On the contrary, it does. It exposed the ignorance that you imputed on others.
Fine...Then provide a solution about said 'influence'.
We can put aside campaign contributions for now. You pointed out how 'the rich' and 'the elites' can field disproportionate influence, in their favor, compare to the ordinary citizenry. Fair enough criticism. But while I do not know about your part of the world, I do know that in my country, we do not hire engineers just so they can stand around the plant bitching and moaning about how this is wrong, that is inefficient, these do not belong, etc...etc...No, we hire engineers so they can find solutions to the problems and inefficiencies they exposed.
You may not live in the US, but if you dare to venture into an intellectual discussion about US, then you should have the same intellectual boldness to provide solutions, even if at the very least those solutions do not descend from the abstract.
So again...
Question: Would
YOU limit the free speech right and freedom of anyone based upon a level of wealth in order to discourage, if not prevent, corruption of the democratic process you allegedly hold so dear for US ?
So far in this debate, we see nothing but bitching and moaning from you and your friend. And you are telling me that you know more about American politics than I do ?
No...More like amusement.
Never said you 'deny' anything.
It is more amusing that you can say this: '...but it is all but impossible to breach the two-party choke-hold at the national level.' when you claimed to know more than me about American politics. Your statement dishonestly implied that somehow there is a structural barrier created by law or the default 'the rich' when the truth is more basic.
The US electoral system is based upon 'first past the post'. Those are keywords for you to search and learn. But the core of any FPTP system is that FPTP tends to favor two-party politics. The US is not 'proportional representation', more keyword search for you, the way most European legislative bodies are. The PR system naturally encourages multi-party politics.
Now leave the discussion and do your assigned homework, kid.