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Afghanistan Is With Pakistan

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Pakistani Pashtuns are very much Pakistani and we share everything with our countrymen.

As far as Afghanistan is concerned and Afghan pashtuns are concerned, they are already faced by internal never ending wars so why you want to drag them into an alien war between India and Pakistan.

There is no such thing as a Pakistani Pashtun. How does someone's nationality come before their ethnicity? A Pakistani living in Britian would be a Pakistani Britian, not a British Pakistani. A Pashtun living in Pakistan is a Pashtun Pakistani or Afghan pakistani.

Pashtuns share nothing in common as culture is concerned with Panjabi or Sindhis etc.

As late Lt.Gen Hamid Gul has said, you can lease the services of an Afghan but cannot buy them, their patriotism and their religious zeal cannot be bargained for a few dollars or Indian rupees.

I guess the same can't be said for a Pakistani. First the British, then Americans and now Russians/Chinese...
Pashtuns have nothing in common with your people besides Islam if even that. We do not support you or you country. Who has feed you this nonsense? Northern alliance no longer exists, please speak in the present day.

The people that you have cultural commonalities is your motherland India.

Please prevent yourself from spreading such false info next time. Thanks

There are 3 times as many Pakistani Pashtuns living in Pakistan then there are in Afghanistan so yes we have many things in common with them from language to Islam.

While we have nothing in common with you or your fore fathers race religion of Abu Jahliyat.
Pashtuns have nothing in common with your people besides Islam if even that. We do not support you or you country. Who has feed you this nonsense? Northern alliance no longer exists, please speak in the present day.

The people that you have cultural commonalities is your motherland India.

Please prevent yourself from spreading such false info next time. Thanks

i am a pashtun and i am a Pakistani.please refrain from posting false news otherwise refrain from from posting any bulshit at all..we dont give a damn F**** about afghanistan P.S you attack our check post and hen u get injured you come to the same our check post for treatment..thats what u are and thats what you will always be.never mention ur self as a pashtun here or never ever try to be a representative of pashtuns..akhpal kaar sara kaar sataa :pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed:
i am a pashtun and i am a Pakistani.please refrain from posting false news otherwise refrain from from posting any bulshit at all..we dont give a damn F**** about afghanistan P.S you attack our check post and hen u get injured you come to the same our check post for treatment..thats what u are and thats what you will always be.never mention ur self as a pashtun here or never ever try to be a representative of pashtuns..akhpal kaar sara kaar sataa :pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed:

Ignore him. He's an indian false flagger.
There are 3 times as many Pakistani Pashtuns living in Pakistan then there are in Afghanistan so yes we have many things in common with them from language to Islam.

While we have nothing in common with you or your fore fathers race religion of Abu Jahliyat.

There are more Muslims in India than in pakistan, does that make India more of a Islamic country than pakistan?

As I said there is no such thing as a Pakistani Pashtun. Your nationality does not come before your ethnicity. The only reason why there MIGHT be more Pashtuns living in Pakistan than Afghanistan is because of the 30+ years of war. That does not make Pakistan a Pashtun nation or have Pashtun culture. You know the culture of Pakistan better than me I shouldn't have to explain how it is NOT similar with Pashtun culture.
i am a pashtun and i am a Pakistani.please refrain from posting false news otherwise refrain from from posting any bulshit at all..we dont give a damn F**** about afghanistan P.S you attack our check post and hen u get injured you come to the same our check post for treatment..thats what u are and thats what you will always be.never mention ur self as a pashtun here or never ever try to be a representative of pashtuns..akhpal kaar sara kaar sataa :pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed:

Da panjab ghulama, pashtana tola da Afghanistan de. Afghanistan da pashtano mulk de. Tola pachaan da Afghanistan pashtana wa. Pakistan da Panjabi watan de, sta Pashto Pakistan la na mani. Hahaha pa Pakistan ke Pashto national language de ya na? Hahaha

Bey namoosa, sta neeka sa wu? Khpal tarikh de wuwaya. Laga study waka!
Misleading title, Karzai has shown his true colours since then. Relations can improve once Afghan refugees go back and border is sealed. Work is already in progress and now they need visas. Anyway not sure how Safi saab asked Karzai such a question back then, I mean Afghanistan is occupied country and Karzai himself was slave puppet of NATO. Its not like his words had any meaning what so ever.
There are more Muslims in India than in pakistan, does that make India more of a Islamic country than pakistan?

As I said there is no such thing as a Pakistani Pashtun. Your nationality does not come before your ethnicity. The only reason why there MIGHT be more Pashtuns living in Pakistan than Afghanistan is because of the 30+ years of war. That does not make Pakistan a Pashtun nation or have Pashtun culture. You know the culture of Pakistan better than me I shouldn't have to explain how it is NOT similar with Pashtun culture.

