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After Failing to Provide Karachiites with a Public Transport System PPP Government Deprives them of Their Two Wheelers too

Corporations exploit when they get the chance, welcome to capitalism bud.
You are the one whose complaining. I told you why development doesn't mirror the needs of a society.

Your point takes us back to the government issue and how the voter of Sindh is responsible. When you have a government that you didn't vote for, that does not hold massive corporations like KSE responsible, such problems occur. The problem will always be PPP and their lack of accountability and regulation

Instead of rebuilding mohen jo daro, i would rather invest my energies in naturalising millions of undocumented citizens.

The city dwellers have it much easier than rest of the province and no one is making any territories federal. Read up on FATA and how its a history.

If you aren't happy with your reps, make them resign. No need to bow down to a cricketer.

Bhutto will atleast make it to the national anthem before dethroning
do we have any other option


Mullah has access to more people than bullets in inventory of the provincial and federal government combined.
The Census take place every 10 yrs. The last census was in 2017, so the next one would be in 2027. Which means that Sindh and particularly Karachi & Hyderabad will suffer for another till atleast late 2028.

The only solution in my opinion is for all Karachittes to move and take your factories and business to Gwadar and let PPP role over a ghost town.
Census happens whene ever the federal govt wants. There is no constitutional limit
Sindh hyderabd currently holds around 60 seats or 40% which is expecetd to go up to 80 or 60% in 2023 post census
However i still expect PPPP govt since ruled sindh is 100% rigged through crushung oppsition via tactics while as karachi and hyderabad holds certain pockets that will give pppp 15-20% seats minimum or even more(by going 2008/2013 elections)

This means 60% presentation for karachi/hyderabad wont topple PPPP govt unless karachi starts treating PPPP like rest of pakistan(<2% In punjab/kpk, even though PPPP formed govt in KPK in the past and was a big party there)
Census happens whene ever the federal govt wants. There is no constitutional limit
Sindh hyderabd currently holds around 60 seats or 40% which is expecetd to go up to 80 or 60% in 2023 post census
However i still expect PPPP govt since ruled sindh is 100% rigged through crushung oppsition via tactics while as karachi and hyderabad holds certain pockets that will give pppp 15-20% seats minimum or even more(by going 2008/2013 elections)

This means 60% presentation for karachi/hyderabad wont topple PPPP govt unless karachi starts treating PPPP like rest of pakistan(<2% In punjab/kpk, even though PPPP formed govt in KPK in the past and was a big party there)
1/3rd of Karachi is in Balochistan.

Not one mention of Balochistan in your post.

This mountbatten understanding of local politics is admirable but worthless.
He believes the world is flat and that airoplans are flown through magic
WHO knows...may be ... he has a point ... you c :D :
Karachi should be made a separate province / federal entity

iletrate rural majority ruling over the Literate minority is putting Pakistan decades behind from advancing
This is how every Karachi Wala including me (Former Karachi Wala) feel's when basic facilities are kept from them in the name of Voting MQM...
One only has to visit Ghadi Khuda Bhaksh & Larkana to see how much PPP has developed these cities to realize their true colours.

one just has to see the overall score to see how poorly Sind has performed consistently...

you need to see the bigger picture
do we have any other option

Just because we don't have much options doesn't mean we give free ride to pti and let them enjoy federal government based on our votes while they do nothing for us
Aray Areesh mian...to or kon nikaley ga in kambakht masail se karachi ko ... hein .. kon :what:... :D

Anyone except pti

PTI has proven itself to be useless and that too after having their own federal government
You are the one whose complaining. I told you why development doesn't mirror the needs of a society.

Instead of rebuilding mohen jo daro, i would rather invest my energies in naturalising millions of undocumented citizens.

The city dwellers have it much easier than rest of the province and no one is making any territories federal. Read up on FATA and how its a history.

If you aren't happy with your reps, make them resign. No need to bow down to a cricketer.

Bhutto will atleast make it to the national anthem before dethroning
Not complaining, just putting the situation out for you to understand.

