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Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

And your point is ???, oh BTW how are your baseless propaganda campaign is going on that's Turkey has a best military in whole NATO you have only old F-16 block 52. few old F-4s, and your Navy is so small as compare with most of NATO members

You are doing demagoguery

who said that Turkey has a best military in whole NATO ? I never said

The best is USA

therefore Turkey is modernizing its military with the latest technology weapons
Turkey joined JSF program as global partner to replace F-4s with F-35s .. but there is a problem with The US now

by 2023 , Turkish MIUS jet engine powered stealth UCAV to carry AESA Radar and SOM-J Cruise Missile
and by 2029 , Turkish MMU 5th gen Fighter Jet

btw Turkish Navy has enough power to protect Turkish EEZ in the Eastern Mediterranean
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then Turkish 1.500 km KARGI anti radiation Drones in a first line of attack on İndian S-400/S-300/Israeli Spyder SAMs and Radars

Azerbaijan used Turkish and İsraeli Drones to destroy 6 S-300 Air Defense Systems

and AKINCI UCAV can fire 275 km SOM-J Cruise Missile to hit İndian S-400/S-300/Israeli Spyder SAMs and Radars if India deploy them in near of Pakistan-İndian border

also Pakistan has Tactical Ballistic Missiles and land based long Cruise Missiles to hit İndian S-400/S-300/Israeli Spyder SAMs and Radars

and Pakistan can use Turkish AKINCI UCAVs for defense against İndian Army

if Indian Army try to invade Pakistan

then AKINCI UCAVs can destroy entire İndian Army Tanks and AH-64 APACHE Attack Helicopters
Turkish UCAVs are more effective than Attack Helicopters to hunt Tanks

An 18 AKINCI UCAV battalion can carry 288 MIZRAK anti Tank missiles, each capable of destroying a Tank

also to hunt İndian Frigates , Destroyers
Indian well trained Arminian were not well trained, S-400 AESA can detect track UAVs to 600 km range, and your this UCAV will have much reduce range with such a heavy loads, its a simple facts, yes we have BMs but they have also satellites to detect launches of our BMs much earlier and deploy ABMs systems against them

and army often comes with air cover and SAMs cover, same goes to NAVY of India
You are doing demagoguery

who said that Turkey has a best military in whole NATO ? I never said

The best is USA

therefore Turkey is modernizing its military with the latest technology weapons

btw Turkish Navy has enough power to protect Turkish EEZ in the Eastern Mediterranean
oh liar you are saying that when you here, i am listening to your this crap that Turkish military is best military in NATO since last year
Indian well trained Arminian were not well trained, S-400 AESA can detect track UAVs to 600 km range, and your this UCAV will have much reduce range with such a heavy loads, its a simple facts, yes we have BMs but they have also satellites to detect launches of our BMs much earlier and deploy ABMs systems against them

Russians control and use S300 Air Defense Systems in Armenia

I am saying again , Turkey has 1.500 km KARGI anti radiation kamikaze Drone in a first line of attack
Turkey can produce hundreds of them .... on the other hand how many S300,S400,SYPER missiles in İndia ?

also Pakistan has 800km BABUR mobile land attack Cruise Missiles to hit İndian SAMs

and S400's Radar can detect only AWACS , Bombers , etc in very high altitude from 600km

AKINCI UCAV has smaller RCS than Bombers and can fly in low altitude and can fire SOM-J Cruise Missile from 250 km away ... and its so hard to detect and track stealth Cruise Missile SOM with terrain hugging capability

also by 2023 , Turkish MIUS jet engine powered stealth UCAV to carry AESA Radar and SOM-J Cruise Missile for SEAD role

about İndian Navy Frigates/Destroyers only 15-30-70 km SAMs , nothing else
so easy to hunt İndian Navy Frigates/Destroyers

oh liar you are saying that when you here, i am listening to your this crap that Turkish military is best military in NATO since last year

dont lie you false flager İndian ... prove it or shut up

The best is USA , not only in NATO , but also in the World
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Russians control and use S300 Air Defense Systems in Armenia

I am saying again , Turkey has 1.500 km KARGI anti radiation kamikaze Drone in a first line of attack
Turkey can produce hundreds of them .... on the other hand how many S300,S400,SYPER missiles in İndia ?

also Pakistan has 800km BABUR mobile land attack Cruise Missiles to hit İndian SAMs

and S400's Radar can detect only AWACS , Bombers , etc in very high altitude from 600km

