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Afghanistan invoking Pashtunistan

Someone is trying hard to be relevant. Nobody should miss their sleep because of that.
“From the River Amu [Oxus] to Attock, Afghans live. There are different groups of Afghans. If Afghans living on the other side of the Durand Line decide to have an independent state we will accept it. We shall respect their decision whatever it is,” he said.

If Pashtuns decides to abolish the Durand line and draw border on River Amu than will this lapdog respect the decision and accept it? Will Afghanistan handover the areas as per wishes of majority?
if pashuns want to live together in pashtunistan, pakistan too got no problems with that. afghan pashtun areas should be given to pakistan. reason is quite simple. pakistan pashtun population is 4-5 times more than afghans pashtun population. merging with pakistan will be easier.
So when you Afgandoos are merging your land with Pakistan?
This guy is hilarious, I'll give him that lol. Oh Pakistani pashtuns, why would you drive a new BMW when I can offer you an old but still barely functioning lada.

Pashtuns are an intrinsic part of Pakistan and will remain so till the end of times inshallah. They are hugely influential in the army and civilian establishment, and as areas like FATA are brought into the mainstream, their influence will only increase. As others have said Afghan Pashtuns are welcome to merge with the country where the vast majority of their "brothers" live. Or they can continue fighting for warlords and working in their opium fields.


This is what unfortunate Pakistani Pashtuns are missing out on. Karzai feels deeply sorry for them.
Aaaaggggh I smell lot of shit................................ some shit bomb just exploded above.
Imagine a situation, where there is total unrest in the country. People just running from one area to other with family. One killing other or other killing you. And the politicians & Military officers are helpless to control this chaos. Any civil war like that can break the entire morale of the soldiers. Your officers will quietly secure their family & themselves, since they have the money & influence to get away. They will give orders sitting overseas, but what about the plight of the innocent jawans & lower ranked soldiers.

When it reaches a stage, your own families are in danger & they understand the betrayal & double standards of officers & politicians, they will put down weapons, hold white flags & start walking in to Indian borders with hands raised.

Most of the posts here is, how a Pakistani can hurt India & take revenge, not understanding India is taking revenge on the same thing you used to do, you fail to look back to criticize & accept your follies, now when things have reversed to your horror, you are venting anger, mentioning paid Indian whore, agent, etc. Also search how many Pakistanis is talking of peace without violence. That confirms, it is leading to your doom

We pay Hazina to talk criticise Pakistan, pay Srilanka to cancel J17 order, Pay Karzai to infiltrate & sing border songs, Pay Iran to not support Khulbushan, Butter America not to sell F16. Pay the entire west to support Baloch & deport Pakistanis. On top of all this pay locals, MQM, Sindhi, AJK, Baloch, KPK to increase internal chaos. We also pay media & people like Hassan Nisar, Najam Sethi, Tarek Fateh, Altaf Hussain, Hussain Haqqani, Hamid Bashani, Balochi leaders, etc.

Reminder, India is got a Nuclear shield & second strike capability. So your nuclear weapons are no more a big threat. This is the reason, so much of confidence in India's approach & actions, compared to past.

Your choices & options

Attack India & finish it if you can.

Pay similar agents against India.

Get world powers & neighbours on your side to use international pressure

Sell your country to China or any other nation.

Change your religion to improve visa, immigration & investments.

Drop Kashmir obsession. Focus on building friendship & start Trade.

Join India to enjoy the fastest growing economy's ride & bring an end to violence

So much of confidence....... heheh

I call it panic and an attempt to divert the attention of gullible masses of Indians like you to something else irrelevant....

Your one of politicians recognized RSS thugs right....

2017 Uttar Pradesh Polls: To divert attention, BJP govt can wage war with Pakistan, says Mayawati


By the way, I'll choose all options and choices....hahahaha
Aaaaggggh I smell lot of shit................................ some shit bomb just exploded above.

Dont worry of this bomb. It wont kill people. It will only lead you to peace. But worry of the bomb which will soon explode around your neighborhood.

Then you will be actually thinking on the above shit.
Dont worry of this bomb. It wont kill people. It will only lead you to peace. But worry of the bomb which will soon explode around your neighborhood.

Then you will be actually thinking on the above shit.

Sore losers who could not achieve anything in a decade of free hand to dismember, destroy my country ......... won't be able to do sh*t now when the tides are turning.

Sh*t remains sh*t why should I waste time thinking about it.


We will respect Pashtuns’ decision on Pashtunistan: Karzai
Posted by: The Pashtun Times in Afghanistan, Interviews, Latest News, Pashtun News September 3, 2016 0

Former president of Afghanistan talks to THE PASHTUN TIMES

KABUL: Former President Hamid Karzai said that if Pashtuns from Pakhtunkhwa decide to Pashtunistan, he would respect their decision.

In an interview with The Pashtun Times, the ex-president said that in the Durand Line Agreement, the Durand Line was not called a border. “It was not called a border but the term sphere of influence was used. It means sphere of influence between the British India and Afghanistan, not a border,” he said.

