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Agni Missiles: More than what meets the eye?

I thing tel of agni seriously needs modification and canister is a must
also we may laugh at iran but they have a successful drone program,way better than us
also they have unveiled sayyad s to a missiles with double the akash range
now u can call it propdganda but same can be said on drdo announcements too

1. No one is "laughing" at Iran.
2. Sayyad 2 is reverse engineered RIM 66 SAM that US had supplied Iran. However Nothing is know about its tracking Radar. Nothing is known about its seekers.
3. No one is calling it propaganda.
4. Stop making Straw-man arguments.
Are you planning to participate in a race using this TEL ? :cheesy:

If it gets on any highway it can zoom away. No need for slope and turns. We are not planning to deploy them on the Himalayas.

For the moment this seems to be the TEL, canisterisation will not change anything.

But you do have a point about making it more mobile. It is just not the priority right now.

Putting it on a submarine is. i.e. reducing its height to 13 mtrs or less. K-4 and K-5 is exactly about that.

In the event of a full fledged war and if we do not have complete air superiority,enemy aircrafts would looking for our TELs in search and destroy missions.Also,enemy's long range missiles will be targtting our missile sites.

In that event,yes rapid movement of our TELs will be neccessary.Out current tells have zero off road mobility,and limited on road mobility.On say clear 2 line or 4 line highways,its mobility won't be a problem,but in ordinary Indian roads,which form the majority in our country,these TELs are handicapped.

We must be having something like these:


^^Russian MAZ 7917

Hopefully canisterization of the Agni will help us have much better TELs,as there won't be a need for exposing the missile.
In the event of a full fledged war and if we do not have complete air superiority,enemy aircrafts would looking for our TELs in search and destroy missions.Also,enemy's long range missiles will be targtting our missile sites.

In case of full fledged war when Foreign air crafts are flying in India looking for TEL, we have already lost the war :cheesy:

Even then it is not easy to find TEL's kept hidden unless you already know where to look.
Someone calls this simple?:cool:

It is still very simple when compared to more advanced Nations like China & Russia
We need to make it more mobile
Have you seen one of those Soviet/Russia parades or Chinese
Just look at how small their ICBM carrying Trucks are compared to this behemoth
1. No one is "laughing" at Iran.
2. Sayyad 2 is reverse engineered RIM 66 SAM that US had supplied Iran. However Nothing is know about its tracking Radar. Nothing is known about its seekers.
3. No one is calling it propaganda.
4. Stop making Straw-man arguments.
and who will stop ur naive opinions on agni 5?

without any basis?
jingoistic claims don't make anything u say true.

some may even say that akash is inspired from a russian missile albeit a different seeker

then ppl say that reactor of arihant was made with russian help

our cryogenic engine is a copy of russian

do these things become true if a pakistani says that?


so stop claiming stuff without nothing to base ur claims on


don't try to fight a fanboy

u will always loose
and who will stop ur naive opinions on agni 5?

without any basis?
jingoistic claims don't make anything u say true.

some may even say that akash is inspired from a russian missile albeit a different seeker

then ppl say that reactor of arihant was made with russian help

our cryogenic engine is a copy of russian

do these things become true if a pakistani says that?


so stop claiming stuff without nothing to base ur claims on


don't try to fight a fanboy

u will always loose

You again?

Akash is not a copy of any Russian SAM-even in appearence,the dimensions are different.

Russians helped us with safety measures,coz this was our first miniaturised PWR.

Our cryogenic engine is not a copy of Russian-I guess you meant CE 7.5 , Then why did it fail? Also our engine puts out more thrust than the Russian one.

Please stop being so Childish..
and who will stop ur naive opinions on agni 5?
without any basis?
jingoistic claims don't make anything u say true.
some may even say that akash is inspired from a russian missile albeit a different seeker
then ppl say that reactor of arihant was made with russian help
our cryogenic engine is a copy of russian
do these things become true if a pakistani says that?

Everything I say is factual. I don't waste time posting opinions as facts. I leave that to you. Everything I have said on Agni is opensource and is available on google. Only you are too busy whining and complaining to do any actual search.

How does Akash, Arihant or GLSV come into the picture ? respond only if you have anything worthwhile to say.
and who will stop ur naive opinions on agni 5?

without any basis?
jingoistic claims don't make anything u say true.

some may even say that akash is inspired from a russian missile albeit a different seeker

then ppl say that reactor of arihant was made with russian help

our cryogenic engine is a copy of russian

do these things become true if a pakistani says that?


so stop claiming stuff without nothing to base ur claims on


don't try to fight a fanboy

u will always loose

I am a little confused why you have summoned me
Everything I say is factual. I don't waste time posting opinions as facts. I leave that to you. Everything I have said on Agni is opensource and is available on google. Only you are too busy whining and complaining to do any actual search.

How does Akash, Arihant or GLSV come into the picture ? respond only if you have anything worthwhile to say.
where is it on open net that agni 5 is way more than 5500 km??
akash and others were examples where ppl question us................read it again
If you don't want to believe it don't :lol: ........ what do I care.

Agni V scientist has said that Agni V can carry MORE than 1000 kg to MORE than 5000 km. He did not say how much more weight it can carry and upto what distance.

Why such clever world play for a scientists ? :azn: Stranger still when we observe scientists are very particular to mention the range of other missiles like Akash or Brahmos. LOL.
most pathetic and speculative i have ever heard.
pls stop basing a whole thread on these shaky assumptions.
we have to have a proof,thats the first law of scientific thinking,so whatever u say till drdo says otherwise agni 5 is 5500 km only.
The key argument I see is the weight of missile is higher than counterparts. It could be possible that our technology is not advance as far as weight management is concerned. I also don't feel it makes sense to declare all missiles at far lower range. I am not saying everything declared is accurate, however I do not forsee Agni Vas ICBM
The key argument I see is the weight of missile is higher than counterparts. It could be possible that our technology is not advance as far as weight management is concerned. I also don't feel it makes sense to declare all missiles at far lower range. I am not saying everything declared is accurate, however I do not forsee Agni Vas ICBM
Agni-4 is Just 17 tons.
Agni-3 is also just 23 tons.
did u read it properly???

i said ppl think that but its not true
go on read again


who are we to decide based on weight??
only a fool can do that

@gslv mk3
did u read it properly???

i said ppl think that but its not true
go on read again

i am only rejecting agni range claims by using akash and cryogenic engine

Agni V has far more range than 5000 kms,just check the weight of Agni III and its range and compare it with A 5

Also I guess Agni III range is specified for 1.5 tonne payload.
But RV mk4,which debuted with A 3 and carries a 200 kT TN payload,weighs around 400 kgs only.

So the actual range of Indian missiles is far more than specified.

And there is no question of ' inefficent engines'-Its about design of grain configuration and nozzle design,solid fuel stages doesnt have complex ' engines ' anyway.

And we arent far behind any one in Solid fuel stages,I guess you know.
Good analysis! But I wish you had also included the number of MIRV warheads on all these missiles, which are tremendous force multipliers!
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