AKINCI UCAV has smaller RCS than Bombers and can fly in low altitude and can fire SOM-J Cruise Missile from 250 km away ... and its so hard to detect and track stealth Cruise Missile SOM with terrain hugging capability

also by 2023 , Turkish MIUS jet engine powered stealth UCAV to carry AESA Radar and SOM-J Cruise Missile for SEAD role

about İndian Navy Frigates/Destroyers only 15-30-70 km SAMs , nothing else

dont lie you false flager İndian ... prove it or shut up
iam not Indian you hyper nationalist, and S-300/400 have multiple AESA to track and engage different target of the enemy

and your this UCAV has a AESA as you say, what is the Range of this AESA to guide 250 km SOM-J???

ever heard of layered defenses

and yes we have Babur but we are looking alternative option to distract enemy, such as HARPY like suicide drone
Russians control and use S300 Air Defense Systems in Armenia

I am saying again , Turkey has 1.500 km KARGI anti radiation kamikaze Drone in a first line of attack
Turkey can produce hundreds of them .... on the other hand how many S300,S400,SYPER missiles in İndia ?

also Pakistan has 800km BABUR mobile land attack Cruise Missiles to hit İndian SAMs

and S400's Radar can detect only AWACS , Bombers , etc in very high altitude from 600km

AKINCI UCAV has smaller RCS than Bombers and can fly in low altitude and can fire SOM-J Cruise Missile from 250 km away ... and its so hard to detect and track stealth Cruise Missile SOM with terrain hugging capability

also by 2023 , Turkish MIUS jet engine powered stealth UCAV to carry AESA Radar and SOM-J Cruise Missile for SEAD role

about İndian Navy Frigates/Destroyers only 15-30-70 km SAMs , nothing else
so easy to hunt İndian Navy Frigates/Destroyers

dont lie you false flager İndian ... prove it or shut up

The best is USA , not only in NATO , but also in the World

He was banned for long but he is back, he has serious comprehension issues as well as psychological issues. He doesnt know the basics of discussion or how to talk and what words to use. He is banned from many threads where all he did was to attack members for no reason. He is an idiot and better ignore him.
He was banned for long but he is back, he has serious comprehension issues as well as psychological issues. He doesnt know the basics of discussion or how to talk and what words to use. He is banned from many threads where all he did was to attack members for no reason. He is an idiot and better ignore him.
and did you read the post of my in various thread, i may be weak in English, but my logic clear cut, i know lot of stuff of military doctrine strategies better than you, and i am only banned from Block-3 threads, and you're not attacking me calling me Idiot, you have 1 negative rating i have not a single one
iam not Indian you hyper nationalist, and S-300/400 have multiple AESA to track and engage different target of the enemy

but dont stop hundreds of Kamikaze Drones , Tactical Ballistic Missiles and Cruise Missiles in swarm attack

and I am talking about Indian Navy with 15-30-70 km SAMs ......
10 Turkish AKINCI UCAVs can drop 60 KUZGUN joint strike ammunitions for swarm attack on Frigates/Destroyers

and bye bye İndian Frigates/Destroyers

also Greek and Egyptian Frigates armed with SAMs with range of 30-50 km

good luck to Greek and Egyptian Frigates ... They will need it

AKINCI UCAV is coming
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and your this UCAV has a AESA as you say, what is the Range of this AESA to guide 250 km SOM-J???

SOM-J has great guidance with IIR seeker and INS+GPS+TRN+IBN+ATR+Data Link

also do you know what about network enabled capability and cooperative engagement capability ?

SOM-J Cruise Missile is with a data network that enables images to be transferred from a single target to multiple targets in air to air and air to ground systems ..... ( only a few countriees in the world )

even Turkish Airforce Boeing E-7T AEWCs , or F-16 Fighter Jets also soon Turkish Navy to find the target and to guide 250 km SOM-J on AKINCI UCAVs

-- Data link
-- 600 km PESA Radar on Boeing E-7T AEWCs
-- 600 km EIRS land based AESA Radar
-- 450 km AESA Radar on TF-2000 class Destroyers
-- 250 km 3D Radar on ISTIF class Frigates

and Havelsan ADVENT next generation Network Enabled Data Integrated Combat Management System for Cooperative Engagment Capability in the Turkish Navy ...... ( only a few Countries in the World )

even We can use AKINCI UCAVs as air based Air Defense System .... 7/24 in the air

