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Air Strikes in North Waziristan leave 70 militants dead

The snatched children aren't considered innocent civilians?

Reference, please. (And if you say it's "common knowledge" then you should know by now such things should be treated with many grains of salt.)
I don't believe in cutting corners.

Israeli Air Strike Kills 11 Palestinian Civilians

Turning a Wedding Into a Funeral: U.S. Drone Strike in Yemen Killed as Many as 12 Civilians | Democracy Now!

Yemeni officials say U.S. drone strike hits wedding party, killing 13 | Mail Online
Thank you for the correction. Can you post the whole video?
Sadly PAF doesn't glorify it's operations and just releases limited info like this image of a Taliban cave about to receive a couple of LGBs.

"In this case, you can't avoid collateral damage if they position the rockets in densely populated areas, in mosques, school yards," said Israeli Vice Premier Moshe Yaalon. "We shouldn't be blamed for the outcome."​

Can't get the web page to work.

"'An air strike missed its target and hit a wedding car convoy, ten people were killed immediately and another five who were injured died after being admitted to the hospital,' one security official said.​

Apparently these were accidents or cases of terrorists employing civilians as human shields. It's folly to think the PAF doesn't face similar situations.
I just want to make it clear for the bafoons secretly mourning the shaft given to TTP while playing 'collateral damage' card.

These Air Strikes are coordinated by the intelligence. They are pulled off after months of intel geathering, refining, collecting actionable intel, mission planning and contingencies.

They are mostly carried out at night or early morning when their meetings take place, they are getting together for distribution of booty and arms, or for solving their infighting issues.

This is the work of intel craft to make sure the collateral damage is minimal. It is an utmost priority to minimize the civilian toll.
Just leave them alone ... let them Mourn the death of their brethren in peace ..:coffee:
PAF Jets Pounded Militant Hideouts in NWA

21 May 2014


By: Umar Daraz Wazir

Miranshah, May 21: The Pakistan Air Force combat planes bombarded militant hideouts in the restive North Waziristan Agency here on Wednesday that killed around 70 militants, according to the last reports, and all are said to be the members of banned outfits including foreign militants, FRC learnt.

The aerial bombardment started today at around 3am and lasted till 10am in morning.

According to the area stationed military sources dozens of militants were killed in the strikes that were hiding in different areas of tehsil Mirali and tehsil Miranshah of the agency.

“In the targeted military operation around 70 militants were killed, including foreign militants, who have been conducting terrorist activities across Pakistan as per our sources”, said intelligence sources to FRC upon the condition of anonymity.

According to FRC reports different areas of Miranshah tehsil including Machas, Bhaigan, Mohammad Khel, Boya and Miranshah city while Khaso Khel, Mosakai and Essory of Mirali tehsil were targeted in todays’ operation.

However the mentioned casualties could not be ascertained from independent sources. Also the area Taliban while talking to FRC refused to comment on the recent attacks and deaths of their members.

“The Pakistan Military is repeating the exercise they have had in past and we do not want to say something about it right at this stage”, said Shahid Ullah Shahid, TTP central spokesman, on telephone to FRC.

The local political administration when were contacted in this regard endorsed the military statement and revealed that curfew would be imposed in NWA today at 5pm that will last for an indefinite time period.

PAF Jets Pounded Militant Hideouts in NWA – FATA Research Center

Pakistan Air Strikes Hit Near Afghan Border, Military Says

Pakistan Says Raid On North Waziristan Militant Bases Killed 60 "Hard-Core Terrorists"

May 21, 2014

PESHAWAR, Pakistan—Pakistani warplanes Wednesday struck suspected militant hide-outs in a tribal region near the border with Afghanistan, military and intelligence officials said, bringing the government in Islamabad a step closer to a full confrontation with the country's homegrown Taliban movement.

The Pakistan military said in a statement that it killed 60 "hard-core terrorists" in strikes on militant bases in the North Waziristan region.

The statement said the offensive followed "confirmed intelligence reports" that linked Islamist militants to recent attacks on civilians and soldiers in Pakistan.

North Waziristan, part of Pakistan's lawless tribal areas, is a stronghold for Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan, a group linked to al Qaeda.

The Pakistani military also said a large cache of arms, ammunition and bomb-making material was destroyed in the attack. The statement said important militant commanders and foreign fighters were killed in the strikes.

