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Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

You all are thinking way too hard about this.

Turkey needs something like this for its LHD and future LHD ambitions.



This is the only type of Drone that could significantly have an impact and be launchable from Anadolu and future LHDs.

Any other type of drone that could be armed with significant missiles be it Air to Air or Air to Surface the Anadolu is not fit to capture again, which means total loss of Drone. Take off? Yeah sure probably. Land? No.
That's just your opinion. Remember that even fighter planes need assistance when taking off and even during landings.
You all are thinking way too hard about this.

Turkey needs something like this for its LHD and future LHD ambitions.

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This is the only type of Drone that could significantly have an impact and be launchable from Anadolu and future LHDs.

Any other type of drone that could be armed with significant missiles be it Air to Air or Air to Surface the Anadolu is not fit to capture again, which means total loss of Drone. Take off? Yeah sure probably. Land? No.
You might first do some research on the costs of operating such a drone.
All costs.
And how fast will they be, whats their operational range ? I don’t think those vtol uav shown are the game changers. It’s akinci which can land on LHD
And how fast will they be, whats their operational range ? I don’t think those vtol uav shown are the game changers. It’s akinci which can land on LHD
Well they have joke capacity but mentioned them as an active VTOL UAV project
That’s why I said TAI or Baykar should launch VTOL UAV project
Akinci can land on LHD in the best case scenario but what will happen if there are strong winds/bad weather something like that
Well they have joke capacity but mentioned them as an active VTOL UAV project
That’s why I said TAI or Baykar should launch VTOL UAV project
Akinci can land on LHD in the best case scenario but what will happen if there are strong winds/bad weather something like that
Does it matter. Should we ask haftar to go home because the sea and winds aren’t with us :). No we will find a solution.
Akinci will be able to land on Anadolu the day humanity walks on the sun.

For those unable of picking up sarcasm that means never.

Unless you want Turkey to use Akinci as a one time use drone against hafter and then have it drop into the sea after it runs out of fuel.

And for those talking about costs of vtol vehicles. Yes they are costly but better then the fantasy being peddled by users here. An actually realistic solution if costly. VTOL is the only way to get any ability whatsoever of strike capabilities from Anadolu we will ever see unless we get F-35Bs.

This is the last post I will make about this.
If the Turkish NAVY wants an LHD base UAV, it will be a smaller platform than AKINCI or AKSUNGUR. Yes, the deck looks big enough but not always it will be obstacle-free for landing. Also, LHD based platforms have to be strength enough to land faster and heavier conditions. So we need a new project if the navy wants it.
İmagine as if it were Harrier jump jet on TCG ANADOLU
Turkey has already made F16 flown unmanned! We did it!
Turkey didn't make any F-16 or Turkey doesn't have any expertise about unmanned F-16 or Turkey didn't fly any F-16.
İ heard it from ex minister on TV. And what's wrong with that? A country produces every kind of UAV Why wouldnt try it ?

Edit: in 2015!!
Undersecretary of Defense Industry Dr. İsmail Demir made statements to the newspaper's Ankara Representative Hakan Çelik. Professor Dr. İsmail Demir stated that there might be unmanned warplanes in the next generation, and that the F-16s were technically possible to fly unmannedly and that the Air Force planned an unmanned flight for trial purposes.

So i strongly advice you consider unmanned jumpjets for LPD.
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