AKINCI UCAV will carry AESA Radar and 25-65 km BOZDOGAN-GOKDOGAN air to air missiles
even 600 km EIRS early warning AESA Radars can detect Cruise Missiles and can guidance air to air missiles ongoing enemy Cruise Missiles
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but dont stop hundreds of Kamikaze Drones , Tactical Ballistic Missiles and Cruise Missiles in swarm attack

and I am talking about Indian Navy with 15-30-70 km SAMs ......
and 10 Turkish AKINCI UCAVs can drop 60 KUZGUN joint strike ammunitions for swarm attack on Frigates

bye bye İndian Frigates/Destroyers
Ever heard of LAYERED DFENSES, ADD/PAD for ABM defenses, S-300/400 Spyder/Akash/quick reaction SAMs and last C4I capability
And they also have Barak-8ER with a range of 150 km CIWS for last defense, and what about their aircraft carrier equipped with Mig-29K and shore based MKI for intercepting UCAVs, it isn't easy that you think about, Mr
SOM-J has great guidance with IIR seeker and INS+GPS+TRN+IBN+ATR+Data Link

also do you know what about network enabled capability and cooperative engagement capability ?

SOM-J Cruise Missile is with a data network that enables images to be transferred from a single target to multiple targets in air to air and air to ground systems ..... ( only a few countriees in the world )

even Turkish Airforce Boeing E-7T AEWCs , or F-16 Fighter Jets also soon Turkish Navy to find the target and to guide 250 km SOM-J on AKINCI UCAVs

-- Data link
-- 600 km PESA Radar on Boeing E-7T AEWCs
-- 600 km EIRS land based AESA Radar
-- 450 km AESA Radar on TF-2000 class Destroyers
-- 250 km 3D Radar on ISTIF class Frigates

and Havelsan ADVENT next generation Network Enabled Data Integrated Combat Management System for Cooperative Engagment Capability in the Turkish Navy ...... ( only a few Countries in the World )

even We can use AKINCI UCAVs as air based Air Defense System .... 7/24 in the air

AKINCI UCAV will carry AESA Radar and 25-65 km BOZDOGAN-GOKDOGAN air to air missiles
even 600 km EIRS early warning AESA Radars can detect Cruise Missiles and can guidance air to air missiles on AKINCI UCAVs
OK then and IN also have 450 km ranged AESA on their ships as well as Phalcon AWACS and also have a cooperative engagement capability of some sort
Ever heard of LAYERED DFENSES, ADD/PAD for ABM defenses, S-300/400 Spyder/Akash/quick reaction SAMs and last C4I capability

İndia is not Russia to have/produce hundreds of S-300/400 Missiles to intercept hundreds of Tactical Ballistic Missiles and Cruise Missiles

Pakistan or Turkey has defense industry to produce even thousands of Tactical Ballistic Missiles and Cruise Missiles also anti radiation Kamikaze Drones

and Spyder/Akash can not stop even Turkish Bayraktar TB-2 UCAVs with KORAL - REDET Radar Electronic Warfare attacks

Turkish Drones destroyed Russian PANTSIR , BUK , S300 Air Defense Systems in Syria , Libya and Azerbaijan

and in my senario , to use AKINCI UCAVs to defende Pakistan or Turkey against land invasion

if Indian Army try to invade Pakistan

then AKINCI UCAVs can destroy entire İndian Army Tanks
Turkish UCAVs are more effective than Attack Helicopters to hunt Tanks

An 18 AKINCI UCAV battalion can carry 288 MIZRAK anti Tank missiles, each capable of destroying a Tank
İndia is not Russia to have/produce hundreds of S-300/400 Missiles to intercept hundreds of Tactical Ballistic Missiles and Cruise Missiles

Pakistan or Turkey has defense industry to produce even thousands of Tactical Ballistic Missiles and Cruise Missiles also anti radiation Kamikaze Drones

and Spyder/Akash can not stop even Turkish Bayraktar TB-2 UCAVs with KORAL - REDET Radar Electronic Warfare attacks

Turkish Drones destroyed Russian PANTSIR , BUK , S300 Air Defense Systems in Syria , Libya and Azerbaijan

and in my senario , to use AKINCI UCAVs to defende Pakistan or Turkey against land invasion

if Indian Army try to invade Pakistan

then AKINCI UCAVs can destroy entire İndian Army Tanks
Turkish UCAVs are more effective than Attack Helicopters to hunt Tanks