Publicly, the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has maintained it wants to bring the Pakistani Taliban into peace negotiations. But no talks have been held for over a month, and a short-lived cease-fire by the group ended in early April.

Wednesday's strikes appear to bring Islamabad a step closer to a planned military operation to clear out militant sanctuaries in North Waziristan. The U.S. and Afghan governments have long pressed for such an offensive, and officials in Pakistan say the offensive might now be rolled out gradually.

On Monday, the Afghan Ministry of Defense hosted a meeting in Kabul attended by Pakistani Chief of Army Staff Gen. Raheel Sharif and U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Dunford, the commander of U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan.

North Waziristan is a magnet for jihadists from across the world, including from the former Soviet republics of Central Asia, and two intelligence officials said at least 20 of the militants killed in a village called Khushali were Uzbeks.

With phone lines down in North Waziristan, it was difficult to reach villagers there to fully verify the government's account.

"We were sleeping and woke up when we heard loud explosions and the sound of jet planes," said Nasrullah Dawar, 29, a resident of Musaki, a village on the outskirts of Mirali. "There was a lot of destruction in my village."

Mr. Dawar said his wife, sister and child were all injured in the bombardment, and other houses in his village were hit. He brought two of the wounded to a hospital in Bannu, just outside the tribal areas.

The Pakistani military denied reports that civilians had been killed or injured in the airstrikes.

"There have been no reports so far of civilian casualties," said one military officer.

Gul Bahadur, a North Waziristan warlord who has a long-standing peace deal with Pakistan, condemned the airstrikes, claiming they had hit civilians. Mr. Bahadur warned his group might end its agreement with Islamabad as a result.

The Gul Bahadur group "has run out of patience, and such bombing of the people is not acceptable under any circumstances," the outfit said in a statement.

If Mr. Bahadur's jihadist group, which fights only in Afghanistan, also joined the insurgency at home, the threat in North Waziristan would be multiplied.

The central leadership of the Pakistani Taliban didn't issue an immediate response to the attacks. However, the powerful faction led by Omar Khorasani, from the Mohmand part of the tribal areas, vowed retribution.

"The lions of Islam will once again become active to avenge the blood of our tribal Muslim brothers," Mr. Khorasani said in a statement.

Pakistan Air Strikes Hit Near Afghan Border, Military Says - WSJ.com

Dozens Killed as Pakistani Jets Bomb Suspected Militant Hideouts


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Pakistani fighter jets bombed suspected militant sanctuaries in villages near the Afghan border Wednesday, killing at least 60 people, according to the military.

"Air strikes were carried out on terrorist’s hideouts in North Waziristan Agency this morning," said an official statement from the Pakistani military. "Sixty hardcore terrorists, including some of the important commanders and foreigners, were also killed in the strikes and around 30 were injured."

It was not immediately clear if any civilians died in the bombardment.

Dozens of houses in the villages of Hasukhel, Hurmaz, Mosaki and Khushali were targeted in the early hours of Wednesday, according to Baharullah Dawar, who lives nearby in North Waziristan's capital of Miranshah .

"We were asleep when heavy explosions started in the area. We thought they were drone strikes but when we came out of our rooms, we noticed heavy fighter jets bombing villages," Dawar told NBC News by telephone.

Dawar said four Pakistani army helicopter gunships arrived later in the morning and started ‎pounding suspected militant sanctuaries.

"The villagers and militants later retrieved 30 bodies from collapsed houses. More than two dozen people had been injured but couldn't be taken to the hospital because the local administration had imposed curfew in the entire tribal region since Wednesday morning," he said.

The aerial strikes came after NATO, Afghan and Pakistani officials agreed to step-up their coordination in the lawless border region and try to ensure that the next round of Afghan presidential elections scheduled for June 14 go smoothly.

Last week also saw U.S. drone strikes restart in the region following a lull of more than 130 days - the longest gap in such strikes since 2011. Those attacks reportedly killed senior Taliban targets.

Dozens Killed as Pakistani Jets Bomb Suspected Militant Hideouts - NBC News
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And the kids of innocent will take revenge from Pakistan.. Astonished to see that Pakistani are cheering "death of Pakistani"..

