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Ahmadiyya festival site Attacked in Bangladesh

So who the hell are the qadiani who live in Lahore?? In Sailkot?? In every major city of Pakistan??

Yes, but you included them as Muslims during Pakistan movement but now they are not Muslims.
According to Islam actually... But in 21st century Bangladesh - I am advising them to keep a low profile to avoid attention... but if they think they need to expand, then they should be prepared for the consequences... You got it??
Everyone has the right to their own beliefs, you got it?? Moreover Bangladesh is not an Islamic country, these extremists should be arrested and jailed accordingly.

So its okay to kill muslims in countries where they are minorities or they should keep low profile as you adviced.. Am I correct?

He has already proved to be hypocrite, several time in this forum, don't mind him :hitwall:

He has already proved to be hypocrite, several time in this forum, don't mind him :hitwall:

From the looks of it mate, Bangladesh is going to be another Pakistan soon.. There are saner Pakistanis who raised their voice against these kinds of acts..

But here I am surprised that most of the Bangladeshis here are supporting it..2-3 peoples like you are raising voice against it mate. Others just shamelessly defending the actions here..
From the looks of it mate, Bangladesh is going to be another Pakistan soon.. There are saner Pakistanis who raised their voice against these kinds of acts..

But here I am surprised that most of the Bangladeshis here are supporting it..2-3 peoples like you are raising voice against it mate. Others just shamelessly defending the actions here..

Yes specially the members in this forum. They have a great future in extremism. But what do i know, i am dhoti wearing dalal :P
Everyone has the right to their own beliefs, you got it?? Moreover Bangladesh is not an Islamic country, these extremists should be arrested and jailed accordingly.

He has already proved to be hypocrite, several time in this forum, don't mind him :hitwall:

yes, everyone has the right to their own beliefs... Ahmadis also have... only if they call themselves Ahmadia, not Muslim...

and for your hypocrite part why not show me i am wrong... Teach me from Islam instead of your conscience.....
yes, everyone has the right to their own beliefs... Ahmadis also have... only if they call themselves Ahmadia, not Muslim...

and for your hypocrite part why not show me i am wrong... Teach me from Islam instead of your conscience.....
You are not a Muslim according to their belief, you are not a Muslim according to Shia belief, they are not Muslim according to Sunni belief. Time to slay some bigots eh?

Quran dictate me to do it, Muhammad[PBUH] didn't dictate me to do it, Prophet's companions did it as they found it reasonable back at that time but again they didn't dictate you to do it. But i didn't say that for the hypocrite part i meant that, if you can slay a minority whose beliefs are different, you have to be ok with the killing of Muslims in a country where they are minority.
First you will have problems about Ahemdis calling themselves as muslims..

Then you will go after Sufi Muslims..

After that Shias and Sunnis will start fighting about who is the real muslim..

After that you can see the end of Bangladesh as a country!!
Abul Ala Maududi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following from Maududi's wiki profile:

In 1953, he and the JI led a campaign against the Ahmadiyya community in Pakistan resulting in the Lahore riots of 1953 and selective declaration of martial law.[9] He was arrested by the military deployment headed by Lieutenant General Azam Khan, which also included Rahimuddin Khan, and sentenced to death on the charge of writing a propaganda pamphlet about the Ahmadiyya issue. He turned down the opportunity to file a petition for mercy, expressing a preference for death rather than seeking clemency. Strong public pressure ultimately convinced the government to commute his death sentence to life imprisonment. Eventually, his sentence was annulled.[10]

1941 – Founded Jamaat-e-Islami Hind at Lahore, appointed as Amir
1942 – Jamaat's headquarters moved to Pathankot
1942 – Started writing a commentary of the Qur'an called Tafhim-ul-Quran
1947 – Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan headquarters moved to Lahore (Ichhra)
1948 – Campaign for Islamic constitution and government
1948 – Thrown in jail by the government for fatwa on jihad in Kashmir
1949 – Government accepted Jamaat's resolution for Islamic constitution
1950 – Released from jail
1953 – Sentenced to death for his historical part in the agitation against Ahmadiyah to write a booklet Qadiani Problem. He was sentenced to death by a military court, but it was never carried out;[41]
1953 – Death sentence commuted to life imprisonment and later canceled.[41]
1958 – Jamaat-e-Islami banned by Martial Law Administrator Field Martial Ayub Khan
1964 – Sentenced to jail
1964 – Released from jail
1971 – Ordered his followers to fight to save United Pakistan.

1953 Lahore riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
200 Ahmadi's killed.

My personal feeling, we have to build a more tolerant society than what we have today. Ahmadi's should be free to practice their religion, as long as they refrain from calling themselves Muslims and spread their faith as Islam in Bangladesh. Whether they are Muslims or not, this question should be addressed by a future Global Fiqh Council and decided on a consensus basis by the global Muslim community:
Abul Ala Maududi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following from Maududi's wiki profile:

1953 Lahore riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
200 Ahmadi's killed.

My personal feeling, we have to build a more tolerant society than what we have today. Ahmadi's should be free to practice their religion, as long as they refrain from calling themselves Muslims and spread their faith as Islam in Bangladesh. Whether they are Muslims or not, this question should be addressed by a future Global Fiqh Council and decided on a consensus basis by the global Muslim community:

This thread clearly shows the following:

1. We all are behaving like typical Indian street thuggery reaction when some other religion tries to convert a member of our group

2. The reaction is also similar to medieval Christians who needed a "stamp" from some 2-bit padri so as to be considered "true Christian".