An 18 AKINCI UCAV battalion can carry 288 MIZRAK anti Tank missiles, each capable of destroying a Tank
And you don't know about tactics of army of the enemy often come with air cover/SAM cover/MANPADS and with electronics gears also
And they also have Barak-8ER with a range of 150 km CIWS for last defense, and what about their aircraft carrier equipped with Mig-29K and shore based MKI for intercepting UCAVs, it isn't easy that you think about, Mr

if İndian Navy attack Turkey
then so easy to destroy all İndian Navy in the Eastern Mediterranean

and what about our F-16 Jets , AEWCs , S400s , Frigates , Corvettes , Submarines , Costal Defense Missiles , Radar Electronic Warfare Systems , UCAVs ?

never forget that Turkey has great Unmanned Vehichle technology

-- Unmanned Submarines armed with AKYA heavyweight Torpedos ... and bye bye İndian Aircraft Carriers
-- Unmanned Vessel armed with AKYA heavyweight Torpedo and MRASHM anti ship Missiles

even 150 km BARAK-8ER can not stop AKINCI UCAV armed with 280km SOM-C anti ship Missile

also soon 150+ km KGK-LR glide Bomb with IIR seeker to hit even moving Warships
and AKINCI UCAV can carry KGK-LR glide Bomb

only 3 KOLKATA class Destroyers armed with 32 x BARAK-8 SAMs
DELHI and RAJPUT class Destroyers have 15-30 km SAMs

even most modern İndian SHIVALIK class Frigate armed with BARAK-1 , SHTIL-1 SAMs with range of 15-30 km
if İndian Navy attack Turkey
then so easy to destroy all İndian Navy in the Eastern Mediterranean

and what about our F-16 Jets , AEWCs , S400s , Frigates , Corvettes , Submarines , Costal Defense Missiles , Radar Electronic Warfare Systems , UCAVs ?

never forget that Turkey has great Unmanned Vehichle technology

-- Unmanned Submarines armed with AKYA heavyweight Torpedos ... and bye bye İndian Aircraft Carriers
-- Unmanned Vessel armed with AKYA heavyweight Torpedo and MRASHM anti ship Missiles

even 150 km BARAK-8ER can not stop AKINCI UCAV armed with 280km SOM-C anti ship Missile

also soon 150+ km KGK-LR glide Bomb with IIR seeker to hit even moving Warships
and AKINCI UCAV can carry KGK-LR glide Bomb

only 3 KOLKATA class Destroyers armed with 32 x BARAK-8 SAMs
DELHI and RAJPUT class Destroyers have 15-30 km SAMs

even most modern İndian SHIVALIK class Frigate armed with BARAK-1 , SHTIL-1 SAMs with range of 15-30 km
LOL you forget about IAF and IN MIG-29k on carriers, and we we are talking about India vs Pakistan scenarios not India vs Turkey scenarios, IN will never come to deter Turkey in eastern Mediterranean
And you don't know about tactics of army of the enemy often come with air cover/SAM cover/MANPADS and with electronics gears also

are you trolling ?

İndian Army can do nothing against AKINCI UCAVs in Pakistani soil

-- MANPADS can not reach 40.000 feet altitude to hit AKINCI UCAV
-- Turkish UCAVs have great countermeasure capability against electronic warfare

İf Indian Army try to invade Pakistan
Turkish UCAVs easly can hunt all İndian Tanks , Howitzers , MLRS , IFVs , mobile SAMs and troops even Helicopters including AH-64 APACHEs

-- 110 km KUZGUN joint attack Bomb with IIR seeker to hit Air Defense Systems like PANTSIR,TOR-M2 and BUK
-- 65 km GOKDOGAN and 25 km BOZDOGAN air to air missiles to hit Attack Helicopters or UCAVs
-- 8 km UMTAS anti Tank Missile with top attack capability to destroy Tanks
are you trolling ?

İndian Army can do nothing against AKINCI UCAVs in Pakistani soil

-- MANPADS can not reach 40.000 feet altitude to hit AKINCI UCAV
-- Turkish UCAVs have great countermeasure capability against electronic warfare

İf Indian Army try to invade Pakistan
Turkish UCAVs easly can hunt all İndian Tanks , Howitzers , MLRS , IFVs , mobile SAMs and troops even Helicopters including AH-64 APACHEs

-- 110 km KUZGUN joint attack Bomb with IIR seeker to hit Air Defense Systems like PANTSIR,TOR-M2 and BUK
-- 65 km GOKDOGAN and 25 km BOZDOGAN air to air missiles to hit Attack Helicopters or UCAVs
-- 8 km UMTAS anti Tank Missile with top attack capability to destroy Tanks
No but you're not thinking logically, 40,000 feet means its in the range of Medium and long range SAMs

No ECM systems is 100% fool proofs and reliable you knows nothing how many and which ECCM (electronic counter countermeasures) by your enemy
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