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Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

I guess he meant to ANKA for NAVY because they already delivered a few ANKA-S to Turkish NAVY.
He said they were developing a new one
İnsansız hava aracı geliştiriyoruz. Ancak sözleşme imzalanmadan konuşmam doğru olmaz.
It will probably be an VTUAV like the MQ-8B Fire Scout

I think we will continue to innovate. When it comes to drones we have come a long way. I think we will start making more specialised drones. One which I would love is a fast low flying A-10 style drone. Not necessarily meant for CAS during sticky situations. But instead for huge assaults. Not only would they be crazy effective but imagine the psychological warfare.

If we could build a gun similar to the one in the A-10 and put it on a drone which would penetrate into enemy airspace imagine what could be done. A-10s are tough and can easily withstand small arms fire but you wouldn't want to fly into a competent enemy's airspace. But imagine dispensable drones doing the same thing. Just terrifying in my opinion.

Stealth capability is more important imo.

Yes I think our bomber drones (the successors or our current drones) should be stealth for sure. It'll enhance the survivability so that means less losses.

However just like how there's fighter jets, bombers, CAS aircraft and interdictors, we must diversify our drones too. Imagine drones with different roles all working together to decimate the enemy. This is what we need.

An A10-like drone would be the ultimate form of shock and awe and psychological warfare. It may not be the most practical machine but it's impact will be huge.
I think we will continue to innovate. When it comes to drones we have come a long way. I think we will start making more specialised drones. One which I would love is a fast low flying A-10 style drone. Not necessarily meant for CAS during sticky situations. But instead for huge assaults. Not only would they be crazy effective but imagine the psychological warfare.

If we could build a gun similar to the one in the A-10 and put it on a drone which would penetrate into enemy airspace imagine what could be done. A-10s are tough and can easily withstand small arms fire but you wouldn't want to fly into a competent enemy's airspace. But imagine dispensable drones doing the same thing. Just terrifying in my opinion.

That's why we have AKSUNGUR and AKINCI.
A-10 is not an ordinary aircraft. It basically designed to carry that gun. Other specifications are fit with AKSUNGUR and AKINCI. High payload capacity is the key for both of them. Especially AKINCI can carry heavy ammunition than others. Also, AKINCI with SOM will be enough for the psychological side.
That's why we have AKSUNGUR and AKINCI.
A-10 is not an ordinary aircraft. It basically designed to carry that gun. Other specifications are fit with AKSUNGUR and AKINCI. High payload capacity is the key for both of them. Especially AKINCI can carry heavy ammunition than others. Also, AKINCI with SOM will be enough for the psychological side.
Actually, Akıncı can only carry 950 kg of external payloads. The remaining 450 kg is for sensors and such...
Actually, Akıncı can only carry 950 kg of external payloads. The remaining 450 kg is for sensors and such...

It looks small but enough for a UAV. Turkey has an advantage about that point, we can make both UAV and the ammunition so it is much cheaper than any manned aircraft option. Also a big fleet of UAV another advantage for the air defence system. They can shoot some of them but the valuable number of the UAVs will reach the targets.
Actually, Akıncı can only carry 950 kg of external payloads. The remaining 450 kg is for sensors and such...
I would like to see more payload for Akinci in the future if there are plans for Akinci 2.0 but the current one 950 kg is more than enough
Aksungur which has total payload of 750 kg(I don’t how much exactly is for weapons) will be carrying 24 mam-l which is 20 more than TB2(4 mam-l) Akinci will carry maybe 30+ for sure
I was tracking turkish airstrikes from several accounts and I can tell that usually they drop 2-3 PGMs on pkk targets in northern iraq
If you have seen the image of armed akinci then you already know that it can carry 3 PGMs plus other smaller weapons like mam-l
I call this game changer particularly when TuAF will have large fleet in 2-3 years
Life of F-16s will be massively extended
expect big increase in payload with the next generation jet powered UCAV but even 950kg is going to be frightening for enemies
Now I will swear this Selcuk Bayraktar at the first time, Enough is enough, fly the Akıncı drones over the Eastern Mediterranean, Libya asap.
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