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After Failing to Provide Karachiites with a Public Transport System PPP Government Deprives them of Their Two Wheelers too

Karachi does not pay anything more than what it owes the rest Pakistan. Neither does the rest of Pakistan use anything more than what is owed to it. These claims have been debunked and dismantled at least a dozen times on this forum alone. Please use the search function and not repeat the same misinformation over and over again.
Yeah that is apparent to me. They're paying 200 billion while their infrastructure is 10x better than the city that pays 500 billion. Alright, I guess I'm wrong. I apologize.
Yeah that is apparent to me. They're paying 200 billion while their infrastructure is 10x better than the city that pays 500 billion. Alright, I guess I'm wrong. I apologize.

Wrong and uneducated on how taxation and tax collection work. Like I said, use the search function and educate yourself. Then also educate yourself on where the money for that infrastructure in, say, Lahore came from.

You know Ahmet, the elites of Lahore must have done something wrong that people all over Pakistan despise them. Cheezien aise he nahi ho jatien.

Take it you've conducted a thorough poll? Surely your view is not limited to your own fishbowl.

Did you also ask how many of them "despise the elites of Karachi"? According to your friends on this forum, all of Pakistan hates them.
Wrong and uneducated on how taxation and tax collection work. Like I said, use the search function and educate yourself. Then also educate yourself on where the money for that infrastructure in, say, Lahore came from.

Take it you've conducted a thorough poll? Surely your view is not limited to your own fishbowl.

Did you also ask how many of them "despise the elites of Karachi"? According to your friends on this forum, all of Pakistan hates them.
Anyways I did some searching and found a debate between you and Taimoor Khan on the same topic.
I found his arguments more convincing :)
If something is still being debated, don't just label one side's view as disinformation if you do not agree with it.

Despise the elites of Karachi? Hmm. The elites of Karachi are mainly businessmen and industrialists working hard on Pakistan's economy, paying the most taxes in the country unlike the politicized Lahori elite.

Like it or not mate, Karachi contributes the highest taxes and doesn't at all get what it deserves. Have you seen the markets and areas that pay more taxes than Lahore itself? Have you seen their situation? They look horrible. The disparity in development between the North and Karachi cannot be justified by any argument you bring. Sorry.

We still account for 25% of the GDP and pay more taxes than a lot of major cities combined as I said earlier. Anyways, thanks for giving me the suggestion to check the search option and 'educate myself'. I learnt a lot against your argument.
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Anyways I did some searching and found a debate between you and Taimoor Khan on the same topic.
I found his arguments more convincing :)
If something is still being debated, don't just label one side's view as disinformation if you do not agree with it.

It is quite telling when one thinks that there are 'view points' to be sided with in a matter pertaining to empirical facts and numbers. Like it or not, math and facts do not care what you want to believe in.

There is no debate, no one else is confused, no official or member of Pakistan's tax collection or distribution system has ever claimed it, no account/finance/taxation professor worth his salt has ever contended that. The debate is only in the minds of uneducated agenda driven propagandists.

Despise the elites of Karachi? Hmm. The elites of Karachi are mainly businessmen and industrialists working hard on Pakistan's economy, paying the most taxes in the country unlike the politicized Lahori elite.

Tell that to your friends wailing and whining in the background.
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It is quite telling when one thinks that there are 'view points' to be sided with in a matter pertaining to empirical facts, numbers. Like it or not, math and facts do not care what you want to believe in.

Tell that to your friends.

ps: Hate and propaganda peddling against any group of Pakistanis is frowned upon here. I know it makes you feel better about your own situation but please refrain from it in the future.
He had his math and facts as well. I found his argument more convincing, like some found yours. Simple and easy.

Hate and propaganda peddling? Bhai baat ko kahan le gaye ho? Lahore's political elite deserves to be criticized mate, they've done a lot of damage to this country.

Anyways brother ignoring the problems and exploitation Karachi faces will only push the people of Karachi more to the other side. Why don't people realize this? The disparity exists, the exploitation exists, work on solving it, don't deny it. Pakistan is bound to repeat many 1971's if it fails to solve these issues. I am a patriotic Pakistan, I'm ready to give my life for this country but there are uneducated masses out there. All you would need is a retarded revolutionary and he'll radicalize the masses. What will you do then?
Stop going down this route.

Also, I'm expecting a response to this as well:

Like it or not mate, Karachi contributes the highest taxes and doesn't at all get what it deserves. Have you seen the markets and areas that pay more taxes than Lahore itself? Have you seen their situation? They look horrible. The disparity in development between the North and Karachi cannot be justified by any argument you bring. Sorry.

We still account for 25% of the GDP and pay more taxes than a lot of major cities combined as I said earlier. Anyways, thanks for giving me the suggestion to check the search option and 'educate myself'. I learnt a lot against your argument.
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All of a sudden, any thread about Karachi and it's genuine grievances is turned into racism, hatred, propaganda, turning Karachi into a scape goat for the greater good of Pakistan or specifically the ruling elite in the northern part of the country.

And how systemic abnormalities and legal roadblocks are brought forward to justify lynching of money from ordinary Karachites.

