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Air Strikes in North Waziristan leave 70 militants dead

Good. Kill them all. These pigs need to be annihilated and quickly. They are not interested in peace talks so there is only one way and that is

You can't selectively kill terrorists alone in such large scale bombings on villages. Collateral damage will be there unless they were terrorist only villages, which is unlikely.

And the kids of innocent will take revenge from Pakistan.. Astonished to see that Pakistani are cheering "death of Pakistani"..

These Bombing will make more rebels. These rebels will bring havoc in Pakistan..
And they will take revenge from Pakistan.
ERRRRRRRRRRRRRR wrong, they will take revenge from those who have killed their fathers. That going by ur logic.

So instead of pretending to care, just please!
Good Job. Hopefully no innocent civillians have been hurt. Few lines from the original article :

There were reports of some civilian casualties including women and children but the security official did not confirm them.

Independent verification of the toll and identity of the dead was not possible as journalists are not allowed to enter the area

Given this, there is no way to ascertain whether the dead are actually all TTP rebels or a mix of TTP fighters and innocent civilians. A bomb from a fighter plane has no way of distinguishing the two. But on the flip side, I don think Pakistan has any other option left than to accept this collateral damage. The TTP fighters are too entrenched to be fought only on the ground since that will lead to unacceptable Army casualties.
See its hap
ERRRRRRRRRRRRRR wrong, they will take revenge from those who have killed their fathers. That going by ur logic.

So instead of pretending to care, just please!

Pakistani killed there father.. and they will take revenge ...

See its already happening
Blast near Rangers headquarters in Karachi; five injured

Given this, there is no way to ascertain whether the dead are actually all TTP rebels or a mix of TTP fighters and innocent civilians. A bomb from a fighter plane has no way of distinguishing the two. But on the flip side, I don think Pakistan has any other option left than to accept this collateral damage. The TTP fighters are too entrenched to be fought only on the ground since that will lead to unacceptable Army casualties.

There is always an option.. Bring Sharia to Pakistan, all probelm will be solved,....
See its hap

Pakistani killed there father.. and they will take revenge ...

See its already happening
Blast near Rangers headquarters in Karachi; five injured

There is always an option.. Bring Sharia to Pakistan, all probelm will be solved,....
Hypocrisy has no limits with u guys. Any ways carry on with ur crocodile tears. No cares, or shits given. The Pakistan Army, and AF has given all the locals ample amount of time to leave the area, and who are left are mostly the families of the ttp. Not that they deserve to die, and I can assure u that our boys are very careful, and not trigger happy like your lot who will go on killing people just for the heck of it. Now think all u want to, and cry over what u want to. The truth might not be what u are reading,but its also not what u are assuming.
See its hap

Pakistani killed there father.. and they will take revenge ...

See its already happening
Blast near Rangers headquarters in Karachi; five injured

There is always an option.. Bring Sharia to Pakistan, all probelm will be solved,....
kiddo if you dont know anything about tribal area then plz stop spreading your BS you know there is something called ISI and MI that are present in Tribal area , they dont target the location just like that air and ground surveillance is done by ISI special operation wing prior to any attacks by jets and cobra heli.. in North waziristan ISI operatives are in large number because of Local lads who are in Pak Army from miranshah and razmak as compared to south waziristan so these strikes are precise only civilians that are killed in these attacks are the family members of TTP dogs
Hypocrisy has no limits with u guys. Any ways carry on with ur crocodile tears. No cares, or shits given. The Pakistan Army, and AF has given all the locals ample amount of time to leave the area, and who are left are mostly the families of the ttp. Not that they deserve to die, and I can assure u that our boys are very careful, and not trigger happy like your lot who will go on killing people just for the heck of it. Now think all u want to, and cry over what u want to. The truth might not be what u are reading,but its also not what u are assuming.

so u mean to say that there are no civilian in that area, all left arr terrorist?

Or u are saying that, your bombs hit only terrorists, Civilian get unharmed from your weapon//

You are not different than USA who kill innocent citizen, The only difference is USA never kill there own ppl..
@Aeronaut please pay attention to this thread and remove the post of chronic troll

After enjoying 6 years of idiot Kyani now these p!gs are facing music. Keep bombing sh!t out of these baboons. Rest in Piss
they had to be taken off guard without notifying the TTP sympathizers in Nawaz government it was necessary that assaults are lightening fast and at the correct time to negate the militants the escape to their rat holes.
so u mean to say that there are no civilian in that area, all left arr terrorist?

Or u are saying that, your bombs hit only terrorists, Civilian get unharmed from your weapon//

You are not different than USA who kill innocent citizen, The only difference is USA never kill there own ppl..
What I said was assume what ever u want to, but ur assumptions dont automatically become facts. Try to live in the real world. Not a fantasy created by ur joker media.
So who was targeted? Shaharyar Mahsud? Sajna? Hafiz Gul Bahadur? Shahrukh(sorry I couldn't help it, if a "sajna" can exist then there must be a shahrukh khan in the terrorists as well)?
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