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After French what further options does Pakistan Airforce can excercise.?

i think this is all to our bad planing nothing is posible without good economy and in my opnion if pakistan want to upgrade aircraft paln she need the patner otherwise we face these type of problem in future in present economy condtion may be my opnion is wrong
The diplomatic language is often very subtle. Note the use of words "on hold" rather than "canceled". This can mean a number of things:

1. French want the deal to be better for themselves (?? more money)

2. They want to put pressure on India to give them the lucrative MRCA contract (if you remember, last year our F.M. Mr Qureshi had announced that French are ready to give Pakistan the civil nuclear technology). Even at that time I was of the view that it is diplomatic gimmickry from French to put pressure on India)

Pakistan is certainly not out of this deal (yet). If India does not offer them the MRCA contract, believe me the deal will be back on track.
France has supported Pakistan in the past and it is very much possible that it will help Pakistan again,just because the deal has been put to hold you can't jump into any conclusion.
But still this definitely does not end here for Pakistan.Italy and China can be two good options in case the french deal fails for Pakistan.

are u willing to keep the baby named MMRCA,for whole life.so all these countries run for ur money or r u going u kill all ur poor naked hungry SHODARS,to involve more in arm purchase and keep all these countries in touch and use them for ur interest.
wake up.:lazy:

You seem to be totally pissed off with the Indian MMRCA deal and its benefits India is enjoying...THATS DIPLOMACY BROTHER !!:azn:
And don't worry about where the money comes from,our economy is strong enough to take care of that...earning hard and spending it at the right place(s):agree:
Its not confirmed 100% that France has rejected the deal, basically the deal is on hold only which does not mean Yes or NO. Before it was only one country that was given contract for JF-17 next variant but now i think it will be multiple nations involved. South Africa Italy Turkey South Korea China and Brazil could meet PAF requirements where as only France would provide all the upgrades.

Now Turkey can only provide HGSS GPS/INS guidence Kits for MK-84 Bombs and indigenous LGB. In a Timeframe between 2011 - 13 Turkey can provide Aselpod, and improved Variants of HGSS for JF-17. The Deveolpment of Air Defence Missiles is also in progress but the Development of an A2A Missile would need two more Years. That means turkish A2A Missiles become Ready around 2017. The Development of an ASEA - Radar for Fighter Aircraft is not in progress, as far I know. Roketsan is in progress to develop a A2G Missile which should replace Mavericks TUAF Invertory.

If France denie to equipp PAF JF-17 with french Avionics, PAF should look for Italian Radar, A-Darter WVR Missiles, R-Darter BVR Missiles, Aselpod and HGSS guidence Kits.
Why can't Pakistan ask his friend and big brother Saudi Arab to put its pressure on France to go ahead with the deal with Pakistan as they are buying ten billion worth weapons from France
Dil Pakistan...india is under no pressure from france india gave contracts to france it had to cash is with india not france..to me most likely F-18/EF-2000 as winners..time is running out we must not wait for french.
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Well it is a duplicate post , but never the less to answer your post

The answer lies in local production of Avionics and Research

Short term anwer is to Attain

100 J10B (FC-20) with AESA Radars
100 J11 with AESA radars , extra missile (Air - Air combat)

Long term plan is to invest 2-4 Billion dollars into the Aviation sector

Split of Funds into 50-60 companies and provide them gurenteed investment - for 2-3 years, opening of import of advance radars, sensors from China to our Universities

Hiring of consultants who have previously worked in Avionics industry who are out of job , get them hired as consultants

Imporation of all the hardware from China as they already make the touch screen display screens , digital gauges etc every thing including lasers

I officially nominate you for PDF Mascot

how do you even come up with this ? :rofl::rofl:
brainchild creder...AZAD is not wrong its difficult but not impossible a country whose govts has written off 460 billion rupees since 1970 and no one caught i believe lots of cash is hanging around you just need to grab them.
say you never use your brain do you?:tdown:
Hey Guys,
stop bickering, this deal is not dead!! I strongly suspect that something is brewing behind the scene.In my opinion french will not kill or cxl this deal. so just wait!!!!!!!!!
brainchild creder...AZAD is not wrong its difficult but not impossible a country whose govts has written off 460 billion rupees since 1970 and no one caught i believe lots of cash is hanging around you just need to grab them.
say you never use your brain do you?:tdown:

luffy your starting to annoy me now..as for your argument, do you think id bother arguing over this ?
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:Dremain patient..my american counterparts are annoyed too on this forum because truth sucks to them. think broader before you insult someone like AZAD..
Guys i thnk we are getting off track

Only Chinese and South African can provide somethng for jf-17,As south African can sell their A-darter 5th generation short range missile to Paf coz PAF is in search for a 5th generation missile

Vixen radar is not looking a possibility coz it is going to b used on EF-2000 and Gripen and if one of them wins the MRCA deal thn u can guess that Vixen goes out of our reach
:tdown:you can do better than that next time reply in a good manner to the members...
i see your stance as apologetic. :D

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