Complete false flagger. Lol.......lol......Pakistani people have far more in common with Afghans & Iranians from a racial and cultural POV then with any other nationality. That is an undeniable fact.
What afghan pashtuns? They hate us. Remember the rule of daud khan and his nationalistic policies in Afghanistan pandering to his pashtun support in Afghanistan. In fact so delusional that it was in this era that there multiple incursions along the Durand line and the afghan army invaded bajuar ( kicked out by the tribals and slaughtered) which should have been a wake up call for afghanistan but they don't learn.
In fact the afghan pashtuns want the Durand line gone and the west of Indus annexed so that they can truly become a majority rather than a minority majority in a nation of minorities. Its the northern alliance and other ethnicities that ( despite all the news they make) would not want the Durand line gone bcz it makes them a true minority. In a nation that is undergoing a civil war that has ethnic touch.

As for Pakistani pashtuns. They are fiercely loyal to the nation and actively participate in the armed forces as well as the politics of the country and they have played their part is shaping this country. They are the heart and soul of pakistan and they know this as well.

Exactly, not sure why Pakistanis blame tajiks/ANA. From 1947-73 it was nationalist afghan pashtun leaders who didn't stop meddling in Pakistan. Only after that Bhutto decided to pit tajiks/hazaras vs pashtuns in Afghanistan which resulted in Afghan civil war.

Basically tajiks/hazaras/uzbeks etc couldn't care less about durrand line. The reasons ANA/Tajiks are against Pakistan now is because of our support to Taliban. The blame goes to nationalist afghan leaders after that to Pakistan.

I'm not blaming average afghan pashtun but their nationalist leaders who were basically dictators.
Da panjab ghulama, pashtana tola da Afghanistan de. Afghanistan da pashtano mulk de. Tola pachaan da Afghanistan pashtana wa. Pakistan da Panjabi watan de, sta Pashto Pakistan la na mani. Hahaha pa Pakistan ke Pashto national language de ya na? Hahaha

Bey namoosa, sta neeka sa wu? Khpal tarikh de wuwaya. Laga study waka!

the amiika or na paidawaraa.do your thing..atleast build a hospital in afghanistan..stop begging for corps from Pakistan before you reeks of speak against it.zama neeka Pakistani wooh..akhpal tareekh uwaya che angrezano mu waal ukharala no bia utakhtedey kpk na..i warning you dont ever be a representative of pashtoons here.god knows who u really are..born out of russina worm or any mixed american breed.

Ignore him. He's an indian false flagger.

i will not ignore him..i will follow him to his end.until he refrains from being a representative of pashtoons here
Man the irony , you guys nearly went to war a month ago with Afghanistan. Killed their soldiers & occupied their outposts , here you guys are saying some brotherly love b.s. just shows how delusional people are

you became so wise after only 20 posts
There are more Muslims in India than in pakistan, does that make India more of a Islamic country than pakistan?

Pretty retarded logic ... Mistaken aswell ..

Pakistan is the second largest Muslim state after Indonesia .. india has hardly 150 million Muslims..
As I said there is no such thing as a Pakistani Pashtun. Your nationality does not come before your ethnicity. The only reason why there MIGHT be more Pashtuns living in Pakistan than Afghanistan is because of the 30+ years of war. That does not make Pakistan a Pashtun nation or have Pashtun culture. You know the culture of Pakistan better than me I shouldn't have to explain how it is NOT similar with Pashtun culture.

Than there should be no such thing as afghan Tajik,Uzbek or Hazara..

As for Pakistan.. Pashtuns are the second largest ethnic group of Pak ..
And numbs more than the entire persianised pashtun,Hazara,Tajik or Uzbek population of Afghanistan!

As for culture don't get me started on your culture .. You wouldn't like to hear that "majar" boy.
the amiika or na paidawaraa.do your thing..atleast build a hospital in afghanistan..stop begging for corps from Pakistan before you reeks of speak against it.zama neeka Pakistani wooh..akhpal tareekh uwaya che angrezano mu waal ukharala no bia utakhtedey kpk na..i warning you dont ever be a representative of pashtoons here.god knows who u really are..born out of russina worm or any mixed american breed.

Hahaha sta neeka Pakistani Wo? Sha Sha da Pakistani da makha sa wu? British ka Hindu? Bey ghairat, khalag khpal watan haar 50 kala arawi (change)??

Pashtunwali ke ta da agha watan ye Che sta mashar wu. Sta neeka awo da agha mashar da Afghanistan wu. Da British da khatar ta woos zan ta beyghairat Pakistani waye. Asal Pashtun khpal watan na arawi (change), Asal Pashtun khpal watan na yerawi!!

Ka khushal khan khattak zuwandai wai, sta marg rawa ba wai.

We've built many hospitals but your Panjabi brothers keep sending terrorists to blow them up. After all all the ammonium nitrate used for bombs comes from your "pakistan".

As I said, Pakistan sta Pashto na mani. Pakistan mili zaba(language) English awo urdu de hahaha you say this is your country????!!!! Khar ye wallah

Staso Pashto 50% Urdu da awo 50% English hahaha awo ta khpal zan ta Pashtun waye? Haha

Pa tola panjabistan ke pashtana tola dar ba Dara de. Wali???? Because they don't care about you. I will PM you so this thread will remain on topic.
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