These Bombing will make more rebels. These rebels will bring havoc in Pakistan..
Collateral damages actually in aerial bombardments and artillary shelling put pressure on taliban. People might dislike army for bombardments but they are powerless and cant do any thing, but instead they pressurize taliban to stop their activities in their areas and many refuse to cooperate with them due to fear of army. British applied the same tactics, break the backbone of tribes, inflict damages on them through operations and bombardments so that they are so "softened" that they dont cooperate with miscreants.
Raheel sharif is going in right direction, collective punishment is solution to counter guerrella warfare. He is heir of lord curzon, he knows how to deal with tribal areas.
Collateral damages actually in aerial bombardments and artillary shelling put pressure on taliban. People might dislike army for bombardments but they are powerless and cant do any thing, but instead they pressurize taliban to stop their activities in their areas and many refuse to cooperate with them due to fear of army. British applied the same tactics, break the backbone of tribes, inflict damages on them through operations and bombardments so that they are so "softened" that they dont cooperate with miscreants.
Raheel sharif is going in right direction, collective punishment is solution to counter guerrella warfare. He is heir of lord curzon, he knows how to deal with tribal areas.

What blatant hypocrisy. When there is collateral damage in J&K, its the biggest sin on earth. When Pakistani army kills its own civilians as collateral damage, it becomes strategy to pressurize the TTP. :lol: some strategy. And not allowing press makes it more suspicious.
good job PAF :pakistan:

make the land of pure more pure.

half of India and Pakistan problem will solved by this kind of actions.
The snatched children aren't considered innocent civilians?

Reference, please. (And if you say it's "common knowledge" then you should know by now such things should be treated with many grains of salt.)

Thank you for the correction. Can you post the whole video?

Strike on Sheikh Yaseen and killing doze innocent by standers with him. Why is it such atrocities are scraped from your memory ?
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Just to show - that all strikes use PGM's both laser guided, tv guided, and JDAM's - Special Forces and Intel Paramilitaries have eyes on targets and are in direct communication with Pilots and have the relevant Code Words to abort missions if the target is compromised with civilians or non-combatants in the vicinity.

Also small diameter bombs are used when needed - so as to lesson the chance of collateral damage.

Also with the employment of new MALE and longe endurance UAV's and the acquisition of sophisticated real time satellite images from various sources, the takfiri have literally no place to hide.
Looks like TTP is going to be history pretty soon.
Over past 10+ years with a superpower (The Beast of 666) sitting on one side & a strong Pak-Army on the other side TTP hadn't become history yet. Actually they increased their activities since their inception, if anything. The reason is the Beast itself.

As long as The Beast is sitting in our neighbourhood, forget it; TTP is not going any where. Because Americans are facilitating them from Afghanistan side of-course Indians are their helpers at a lower level of hierarchy & chain of command of terrorism.

As soon as The Beast leaves the area, TTP will vanish like they never existed.

To bring peace in Pakistan, we have to kick out The Beast & Indian influence from Afghanistan....

If nothing works, just threaten Israel with extinction & see the magic... people will be surprised how quickly world will become peaceful if Israel is threatened with extinction. Because all these one-sided so-called wars are being fought to pave the way for Israel's expansion-wet-dreams...

I am curious though , as to how does that affect the Mullahs and their little angel cadres that receive religious military training in country wide network of Madarsas with money donated by the hard working middle class ? They do not accept either the Christians or the Jews , " claim " to work against them and hate all things Western including well progress . This is the mess leftover from the 80's jihad that we are trying to clear , religious extremism and the resultant terrorism , even if the beast goes there's no change in the situation on ground unless of course that now you would take help from conspiracy theory as to how these are all Hindus and Jews operating in the country creating these suicide bombers and terrorists and the Mullahs/ the local God's viceroy are as innocent as ever . There's no extremism within but all this is being created and manipulated from a foreign country . Always a new conspiracy theory and attempt to look outside . Look within yourself , because the enemy is not outside .

You assume a lot of what is neither said nor implied. Your brain suffers from flatulence producing all sorts of irrational by-products; get a phak'kee "پهكّى"...

Why were those Madrassas silent & hibernating in the window period after USSR left & before US came in??? What had happened to their godly abilities during that time. Why were they ONLY capable of carrying out terrorism when USSR+india was in Afghan & now that US+india is in neighbourhood??? What is it with their presence in Afghan that madrassa-trainees come to life only & only then...!! When Taliban ruled the whole country of Afghan & were in best position to rock Pakistan, why was there peace in Pakistan during that window period... do you have a short memory or can you analyze only a point-in-time & not the span-of-time?