Islam clearly states that as long as anyone believes in the following, he is a Muslim. there is no need to get stamp of approval from any Mullah, Ayatullah, or some modern day version of the Medieval pope.

And here it is:

--- God is but one, and Mohammad is his messenger.

That's it. He is a Muslim.


Now after that someone takes up a peer, darvish, or someone to be holy or holier than my Mullah, what do I care?

We don't need any globla Islamo- fasict body to stamp on my forehead if I am a Muslim or not.


The sheer level of intolerance boggles the mind!

Yeah. The same "intolerance" that was shown few years back when Indians burnt Christian missionaries alive.

Who can forget how Bajrang Dal conspired to murder Graham Staines.

Graham Staines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This thread clearly shows the following:

1. We all are behaving like typical Indian street thuggery reaction when some other religion tries to convert a member of our group

2. The reaction is also similar to medieval Christians who needed a "stamp" from some 2-bit padri so as to be considered "true Christian".

Islam clearly states that as long as anyone believes in the following, he is a Muslim. there is no need to get stamp of approval from any Mullah, Ayatullah, or some modern day version of the Medieval pope.

And here it is:

--- God is but one, and Mohammad is his messenger.

That's it. He is a Muslim.


Now after that someone takes up a peer, darvish, or someone to be holy or holier than my Mullah, what do I care?

We don't need any globla Islamo- fasict body to stamp on my forehead if I am a Muslim or not.


With due respect sir, any group or community has the right to democratically decide through their chosen reps who they consider as part of their community or not. It is not going to be a binding decision on individual countries. It is up to individual countries whether they want to follow such decisions.

IMHO, today's problem of extremism and "heresy" comes from this lack of unified consensus body and the absence of which allows such problems of non-conformance to go on.

It also provides opportunities for extremist or "heretic" communities to clean up their act and conform to acceptable practices which will allow the GFC to reconsider any particular case.
With due respect sir, any group or community has the right to democratically decide through their chosen reps who they consider as part of their community or not. It is not going to be a binding decision on individual countries. It is up to individual countries whether they want to follow such decisions.

IMHO, today's problem of extremism and "heresy" comes from this lack of unified consensus body and the absence of which allows such problems of non-conformance to go on.

It also provides opportunities for extremist or "heretic" communities to clean up their act and conform to acceptable practices which will allow the GFC to reconsider any particular case.

This is what Hitler and Nazis did.

Using demo-KRAZY they tried to wipe out anyone who wasn't white and blue-eyed AND Christian.

Keep it up my dear poster keep it up. You surely (and perhaps unknowingly) are going to join the elite of the hateful and prejudiced.

Peace, my dear poster. Peace to you
1. We all are behaving like typical Indian street thuggery reaction when some other religion tries to convert a member of our group

No you guys are behaving like the Ayotollahs who punish preaching of other religion like xtianity with death or the khaleejis who do pretty much the same thing. Your idea of India as expressed in this line is so warped and prejudiced

Yeah. The same "intolerance" that was shown few years back when Indians burnt Christian missionaries alive.

Who can forget how Bajrang Dal conspired to murder Graham Staines.

Graham Staines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


What's your point ? badi badi desh mein yeh chote chote cheez hote hain.

And "my dear poster" the thing that seems to have eluded you is while the Ahmadis are the natives of your land, your neighbours, your compatriots who actually played a huge role in formation of Pakistan (and East Pakistan) Graham Staines was none of the above. His country was Australia, he was not an Indian citizen nor was he a native of this land. He basically had no business here 8000 kms away from his land. Understand the difference my dear poster ?

There are plenty of arguments that can be taken from the muslim world to illustrate your point more effectively. So dont bring in offtopic irrelevant points.
This thread clearly shows the following:

1. We all are behaving like typical Indian street thuggery reaction when some other religion tries to convert a member of our group

2. The reaction is also similar to medieval Christians who needed a "stamp" from some 2-bit padri so as to be considered "true Christian".

Islam clearly states that as long as anyone believes in the following, he is a Muslim. there is no need to get stamp of approval from any Mullah, Ayatullah, or some modern day version of the Medieval pope.

And here it is:

--- God is but one, and Mohammad is his messenger.

That's it. He is a Muslim.


Now after that someone takes up a peer, darvish, or someone to be holy or holier than my Mullah, what do I care?

We don't need any globla Islamo- fasict body to stamp on my forehead if I am a Muslim or not.


Yeah. The same "intolerance" that was shown few years back when Indians burnt Christian missionaries alive.

Who can forget how Bajrang Dal conspired to murder Graham Staines.

Graham Staines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I meant intolerance of the posters here. I doubt anyone here burnt Graham Staines.
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