When asked will he stand beside Pashtuns living on the other side of the Durand Line to support an independent state of Pashtunistan, the former Afghan president said that if Pashtuns decide to Pashtunistan, their decision would be respected.

“From the River Amu [Oxus] to Attock, Afghans live. There are different groups of Afghans. If Afghans living on the other side of the Durand Line decide to have an independent state we will accept it. We shall respect their decision whatever it is,” he said.

Karzai said the Durand Line cannot separate Afghans because the line has not been recognized by anyone for over a century. “No one will recognize it. It cannot separate the nation. The line has not separated the nation. When we went to the other side of the Durand Line, the people welcomed us as their own brothers. Therefore, it cannot separate us and no one recognizes it. It cannot keep us away from each other,” he said.

When asked whether anyone in Afghanistan will recognize the Durand Line, the former president replied that such a person would never arise in Afghanistan. “If such a person did come, at that very moment, the people of Afghanistan will kick him out of Afghan Millat [nation].”

He told The Pashtun Times the Durand Line was imposed by British Empire on Afghan people. “It was imposed on Afghans because of a weak government and at difficult time. Neither that time nor now Afghans recognize the line. We did not complain about this to Pakistan because at that time Pakistan did not exist,” Karzai said, adding that there was Hindustan only, which was ruled by the British, part of the British Empire. Pakistan came into being later.

“We say two things to Pakistan, first, we do not recognize the line because it was imposed on Afghans by the British and the whole world knows it, as does Pakistan. Second, we have no grudge against the people of Pakistan, we want friendly and brotherly relations,” he stressed on close ties with people of Pakistan.

He said that not the governments but only people can solve the Durand Line issue.

Responding to a question, Hamid Karzai said that he never recognized the Durand Line, and repeatedly expressed his viewpoint.

He further said that Pashtuns on other side of the Durand Line are victims of conspiracies.

“I am sad to say that Pashtuns on the other side of the Durand Line are also going through tough time. Pashtuns are killed as well as defamed in foreign imposed war. What happened in Waziristan—elders were killed as well as the people who were famous for Jirgas— indicates that there is something else going on in this region,” Hamid Karzai said.

Responding to a query regarding Pakistan’s military operation in North Waziristan which displaced thousands of people and left their properties destroyed, the former president said that he wrote a letter to the Prime Minister of Pakistan to target real nests of the terrorists rather than targeting civilians or a particular nation or group.

He said that terrorists are in the plans and policies of Pakistani military. “They [terrorists] are there [Pakistan], but not among the people. They are not in Miranshah, Wanna and Mir Ali. They are in the plans and policies of Pakistani military. They cannot be eliminated until Pakistani military stop using them,” he said.

Regarding construction of the gate at Torkham by Pakistani government, the former Afghan president said the gate constructed at Torkham is totally unfair and should be removed.
I am also a pakhtoon but First I am a Pakistani and We Love our Country and you Mr karzai You need to stop working for RAW and i also demand like @Imad.Khan said that Afghanistan needs to hand over all the Pukhtoon lands to Pakistan I am sure that they will live a happy life like us

and another pakhtoon guy wants to say something to you
A great Message to afghans from a Pakhtoon guy
Source: https://defence.pk/threads/a-great-message-to-afghans-from-a-pakhtton-guy.437490/#ixzz4JByn61P5
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There are almost twice as many Pushtuns in Pakistan than the world combined. If anything Pakistan should annex eastern Afghanistan and create a new province and name it Pushtunistan.
we should rather ask Afghani Pashtunes if they want to stay with Afghanistan of be part of Pakistan
well he has a point. a drunk colonialist drew up lines not on in your area but entire african continent splitting ethnic tribes; just look at the map of africa - straight lines along longitudes/latitudes.

it is a double edged sword - ut that said, he will have to lose areas where uzbeks/tajiks and hazara live.

we see it here in my town - north west province - same ethnic stock as Botswana split but a colonial wall.
well he has a point. a drunk colonialist drew up lines not on in your area but entire african continent splitting ethnic tribes; just look at the map of africa - straight lines along longitudes/latitudes.

it is a double edged sword - ut that said, he will have to lose areas where uzbeks/tajiks and hazara live.

we see it here in my town - north west province - same ethnic stock as Botswana split but a colonial wall.

Cmon Bro, People are not so obsessed like here. There may be small spark offs. But there is no such violence & hatred in SA & Botswana. They don't need visa to cross borders.

Even Pakistanis & Indians live in unbelievable harmony there. Many people don't even know about such hatred back home. And Muslims are very modern. Here talk to most Pakistani about peace with India, they will just bash you & say anything is possible but making peace with India.

Luckily still the Islamophobia has not hit that region so badly unlike west. I have lived in Joburg & Gabarone, so I know it for sure. I have a couple of Pakistani origin people who worked in my office. My hair stylist also used to be a Pakistani.

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