There's an enemy with-in all of us, even YOU have an enemy inside. But without facilitation from the enemy outside, the enemy inside Pakistan is practically dead.

By innocent civilians you mean kin and kith of terrorists?
Being related to a criminal does NOT make you any less innocent.
Otherwise if YOU kill someone then I should be allowed to go & grab your son\daughter\parents\siblings & butcher them for the crime you committed.

Let him Mourn in peace ... Some of his Rats died today .. he is very heart broken.

Similar derogatory words could be used when MORE of Pak-Army men are beheaded & video taped. Or when your children are be shredded while shopping in market... But he doesn't stoop to your kind of mockery... So tame your false-euphoria foxy.

All he's trying to say is following: (& likes of you extrapolate his remarks to mean as if he's supporting terrorists)

Bukhari:-52:257: During some of the Ghazawat of the Prophet a woman was found killed. Allah's Apostle disapproved the killing of women and children.

Malik mauta:-21:10: "I advise you ten things| Do not kill women or children or an aged, infirm person. Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees. Do not destroy an inhabited place. Do not slaughter sheep or camels except for food. Do not burn bees and do not scatter them. Do not steal from the booty, and do not be cowardly."


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the areas that are targeted where assembly areas of TTP fighters.. they are normally in deserted villages or in the narrow valleys .

the pictures below give a glimpse of what such gatherings are like. I don't want to engage the constant troll here who is on purpose derailing the thread
but you will bet the message what I mean to say, I hope




just to show that our strikes that result in heavy number of TTP casualties are ones that are done when they are meeting up together for planning , resolving their turfs or getting ready for attacks on our positions.

no innocent civilian who treasures his self preservation would live or stay at such gatherings. they brutalize the population, snatch their children for suicide training and constantly extort from them. do recall the pictures of tribesmen vacating the areas already.

The TTP individuals might live and hide among civilians but when they are out on a mission or doing a show of force, they do it among their supporters or abandoned areas.

I strongly urge every reader to recall the news of the deployment of our Drones recently that have shortened our response time and has taken taliban leadership by surprise and their shocked radio chatter has confirmed that we are hitting them very hard resulting in much greater loss of their people, thats why they ran for peace talks

stop engaging the troll please
Nope, aerial bombardments are mostly done on populated villages and towns. Only when ground troops are engaged in fight with taliban on mountains, then you see jets or helicopters in action on mountains.
North waziristan villages are not deserted, it has population of 0.8 million and as many as 0.7 million must be still there. Why they all dont migrate? Because they prefer a war torn life to a mohajir life in a tent, begging. Unless there is not a full scale operation, they wont chose IDP life. The wealthy ones among them have already moved to settled areas and have bought lands and houses. The remaining ones are poor ones, who dont have enough money to rent or buy house in kpk
You guys are known for blowing innocents for fun. Do you think PAF will target its own innocent children and woman to say we killed some terrorists? PAF budget is limited and missiles are expensive.

Read @Irfan Baloch post above.
Bombs are indeed expensive, but lives of tribesmen are not....
You might not have observed but these aerial bombardments are not only lifting morale of nation but also faujis. People in the other corners of pakistan are satisfied that pak army is killing as many 'terrorists' as possible, is not indecisive and would solve the TTP problem. There are also sentiments of badal in awam, whenever some blasts occur, awam wants PAF to drop some bombs on FATA.
For pak army support of awam is more precious than any missile. Raheel shareef is getting popular for his boldness.
As long as The Beast is sitting in our neighbourhood, forget it; TTP is not going any where. Because Americans are facilitating them from Afghanistan side of-course Indians are their helpers at a lower level of hierarchy & chain of command of terrorism.

I am curious though , as to how does that affect the Mullahs and their little angel cadres that receive religious military training in country wide network of Madarsas with money donated by the hard working middle class ? They do not accept either the Christians or the Jews , " claim " to work against them and hate all things Western including well progress . This is the mess leftover from the 80's jihad that we are trying to clear , religious extremism and the resultant terrorism , even if the beast goes there's no change in the situation on ground unless of course that now you would take help from conspiracy theory as to how these are all Hindus and Jews operating in the country creating these suicide bombers and terrorists and the Mullahs/ the local God's viceroy are as innocent as ever . There's no extremism within but all this is being created and manipulated from a foreign country . Always a new conspiracy theory and attempt to look outside . Look within yourself , because the enemy is not outside .

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