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Afridi says anti-India comments ‘out of context’

You in the heart of hearts of yours know that he is speaking the truth. Your crowd as always proves his point.

we never seen this in grounds in England or Australia where they praise the opposite team for good shots even if their own team is playing against them.

Janaji did you forget the standing ovation Chennai crowd gave the Pakistani Team even when they had beaten India? or for that matter the cheer to the Pakistani contingent during CWG?
You in the heart of hearts of yours know that he is speaking the truth. Your crowd as always proves his point.

we never seen this in grounds in England or Australia where they praise the opposite team for good shots even if their own team is playing against them.

I know he is speaking truth about his thoughts against Indians ... That does not mean the content in his comments are true..
Alright take a break all of you

:laugh: well we wish if some were not offered movies in their respective countries too. some are offered acting some are made fake pilots so whats the big fuss sparky

Nothing fuzzy.. he is already chewing more than he can chew....:lol:

whats the relation with pilots???off topic flame bait as usual???LOL
I really wanted to give you a good reply but I will desist. Just try thinking about these three words:Cricketers-security-threat. What is the first (and only) incident that comes to your mind?

Sir if you add Coach in cricketers then add such 2 incidents and both point to the same direction
Janaji did you forget the standing ovation Chennai crowd gave the Pakistani Team even when they had beaten India? or for that matter the cheer to the Pakistani contingent during CWG?

In CWGs we had supported you when the entire world was speaking against you and making fun of the arrangements but Pakistanis were the ones who praised India and shunned those pessimist reports.

I am not calling you bad people but your crowd is not sports appreciating crowd thats a reality too.
There was huge applause to Mahela Jaywerdene when he completed his century in the finals... When Indian makes a century crowd shouts and dances so it makes a huge noise an when opposition team does somethin we definately applaud but the voice decible between the above two is big so dont go by that...
Well honestly speaking the same hindus talk and abuse Islam, Muslims and Arabs and call them names but the same hindus also line up in Gulf Countries and the same bad Saudia for piece of bounty. isnt it the reality of trade, work, services and pay.

so this is a lame argument

So you big hearted afghans are no different than those pesky hindus, is it? BTW do you know on what pretext did Nadir Shah annex Delhi and who all let him pass for the bounty he offered! ;)
Nothing fuzzy.. he is already chewing more than he can chew....:lol:

whats the relation with pilots???off topic flame bait as usual???LOL

Its always like that, off topic..fake pilots, bollywood etc.
indians are just stupid and emotional people, nothing else, let the guy live in peace will you??? let him say what ever he wants, et on with your lives
So he is now an imitator too.. maybe he is watching too much of those in TV's .. What a clown he is...

Wished he was just a cricketer and nothing all like you said..

I am unable to comprehend this hypocrisy from Indians here.

When their media, their commentators and so called experts were on rampage against Pakistan's team and calling them Rikshaw, cheats and what not and ran a full fledge character assassination, you guys were sitting on your arses enjoying the show. And when the Pakistani captains complain about it, you guys have audacity to come on a Pakistan defence forum and start your blo*dy rants? Hypocrisy much? Pathetic and moronic attitude from our neighbours... but then what can we expect from these guys who are ready to disown some of their own when they speak in favour of Pakistan..

Btw, The number of Indians present on Pakistan defence forum and actively posting, when compared to Pakistanis on any Indian defence forum tells that he's right in a way... Just saying...
In CWGs we had supported you when the entire world was speaking against you and making fun of the arrangements but Pakistanis were the ones who praised India and shunned those pessimist reports.

I am not calling you bad people but your crowd is not sports appreciating crowd thats a reality too.

I never heard any Pakistani praise atleat not in our media for the CWG... but that would have not bothered we made the event quite a sucess
In CWGs we had supported you when the entire world was speaking against you and making fun of the arrangements but Pakistanis were the ones who praised India and shunned those pessimist reports.

I am not calling you bad people but your crowd is not sports appreciating crowd thats a reality too.

Really, Why whole Mumbai crowd clapped and gave standing ovation to Mahela on Century on Final?? Perspective issue or specific watching?
So you big hearted afghans are no different than those pesky hindus, is it? BTW do you know on what pretext did Nadir Shah annex Delhi and who all let him pass for the bounty he offered! ;)

oh ahhh the same :lol: level of personal attacks the hallmark of mighty bharatis


ahh nadir shah of Ghaznavi we just got the hell out of the people in that land for many centuries
I am unable to comprehend this hypocrisy from Indians here.

When their media, their commentators and so called experts were on rampage against Pakistan's team and calling them Rikshaw, cheats and what not and ran a full fledge character assassination, you guys were sitting on your arses enjoying the show. And when the Pakistani captains complain about it, you guys have audacity to come on a Pakistan defence forum and start your blo*dy rants? Hypocrisy much? Pathetic and moronic attitude from our neighbours... but then what can we expect from these guys who are ready to disown some of their own when they speak in favour of Pakistan..

Btw, The number of Indians present on Pakistan defence forum and actively posting, when compared to Pakistanis on any Indian defence forum tells that he's right in a way... Just saying...

one word obsession
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