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After 10 years as PM, Manmohan Singh's legacy to go down like Narasimha Rao?

India is not poor state....Its developing state..Developed bit faster these days. Per capitia income increased a lot. Lot of poor people has been lifted above poor line.
Errrr.. You have comprehension problem.. Please read my post again....

Indian economy- in poor state
GDP- Poor state, 4-5% growth
Defence sector- Poor state, see recent navy incidents, and depleted IAF squadrans
Inflation- Increase
Prices- multiple fold increase
Corruption- Thousand times increase, 2G, Coal gate, CWG, Defence deals and perhaps many more which we don't know
Public safety- Poor state

Aren't these enough reasons not to vote to Congress this time???

No party is there like BJP in any country in the world...They award even killers of PM.
What you are smoking?? :blah::blah::blah::argh::argh::argh:
ha ha...running away second time.

You entertained me ...Now it's my turn !!!

Errrr.. You have comprehension problem.. Please read my post again....

Indian economy- in poor state
GDP- Poor state, 4-5% growth
Defence sector- Poor state, see recent navy incidents, and depleted IAF squadrans
Inflation- Increase
Prices- multiple fold increase
Corruption- Thousand times increase, 2G, Coal gate, CWG, Defence deals and perhaps many more which we don't know
Public safety- Poor state

Aren't these enough reasons not to vote to Congress this time???

What you are smoking?? :blah::blah::blah::argh::argh::argh:

GDP - Some times exams will be tough , max scorer is best performer even if scores are less. India is one amoung top performer.
Defence - Series of mig crashed during NDA time.
Prices/Inflation - Coming down. Every developing country in the world facing this problem. Any solution or any policy other PM candidate has?
Corruption : Now BJP included every possible corrupt member, BJP new PM candidate image in corruption gon down. AAP i agree, only other party wich can take some credit.
Public safety- Poor state / But better BJP PM candidate performance is not good in terms of crime rate.
ha ha...running away second time.

Nange se toh Khuda bhi darta hain ....

GDP - Some times exams will be tough , max scorer is best performer even if scores are less. India is one amoung top performer.
Defence - Series of mig crashed during NDA time.
Prices/Inflation - Coming down. Every developing country in the world facing this problem. Any solution or any policy other PM candidate has?
Corruption : Now BJP included every possible corrupt member, BJP new PM candidate image in corruption gon down. AAP i agree, only other party wich can take some credit.
Public safety- Poor state / But better BJP PM candidate performance is not good in terms of crime rate.

You should get ticket for LS and may be they will make you congress candidate for PM ( since Pappu is not ready )

Itna congress ko defend toh MMS ne bhi nahi kiya hain kabhi ....
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This honest man should have resigned right after he saw what his comrades were upto. It was so clear in front of his eyes that he blind sighted everything.

Well done as an economist though..:tup:
Vajpayee indirectly took a dig at Modi in a press conference, with Modi sitting right beside him. (Post 2002 Gujarat riots)

A PM indirectly conveying a message to a CM in his own govy, to perform his job sincerely. That takes guts.

Among his other inspiring speeches in the parliament:

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GDP - Some times exams will be tough , max scorer is best performer even if scores are less. India is one amoung top performer.
Defence - Series of mig crashed during NDA time.
Prices/Inflation - Coming down. Every developing country in the world facing this problem. Any solution or any policy other PM candidate has?
Corruption : Now BJP included every possible corrupt member, BJP new PM candidate image in corruption gon down. AAP i agree, only other party wich can take some credit.
Public safety- Poor state / But better BJP PM candidate performance is not good in terms of crime rate.

1. Since Migs were inducted in 1960s, they were old... NDA signed deal with Russia for Su 30 MKI and thus maintained an edge over rival Pakistan.. UPA is unable to push through the deal of Rafael since 2004... IAF have lost the numerical superiority by a large margin in last 10 years..
2. Oh yes the prices will come down for sure at the time of election for sure...
3. If there would be noble prize for corruption, surely UPA would emerge sole candidate to win it.. AAP are cowards... They shy away from from Delhi governance..
4. In Gujarat, there were no riots in past 12 years, the women are more safer, last terror attack in Gujarat were in 2008, after which the Government hit the rats (terrorist) hard in their holes.. Note that Indian Mujahiddin was first targeted by Guj government.. Rest of the states followed latter..

UPA is nothing but a failure...

PS: My father is a congressmen and close of Praffula Patel as well.. But I gont give a $hit to it.. many a time we argue about this incompetent MMS and the cunt Maino... For me nation first...
Just a fact check: Are you sure it was NDA who signed the Sukhoi deal? Cause from what I have read, the deal was signed during the tenure of Congress govt led by Narasimha Rao, which offered Sukhoi Corporation 500cr, despite the aircraft being only in developmen stage.

Also, the decision to induct additional Sukhois against the original deal of 50 + 140, eventually leading upto 272 has been pursued under UPA govt only.

Though I agree IAF has lost the numerical superiority to some extent, and the blame is on MoD. Heck of a mess they have created for the next govt.
...One good news this election is going to bring is...the end of Manmohan Singh era.....and better...rise of Modi...
MMS is the one who made Modi..what Modi is today...
I think he had the worst people and parties to deal with during his tenure as the PM of India...Communist Karat, Mamata, Lalu, Karunanidhi ..just to name a few….!
GDP - Some times exams will be tough , max scorer is best performer even if scores are less. India is one amoung top performer.
Its more of mishandling that led to low growth, true to the saying that India is developing despite the govt. A good example would be CAD - NDA had it under control, UPA only woke up after the recent crisis. This has been the nature of Congress, they always wake up after some crisis. Liberalization was extremely slow, continuation of socialist policies. India is still one of the worst places to set up an industry.

Defence - Series of mig crashed during NDA time.
Because NDA had no choice. The previous govt only banked on Tejas, very slow on modernization. NDA sped up Tejas project, created the background for MMRCA. UPA/previous govts just kept the snail pace.

Prices/Inflation - Coming down. Every developing country in the world facing this problem. Any solution or any policy other PM candidate has?
Compare the influence of food and fuel prices on inflation during the two govts, food being internal resource and fuel being external with minimal govt control:


Reserve Bank of India

Public safety- Poor state / But better BJP PM candidate performance is not good in terms of crime rate.
Incidence Of Total Cognizable Crimes (IPC) in States, UTs And Cities
During 2012 per million
Gujarat - 2168
Maharashtra - 1843
Delhi - 3392
Keral - 4817
Tamil Nadu - 2784
Himachal Pradesh - 2092

Doesn't seems like Modi is odd one in crime rate:
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There are mistakes, He must be in same level as Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Who presided a corrupt government.
You call them mistakes? Passing ordinance to protect a man like Lalu days before his expected conviction?! This is a scheming sell-out not an innocent mistake. If PM was not responsible for this, then who is? They sat on women's bill for so long, but rushed through Telangana bill at war footing for votes. And the mess that this government created is not yet over. It will haunt the country for decades if not generations. Not ABV, no prime minister till today, Indira included, would push such an ordinance. No prime minister would have pushed through a bill like Telangana at election time. No home minister of India would have ordered execution of a prisoner without letting his kin a last conversation and survived. No PM till today would have sat under the excuse the dog stole my files. These are not simple mistakes.
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