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Air Strikes in North Waziristan leave 70 militants dead

Bombs are indeed expensive, but lives of tribesmen are not....
You might not have observed but these aerial bombardments are not only lifting morale of nation but also faujis. People in the other corners of pakistan are satisfied that pak army is killing as many 'terrorists' as possible, is not indecisive and would solve the TTP problem. There are also sentiments of badal in awam, whenever some blasts occur, awam wants PAF to drop some bombs on FATA.
For pak army support of awam is more precious than any missile. Raheel shareef is getting popular for his boldness.

There is ground work done before dropping any bomb. Again what you are saying make zero sense. Other wise these types of PAF operations will be on daily basis if all they wanted was to kill innocents civilians which will only make things worse. First they gather intel on the ground, and make sure as many TTP are in place as possible before blowing them up.
Bombs are indeed expensive, but lives of tribesmen are not....
You might not have observed but these aerial bombardments are not only lifting morale of nation but also faujis. People in the other corners of pakistan are satisfied that pak army is killing as many 'terrorists' as possible, is not indecisive and would solve the TTP problem. There are also sentiments of badal in awam, whenever some blasts occur, awam wants PAF to drop some bombs on FATA.
For pak army support of awam is more precious than any missile. Raheel shareef is getting popular for his boldness.

That's how Army collects and verifies Intelligence


Star Safire and Brite Star Systems in PAF. | Page 2

By innocent civilians you mean kin and kith of terrorists?
By innocent civilians you mean kin and kith of terrorists?
One way or another all tribesmen are kin and kith, neighbors of taliban or their supporters, or they are silent spectator......Why the hypocrisy? declare all tribals terrorists and be done with them.
Collateral damage and suspected militants are some of the newly invented terms for innocent civilians that are being killed in the so called WoT
By the kin and Kith of the terrorists do you mean there are only terrorists living there ?
One way or another all tribesmen are kin and kith, neighbors of taliban or their supporters, or they are silent spectator......Why the hypocrisy? declare all tribals terrorists and be done with them.

Faujis knows their target. Why such hypocrisy , crying collateral damage?
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There is ground work done before dropping any bomb. Again what you are saying make zero sense. Other wise these types of PAF operations will be on daily basis if all they wanted was to kill innocents civilians which will only make things worse. First they gather intel on the ground, and make sure as many TTP are in place as possible before blowing them up.

I am aware of the ground realities and the lies of Army/ISPR.......if 17 "suspected" militants are roasted by jets and 15 of them are actually innocent civilians, they declare all 17 as militants/ taliban.......the fact is , there is very less collateral damage in drones than air strikes and artillery shelling of pak army.

I dont want to spoil the fun of you people any more, so i would stop at this. Neither Taliban nor Pak army are shaheed for me, these collateral casualties are shaheed. My Allah grant them Jannat ul firdaus. Ameen

Why such hypocrisy , crying collateral damage?
Shut the fck up man........you might be o.k with collateral damage, i am not.
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Shut the fck up man........you might be o.k with collateral damage, i am not.

Are you ok with TTP blowing innocents? Not right? So some collateral damage will always be expected by going against them. If PAF sit back then TTP will only kill more not less.
Let him Mourn in peace ... Some of his Rats died today .. he is very heart broken.

Saddened for collateral damage, indeed......one must ask you whether the "rats" for you are just taliban or all pashtun tribesmen who live in that area?......
Im not against these airstrikes but the civilian casualities are the main reason i remain neutral on this issue :undecided:

We should have to develop strong intelligence to make sure before an airstrike that target doesnt contain civilians which would result in zero civilian casualities :pakistan:
Are you ok with TTP blowing innocents? Not right? So some collateral damage will always be expected by going against them. If PAF sit back then TTP will only kill more not less.
Taliban are non-state terrorists......................A state army can not respond like terrorist......why do you think India avoided aerial strikes, tanks, gunship helicopters in Kashmir?
pak army was supposed to handle taliban through ground commando action, but they dont want to risk their lives so have chosen easy way......drop bombs on them and destroy them through artillery shelling from far distance.....no matter what collateral damage is (faujis and their supporters label them taliban supporters to get away with it)
@AmnaR | Don't post unverified images. Everything that floats on twitter isn't authentic.

Google earth coordinates are not used in air strikes (whoever you are trying to fool here). This how targets are acquired.


GPS sensors are inbuilt in SniperXP and FLAIR pods used for targeting. Most targets are designated from the ground by certain forces.
Taliban are non-state terrorists......................A state army can not respond like terrorist......why do you think India avoided aerial strikes, tanks, gunship helicopters in Kashmir?
pak army was supposed to handle taliban through ground commando action, but they dont want to risk their lives so have chosen easy way......drop bombs on them and destroy them through artillery shelling from far distance.....no matter what collateral damage is (faujis and their supporters label them taliban supporters to get away with it)

India is occupying Kashmir not trying to mount a counter insurgency campaign to bring peace.
These strikes are punitive strikes on TTP for their recent attacks. If ground forces move in for an offensive, everyone will be up in arms. Collateral damage is always regrettable, the tribesmen have suffered the most in this unfortunate war.
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