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Ahmadiyya festival site Attacked in Bangladesh

If it would have happened in India, there would have been 10 threads running right now.

According to Indian Law, Ahmadiyya are Muslims and no one can deny their rights. There are some nutjobs in Kashmir who wants to declare them non-Muslim.
There shall be no compulsion in religion.



"no compulsion" and "Islam" are contradictory terms
@Armstrong the red line is correct... Ahmadis can have a peaceful life in bd if they keep their religion among themselves... recently they were trying to publicize their religion .. few days ago, they advertised in all the top newspapers which attracted huge criticism... Its conditional you know .. 90% bengali sunni hanafi muslims ( most homogenous in world) will never tolerate few thousands ahmadis.. please come to reality instead of living in an ideal world.....

Muslims are advised to Publicize Islam but other people totally cannot do it because of reasons :angry:
I love the scholars in PDF
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They were not Jamatis idiot.. If the number is 20,000 in a village of Kaliakoir, they were most probably common people of the village... Anyway, corruption of Islam shouldn.t be tolerated at any cost, Bravo Kaliakoir... Bangladesh is with you!

By the way i have been to Kaliakoir..... There was a beautiful river...

Accepting Mirza Golam Ahmed as prophet is too much and unnecessary. Liberal to very liberal interpretation of Quran and Sunnah is even possible within traditional Islam. A person is entitled to interpret according to his understanding and supposed to act on it ('amal). It becomes a problem only when one tries to impose his understanding of Islam on others. Btw, how many Muslims the Ahmadiyas have converted to their version of Islam since the beginning of the movement? IMO, we don't have to bother. For his 'deen' a person is accountable to Allah only. Btw, Yousuf Ali in the preamble to his 'Tafsir' credited the Ahmadiya for their works on Islamic literature.
Ahmadis are not corrupting Islam anymore.The corruption has been done by Ghulam Ahmed.It can not be undone.Prosecuting or killing Ahmadis won't help Islam in any way.It does not matter whether Pakistanis or Bangladeshis outlaw calling Ahmadis as Muslims.They think they are muslims.They say they are muslims.Mormons say they are Christians.Yet,their theology is radically different from Christianity.Why should there be fuss about changing the label?As long as Ahmadis don't force muslims to convert then let them be.
Muslims are advised to Publicize Islam but other people totally cannot do it because of reasons :angry:
I love the scholars in PDF
ans @Rafi

you mean Abu Bakr was wrong he fought his entire caliph life fighting false prophets like Musailima... You do realize Ahmadis add a prophet to Islam??? .. Either Abu Bakr is wrong or you are wrong... now you decide..:angry: ...
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before coming to this forum i didn't knew so much extremism is present in bangladesh

Before you joined this forum did you know that everything that goes wrong in BD is either a conspiracy, Chanakyan policy of India, Brahmonic whatever..In short , because of someone else ?
you mean Abu Bakr was wrong he fought his entire caliph life fighting false prophets like Musailima... You do realize Ahmadis add a prophet to Islam??? .. Either Abu Bakr is wrong or you are wrong... now you decide..:angry: ...

Did they force you to convert? did they harm you?
did the false prophets attacked Muslim Army in Medina or Muslim Army was sent out in an expedition to crush false prophets and their followers ??

Keep your pot down Brahh, you have smoked too much . Or come at me and India . Attack us, we have "false" prophets almost in every little town and district . We will receive you very well , BSF and all you know :rofl:
when ahmedis stay within their parameter and dont provoke the majority they never had any problem. But time to time Ahmedis choose to be used as tool for indians for division and unrest, that is when problem begins. This is not the first time, Ahmedis did the same just before election in 2006. Besides, sect is not big issue in Bangladesh only indians try to use it for neforious motive.

Note to Bangladeshis: please dont let indian trolls get to you. indians are just hanging on to any straw they can get hold of.

@Armstrong the red line is correct... Ahmadis can have a peaceful life in bd if they keep their religion among themselves... recently they were trying to publicize their religion .. few days ago, they advertised in all the top newspapers which attracted huge criticism... Its conditional you know .. 90% bengali sunni hanafi muslims ( most homogenous in world) will never tolerate few thousands ahmadis.. please come to reality instead of living in an ideal world.....

They pretty much did the same in my country & began by declaring all & sundry as Non-Muslims because we didn't believe in Mr.Ghulam Ahmed Qadyan, their asserted Prophet or Medhi. And then it back-fired on them when the rest of us went ape-sh*t on them; but be that as it may this really does set a dangerous precedent - I kid you not !

I've seen what the Takfiri Ideology can do to societies & I know how polarized between different sects mine has become despite being very pluralistic, in terms of different sects co-existing, intermarrying & the sort, as it was before. Granted that this rot was accelerated by the Saudis & the Iranians playing their own ideological war in their neighboring countries, including Pakistan, but the fault lies with us & us alone - We started it just a few years after the Partition !

And this is precisely where it started & with time it snowballed into the sh*t storm you see in Pakistan ! So think this over because the Ahmedi won't be the end of it.
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