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Agni III Test Tomorrow.

just highlight the portion where it says it was a fusion device

i am honestly not sure

India's Nuclear Weapons Program - Operation Shakti: 1998

The Shakti Test Devices

Shakti ITwo stage thermonuclear device with fusion boosted primary, intended for missile warhead;
test design yield 45 kt, with a 200 kt deployed yield

Shakti IILightweight pure fission tactical bomb/missile warhead, 12 kt design yield
Shakti IIIFission experimental device, reportedly made with reactor-grade plutonium.
Probably a fusion boosted design without the fusion fuel, 0.3 kt design yield
Shakti IV0.5 kt experimental device
Shakti V0.2 kt experimental device
Shakti VI

Not fired; another low yield experimental device?
India's Nuclear Weapons Program - Operation Shakti: 1998

The Shakti Test Devices

Shakti ITwo stage thermonuclear device with fusion boosted primary, intended for missile warhead;
test design yield 45 kt, with a 200 kt deployed yield

Shakti IILightweight pure fission tactical bomb/missile warhead, 12 kt design yield
Shakti IIIFission experimental device, reportedly made with reactor-grade plutonium.
Probably a fusion boosted design without the fusion fuel, 0.3 kt design yield
Shakti IV0.5 kt experimental device
Shakti V0.2 kt experimental device
Shakti VI

Not fired; another low yield experimental device?


looks like i will read from another source again
The very fact that the thermonuclear device didn't give a very high yield tells that only the primary stage (fission trigger, probably boosted) worked correctly. The secondary stage either failed completely or contributed a minor percentage to the total yield.
The very fact that the thermonuclear device didn't give a very high yield tells that only the primary stage (fission trigger, probably boosted) worked correctly. The secondary stage either failed completely or contributed a minor percentage to the total yield.

thats my worry
The very fact that the thermonuclear device didn't give a very high yield tells that only the primary stage (fission trigger, probably boosted) worked correctly. The secondary stage either failed completely or contributed a minor percentage to the total yield.

The yield was a intentionally kept low to avoid the damage in near by villages because village would have to be vacated otherwise. Which would have exposed the plan which was intended to be kept secrete. Only primary stage proper ignition would not have given even 45 KT yield. Pl read the following from IDSA paper.

Shakti ITwo stage thermonuclear device with fusion boosted primary, intended for missile warhead;

test design yield 45 kt, with a 200 kt deployed yield

Afterall we are a very advance nation in nuclear technology. We had tested first device in early seventies. TN bomb is not a big issue for us. We have mastered the fast breeder technology and we are operating the one of its kind reactor since early eighties. Forget about TN bomb, we are heading towards control nuclear fusion.

thats my worry

Your worry is immature. You did not know that India tested TN bomb way back in 1998 just 2 Hours back.
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The yield was a intentionally kept low to avoid the damage in near by villages because village would have to be vacated otherwise. Which would have exposed the plan which was intended to be kept secrete. Only primary stage proper ignition would not have given even 45 KT yield. Pl read the following from IDSA paper.

Shakti ITwo stage thermonuclear device with fusion boosted primary, intended for missile warhead;

test design yield 45 kt, with a 200 kt deployed yield

Afterall we are a very advance nation in nuclear technology. We had tested first device in early seventies. TN bomb is not a big issue for us. We have mastered the fast breeder technology and we are operating the one of its kind reactor since early eighties. Forget about TN bomb, we are heading towards control nuclear fusion.

Your worry is immature. You did not know that India tested TN bomb way back in 1998 just 2 Hours back.

sorry to say i am still unsure it was an outright fusion device
Fine, You are entitled to your opinion.

Than what was that.

could be a simple fission device like pakistan,who knows.
i know theoratically we can make a fusion but test would have been good.either way i am not much concerned as they would have upscaled the size in weapons as u suggest
could be a simple fission device like pakistan,who knows.
i know theoratically we can make a fusion but test would have been good.either way i am not much concerned as they would have upscaled the size in weapons as u suggest

Pl educate yourself before reaching to any conclusion.
Pl educate yourself before reaching to any conclusion.

again don't start ur rant here
device tested was 45 kt,end of story

200kt is a speculation and was not tested,i don't care why but it was not.
again don't start ur rant here
device tested was 45 kt,end of story

200kt is a speculation and was not tested,i don't care why but it was not.

Before couple of Hour you did not have any idea whether India tested TN device in 1998. Whithin 2 hours you are making conclusive statement. Who is ranting?
Before couple of Hour you did not have any idea whether India tested TN device in 1998. Whithin 2 hours you are making conclusive statement. Who is ranting?

oh man don't be so full of urself.
and stop behaving in such a nationalistic terms.

45 kt is too low for a fusion device

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