Every time Karachi has risen up, the rest of Pakistan considers a general protest in Karachi as some sort of a revolution for some damn reason. You cannot disrupt the city, you do so, you disrupt Pakistan. Making them resign can only be done if you have support across Pakistan, when fellow Pakistanis see the situation for themselves and support what is right.

Naturalizing millions of undocumented citizens? Care to elaborate?
We didn't 'bow' down to a cricketer. We gave him his chance, he messed up, he'll be on his way out by next election.

Plus stop considering me a supporter of any of the parties active in Karachi. All of them are liars, PTI, PPP, MQM. They can go drown themselves, I wouldn't care.
The fact will always remain that no one cares about Karachi other than its own citizens. They'll give power to everyone, but at the end all the work in the city is being done by its people. You say we people should hold the powerful exploiters accountable, when the reigning parties are in bed with them.

The example of FATA is idiotic. There's a difference between a modern city which is the economic hub of Pakistan, in practice contributes 10% of the GDP alone, and handles almost all of foreign trade and some empty hills and villages with people living as if they're in the stone ages.
OK I agree here, but honestly tell me what options you guys have?... who you want to try next? ... believe me NO ONE in the Country want to see Karachi suffers...it is our "economic shehrag"... oh well while scrolling TheNews website I found very valid points which needs to be address by who ever you guys elect:

(1) Determine the exact population of Karachi and prepare the ‘master plan’, accordingly without which you cannot give due share for city’s development.

(2) Give Karachi, the status of a metropolitan city with all its manifestation like all metropolis or mega cities around the world.

(3) Whether through direct election or existing local bodies system, the elected mayor should be the ‘father’ of the whole city and not merely 34 percent.

(4) Karachi must have its own police commissioner and localized police system, above all political and ethnic consideration with zero political interference.

(5) Promote the culture of merit, both in jobs and education.

(6) Make Karachi hub of cultural activities and though institutions like Arts Council of Karachi, and NAPA playing its role much more is needed. City needs plan and not unplanned ‘food streets’.

(7) It is time for the complete revival of Karachi’s playgrounds and parks. Some 80 percent of these grounds and parks have been ‘sold’.

(8) Issue of "Katchi Abadis" should be resolved through proper displacement (if any).

(9) Terrorism and law and order, is only one aspect of the problem and the city cannot run for decades under ‘Rangers or para-military” or through unfinished operation. It requires a lasting political solution and a will to address the issue. Therefore, the role of the federal as well as Sindh governments is the key. But, they need to look to the solution above ‘ethnic-biased’, which is something missing.

(10) Karachi need ‘Karachi Action Plan’, after Karachi operation and that too on fast pace. Can you imagine a metropolitan city without a ‘master plan’ for almost 40 years and even the one prepared lack the vision. The city, which once was governed under Karachi Development Authority, KDA, had now been divided and sudden expansion of Cantonment Board and Defense Housing Authority, DHA, further aggravated the situation.

Brother you know the saying that "andhon mein kanra raja" right so in the current situation when Karachi have NO ONE credible on the horizon the best bet still would be PTI ... or otherwise if you can convince me about any other established Political power other than PPP...I am for it...
You raise some good points, and I don't disagree with them.

Regarding the political part, it might be true that PTI is superior to MQM and PPP in every way, but they have stooped to such a low level that the people of Karachi would now regard them in the same bunch of parties.
Whatever the case, IK still has time. The security situation in Karachi is stable, business and construction is booming, skyscrapers popping up by the minute. I'll give it to IK that he fixed a major problem in Karachi with his package for builders to build skyscrapers. The developers in Karachi finally realized the solution is not to expand Karachi further but to go taller and higher. Many problems still remain, he has the time to fix them.
He has done enough for Karachi's real estate, the building package in enough, there's no need for more real estate projects by which I'm referring to Bundal Island, instead he should get his act right and fix the problems in the existing city, not make it even bigger (the mistake of earlier govts).
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