No such abnormalities are identified when people are given extensions as if the rest of the organization is going to die without him nor such justifications are identified when ruling elite from the north go abroad for treatment while instead watching sports match.
What does rest of Pakistan have that Karachi does not have? I am genuinely asking.

the only real answer is , I can honestly give is; Pakistans provinces outside of sindh make up is homogenous groups that are similar to each other, or are of the same type: ; natural bond and unity comes with this and with others outside there province as well

Karachi, unfortunately like other major ports cities in the world over time has brought in large internal Pakistani groups to live and work there and outsiders to over time, putting pressure on one another. now a small local misunderstanding can turn it in to a major riot
All of a sudden, any thread about Karachi and it's genuine grievances is turned into racism, hatred, propaganda, turning Karachi into a scape goat for the greater good of Pakistan or specifically the ruling elite in the northern part of the country.

And how systemic abnormalities and legal roadblocks are brought forward to justify lynching of money from ordinary Karachites.

No such abnormalities are identified when people are given extensions as if the rest of the organization is going to die without him nor such justifications are identified when ruling elite from the north go abroad for treatment while instead watching sports match.
Our Northern friends will continue to live in denial. Let them create a new frankenstein. I'm just going to grab my pop corn and watch.
Like it or not mate, Karachi contributes the highest taxes and doesn't at all get what it deserves. Have you seen the markets and areas that pay more taxes than Lahore itself? Have you seen their situation? They look horrible. The disparity in development between the North and Karachi cannot be justified by any argument you bring. Sorry.

We still account for 25% of the GDP and pay more taxes than a lot of major cities combined as I said earlier. Anyways, thanks for giving me the suggestion to check the search option and 'educate myself'. I learnt a lot against your argument.

Like I keep saying, please use the search function. All of this has been answered ad infinitum on this forum over the past many years. I can't go through the same 20 page discussion every time a new member cannot be bothered to use the search function. To rest this issue in this thread, below are some extremely simple concepts which apparently a certain group from Karachi just cannot get.

1) Karachi does not pay all that it collects. The overwhelming majority of tax collected from Karachi is paid by people from outside of Karachi. That is how tax is collected in the country, like it or not.

2) The tax anyone anywhere pays is not zakat or khairat. It is owed to the state and it is owed to every other Pakistani of the state equally. The tax you pay does not belong to you, the tax Karachi pays does not belong to it.

3) The amount of tax collected from an individual is proportional to that individual's income. Karachi makes more money than the rest and hence would obviously pay the most tax in total. Karachiites are not doing anyone any favors, it is what they owe the state. In fact, by all accounts, no city pays what it actually owes. Still it is Islamabadis who pay more tax per person. More people pay taxes in Lahore than in Karachi despite the massive population difference between the two. Neither of the two cities are ever heard wailing and whining.

4) The funds distributed to provinces from the federal budget are a) miniscule and b) distributed on a per capita basis to the provinces, exactly as they are owed. They are distributed after the agreement of every single province. The center does not just get up and start raining money on Punjab. Punjab, literally, has nothing to do with what Karachi does or does not get. The mere assertion is idiotic. When you see Karachi in the dumps and Lahore not, your incompetent political leaders have to rationalize it for you. Also the reason why no political party from any other province ever raised any official objection to the distribution of taxed rupees, including MQM. These claims are for the benefit of their sheep only.

5) What Punjab has built has been built through Punjab's own provincial budget which it generated itself, not some fictitious amount you paid in Karachi to the center. That is not how federal funding works, that is not how federal taxation works.

6) Those who do not wish to be educated can never be. This post is for the benefit of those who do. You can take your "mein nahi manta" anywhere you want. For any further debate on the matter, use the search function. This discussion ends here.

Also, I'm expecting a response to this as well:

Should not have added it after I had already responded.

the only real answer is , I can honestly give is; Pakistans provinces outside of sindh make up is homogenous groups that are similar to each other, or are of the same type: ; natural bond and unity comes with this and with others outside there province as well

That is not correct at all. This is why I said that people from Karachi need to step outside of Karachi every once in a while.
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Thainkaidar Inc built it! thats what wrong with M9!

its not even a highway!

fun fact Military Inc dint even bother laying water pipes in dha phase 8! Fauji Tankers coming soon to DHA! yaaayyy More MONEYYYY FOR GREEDY INC!
It's same in almost all of Pindi if not most of Pindi.

Most people get bores done to get water. Others get water tankers or tractors of waters from military ran walter filtration stations in Cantt and few civil ones in other areas. Is that some sort of genocide on Pindiwalians as well then using your Karachi victim mentality??
You know Ahmet, the elites of Lahore must have done something wrong that people all over Pakistan despise them. Cheezien aise he nahi ho jatien.
Our only crime is being awesome and tolerant and not starting an insurgency on every small issue like some cry babies lmao 😆😆.

We are not despised all over Pakistan. Mostly Sindh, Glorious Republic of Karachi and Balochistan. We love pathans man. They got hige businesses in Lahore. Especially ladies clothing.
Still it is Islamabadis who pay more tax per person. More people pay taxes in Lahore than in Karachi despite the massive population difference between the two. Neither of the two cities are ever heard wailing and whining.
We should start an insurgency MQM style lmao ahahaha 😆😆
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the only real answer is , I can honestly give is; Pakistans provinces outside of sindh make up is homogenous groups that are similar to each other, or are of the same type: ; natural bond and unity comes with this and with others outside there province as well
OMG what a laughable response dude. You ever been outside Karachi?? Lmao 😆

Man I just came back and saw all these responses lmao 😆
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