talking about China and Russia

btw why Turkey changed İsraeli E/O System on HERON UAVs with Aselsan ASELFLIR-300 ?
maybe İsrael sold Turkey low quality export variant or what ?
T-129 Attack Helicopters also use Aselsan ASELFLIR-300

And maybe now CATS not get the same resolution as Canadian WESCAM quality at the infrared point
but Aselsan develops DASS which is superior to CATS

Aselsan CATS completely provides the values that can perform the desired task
and Aselsan CATS has superior range ( 30 km ) to Canadian WESCAM
Turkish CATS is able to do this at a much greater distance than Canadian WESCAM in terms of laser marking and laser range finder

and only The US , France and Turkey have developed nex gen targeting Pod in NATO

Even ASELSAN Engineers said that ASELPOD is superior to İsraeli LITENING Targeting Pod

Pakistan prefered superior Turkish ASELPOD targeting Pod to use it on JF-17 Fighter Jets , instead of low quality Chinese targeting Pod

as You know , ASELSAN is one of a few Defense Companies in the World that uses the advanced technologies for E/O Systems

Cooled and uncooled thermal cameras
Day cameras
Night vision (image intensifier) devices
Laser range finders
Laser designators
Laser warning systems
Main battle tank and infantry fighting vehicle sighting systems
Periscopes for land based applications
Electro optical director
Thermal imaging systems
Submarine periscopes
Image intensifiers
Targeting Pod
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I will not argue with you. You do not understand the essence of the subjects and you give examples that are irrelevant to the topic.

We are not even at the Israeli level when it comes to IIR sensors. For this reason, the systems that we say we produce but actually do the assembly cannot be cited as an example. The infrared sensors and reading circuits of those systems for example came from France.

Do not argue with anyone before learning the topics in depth! You are ridiculous and as a Turk I am ashamed of that.
another ignorant ridiculous user

I am talking about China , Turkey-NATO and he is talking about İsrael ....

btw ASELSAN has become capable of producing infrared detectors that can be used in many platforms such as reconnaissance surveillance, missile searching warheads, targeting systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, and electro-optical systems for Fighter Jets/UCAVs

This technology, owned by a limited number of developed countries and manufacturers in the world and ASELSAN is one of them

-- also ASELSAN is one of the few UV tube manufacturers in the world for E/O Systems
-- also Cadmium Zinc Telluride ( CZT ) production technology owned by very few Countries in the world, and ASELSAN is one of the rare companies that can develop this technology

-- and ASELSAN's integrated circuit design team designs reading circuits according to sensor specifications and application

what about Infrared Detector ?

One of the most critical sub-components that determine the infrared seeker performance is the capabilities of the infrared sensor used. Infrared sensors are used in various systems such as Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR) cameras, PODs, Missile Seekers, and Tank Fire Control Systems

also Aselsan Infrared Photodetectors ....... ( only The US,Israel,France,Turkey in the world )
-- HgCdTe
-- InSb
-- InGaAs

where is China ?

What do you expect when even those who should know spread misinformation about Turkey's efforts and capabilities

as a Turk I am ashamed of that
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1/32 scale models of TB2 and AKINCI, excerpt from Selçuk Bayraktar twitter account:

Honestly, I could not understand which bombs it carry on that pylons. It looks like a IIR/laser-guided and wing asisted one, similiar to Spice-250. We will learn the reason in IDEF-21 why they using unknown model instead of existing ones such Aselsan Miniature precision strike bomb. But no doubt KGK, Teber and (if my guess is correct) this new miniature glide bomb package offering serious Stand-off Strike capability, in GPS-Denied Arenas; and another important issue is that high altitude engagement capability. Let's see...

Thus, another mystery was solved before Idef-21 started.

So, ammunitions shown on the scale model: SOM-J + 2xKGK(81?) + 4xTEBER-81 + 2x MAM-T. Absolutely game changer.

edit: There is still another mystery. Model is carrying at least 3600lbs of ammunition(more likely 4400lbs, BCS a KGK kit has not been introduced for the MK-81 before). This does not match the first specs given with the AKINCI system. We'll probably find out at IDEF, how is going latest developments.

Has a larger warhead than other members of his family

also has a more range

30+ km in UAVs,

60 + km in Light Attack Aircraft,

80+ km in Fighter Aircraft

View attachment 736497
@Philip the Arab
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Will the Turkish Jet powered drone MIUS be similar to this Usa drone. A heavy weight stealth drone invisible to the radars. All weapons are carrier internally, speed is around 1000km.

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Will the Turkish Jet powered drone MIUS be similar to this Usa drone. A heavy weight stealth drone invisible to the radars. All weapons are carrier internally, speed is around 1000km.


3,5-4 tons MTOW
1.000 kg payload
Aselsan GaN based AESA Radar ( ( air search , Synthetic Aperture , weather )
Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
Aselsan Electronic Data Gathering ( ELINT / COMINT )
SATCOM with Turksat-6A Communication Satellite ( thousands of km Combat Radius )
AI-25TL Turbofan Engine
Speed of mach 0,9
40.000 feet altitude
Air to Air Missiles
Strategic strike , SEAD/DEAD role


another concept design by BAYKAR for MIUS UCAV

to carry AESA Radar + SOM / MRASHM Cruise Missiles for SEAD/DEAD role or KUZGUN joint strike ammunitions for air-to-ground high presicion strike or BOZDOGAN-GOKDOGAN Air to Air Missiles for intercaptor role
also Aselsan Infrared Photodetectors ....... ( only The US,Israel,France,Turkey in the world )
-- HgCdTe
-- InSb
-- InGaAs

where is China ?
nice little "pic of truth" you got right there, we must have imported all Infrared units from west or ROC(Taiwan).
Oh, wait, I forgot that we are under sanction for three decades now.
Do not replied to this message as I knew what you have said and typed here always 100% reflect the reality.
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