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After 10 years as PM, Manmohan Singh's legacy to go down like Narasimha Rao?

You call them mistakes? Passing ordinance to protect a man like Lalu days before his expected conviction?! This is a scheming sell-out not an innocent mistake. If PM was not responsible for this, then who is? They sat on women's bill for so long, but rushed through Telangana bill at war footing for votes. And the mess that this government created is not yet over. It will haunt the country for decades if not generations. Not ABV, no prime minister till today, Indira included, would push such an ordinance. No prime minister would have pushed through a bill like Telangana at election time. No home minister of India would have ordered execution of a prisoner without letting his kin a last conversation and survived. No PM till today would have sat under the excuse the dog stole my files. These are not simple mistakes.

Every political party wanted this bill...They just act patriotic later. U can assume timing was related to save Lalu, But it was actually to save every politician. Timing was totally around supreme court judgment to block these politician. Whatever you say, He ruled with the worst coalition and worst opposition. I have seen when Sonia gandhi was in opposition. She had good relationship with vajpayee (Swami, even acused vajpayee to stuck deal with vajpayee). It was not like BJP which opposed every bill. Telengana yes, some political benifits calculated. But it was already decided in 2009. "execution of a prisoner" whom are u talking about?
Vajpayee had his own wondrous ways in which to perform. A shocking incident, recorded at page 236, deserves probe. Significantly Yashwant Sinha mentions this incident of 1998 immediately after recording the contretemps of 2001. Yashwant Sinha writes, tongue fairly in cheek, about Vajpayee's omniscience: "The first time I had a taste of this was after a meeting with Jayalalitha sometime towards the end of 1998. I had not had an occasion to meet her after I took over as Finance Minister. Janardanan, an MP from her party who worked with me as Minister of State, informed me one day that `Madam' was very keen to meet me. Could I make a trip to Chennai to see her? I agreed to meet her when I went to Chennai next. I knew that my meeting with Jayalalithaa, against whom there were so many revenue cases, would be publicised out of proportion. I was not at all keen on that kind of publicity."

He consulted Vajpyee who said, "I should meet her". Meet her, he did. Present at the lunch were only three guests - Janardanan, Dilip Ray, Minister of State for Coal, and Yashwant Sinha. "As I was about to leave, Jayalalitha handed me an envelope. Later, when I opened it, I found it was a note about her income tax cases. I did not act on the note because as a policy I did not interfere in such cases. I met the Prime Minister a few days later and reported the details of my meeting with Jayalalitha in Chennai, but forgot to mention the envelope. After I had finished my narration, Vajpayee innocently asked me about the envelope she had given me and its contents. I was taken aback. Obviously, the Prime Minister of India gets to know everything, if he so wishes. Is it a matter of surprise, then, that Vajpayee came to know about my meeting with Brajesh Mishra and the subject we were going to discuss?"

Yashwant Sinha is being too clever by half. Mishra was Vajpayee's confidant as he well knew. Not so Jayalalithaa. Yashwant Sinha professes to attribute omniscience to Vajpayee while insinuating clearly that Vajpayee and Jayalalithaa were in touch with each other. He met her at the Prime Minister's instance and Vajpayee could have come to know of the envelope only from his ally Jayalalithaa herself. The insinuation is all too obvious. Yashwant Sinha is willing to wound but is afraid to strike - Vajpayee wanted Yashwant Sinha to help Jayalalithaa, he insinuates. The deviousness is revolting. It is his parting shot at yet another benefactor.

If u think ABV did not do wrong things its wrong. He did. But it was not propogated like what MMS did
I just want to say that we need to immediately make a Constitutional amendment...........................


Parties (esp. Congress) has used this flaw very aptly.

I mean, PM of a country of 120 crores, can be UNELECTED also??? Give me a Break.
I just want to say that we need to immediately make a Constitutional amendment...........................


Parties (esp. Congress) has used this flaw very aptly.

I mean, PM of a country of 120 crores, can be UNELECTED also??? Give me a Break.

Its not like the elected ones are any better. At the very least the current PM used to have some image.
Its not like the elected ones are any better. At the very least the current PM used to have some image.

Mate, I agree that MMS is clean, incorruptible, etc.

But India needs a LEADER who can take decisions (wrong it may be, but atleast decisions).

There is a reason why MMS was preferred over Pranab Mukherjee or a Chidambaram.

I don't want a PM who says that I let 2g scam happen since i had "COLLISION DHARMA" to follow........Really???
Mate, I agree that MMS is clean, incorruptible, etc.

But India needs a LEADER who can take decisions (wrong it may be, but atleast decisions).

There is a reason why MMS was preferred over Pranab Mukherjee or a Chidambaram.

I don't want a PM who says that I let 2g scam happen since i had "COLLISION DHARMA" to follow........Really???

What I meant was that Congress could have picked up a puppet even from elected ones. What do you expect from those who would lie down at mere glimpse of a Gandhi. At least from Rajya Sabha they could make a show of choosing an intellectual. Your theory would work if the PM had real power. But in Congress real power is at 10 Janpath. Irrelevant of who is PM.
What I meant was that Congress could have picked up a puppet even from elected ones. What do you expect from those who would lie down at mere glimpse of a Gandhi. At least from Rajya Sabha they could make a show of choosing an intellectual. Your theory would work if the PM had real power. But in Congress real power is at 10 Janpath. Irrelevant of who is PM.

Not exactly, trust me, an elected leader would not have played like a puppet as MMS did.......

An elected leader has a confidence that he enjoys some sort of people support so he can make certain decisions, an elected leader would have stand upto Sonia Gandhi for sure...........

MMS knew that he is what he is only because of Congress Party/Sonia Gandhi, he knew that last time he stood for elections, he lost.
MMS at best was a smoke screen used by UPA (particularly UPA 2) to hide what was going on in the name of stable government and appeasement of coalition partners. Don't know if we will ever get to know the true scale of corruption and the damage it caused to nation, but rest assured this govt. will go down in history as one of the most corrupt regimes ever.
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