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Afghanistan has broken chains of slavery - PM Imran Khan

There's a deliberate sabotage at display by the overnight liberals . Mere thought of common syllabus for all Pakistani kids is causing fits of rage .

Any libturd got problem ... Put em in a cannon and fire him in toward his western kibla and kaba he faces and revolves around.
Niggers dint become rich ... They went ape arm waving style ... They went disabled walking style ... They went to drug dealing and degenerate rap ... Singing shake ur booty i wana roger u bitch hoe ... Motuer fucker .. Cocaine ... Gun sign i will shoot u ... N they are now cool and GORIS RUN TO KALAS even Pakistanis run to kalas ... Basheers son is more nigger then niggers ... Why ... They carried their degenerate niggerism with pride arrogance and confidence.

Wealth didnt help that image.

As opposed to having transsexual cross dressers at your weddings dancing for money? I think they they have more grace at their weddings and don't see the world with your incel eyes. You should go to gayland and touch up men in burkas and stare at ankles f**king loser. :lol:
Any libturd got problem ... Put em in a cannon and fire him in toward his western kibla and kaba he faces and revolves around.

The class difference is by design and the beneficiaries are the feudal capitalist elite so much so they might ask for a nato intervention if it gets implemented. No one wants to compete any further for the yearly "MarsHall plan"
Dude you're being SO FRICKIN racist rn that it's not even funny...
I can see where you're coming from but your wording is crude

Am sorry bout phrasing it that way but i wana be crude and rude for maximum offense and effect on people. My pride is my language culture ... And it gets me mad when Pakistanis are wearing trousers speaking english as its an achiement ... I nearly slapped my bro wen i went back home n saw him speak english with me ... I was why u speaking english ... I know u are educated but i will respect u more if u speak ur own n dress in ur own baap dadas dhoti kurta paag or shalwar kameez ... Then what u are waering.
As opposed to having transsexual cross dressers at your weddings dancing for money? I think they they have more grace at their weddings and don't see the world with your incel eyes. You should go to gayland and touch up men in burkas and stare at ankles f**king loser. :lol:

You forgot i am Muslim so i didnt have trannies on my wedding dancing to please men n women ... In fact on my wedding imam saab gave khutba in beginning n at end n kids recited naats taking turns. I didnt have dhol dhamakka kanjar khana that is native to ur households. I am Bhens and i have not forfotten two things i am muslim and two Bhens from Islamgarh and third izzat of my religion and my baap dada is in my hands. Would i bring disgrace to them or izzat. I am not exactly a perfect Muslim but i havent forgotten i am one and that keeps me in check. My sins are in private not public. One who sins in puvlic will never have forgivess as opposed to public sinner.
Am sorry bout phrasing it that way but i wana be crude and rude for maximum offense and effect on people. My pride is my language culture ... And it gets me mad when Pakistanis are wearing trousers speaking english as its an achiement ... I nearly slapped my bro wen i went back home n saw him speak english with me ... I was why u speaking english ... I know u are educated but i will respect u more if u speak ur own n dress in ur own baap dadas dhoti kurta paag or shalwar kameez ... Then what u are waering.

I don't think Pakistanis realise how disgusting they look when they speak English in Pakistan. In every European country people have pride in their language. A determinat of class is the quality of your own langauge you speak.

In pakistan it's the total opposite.
Lol. I never said bout Shariat... I didnt say Pakistan doesnt have shariat. I mean it doesnt but i didnt criticise its lack of shariat because its lack of it is reflection of reality of pakistanis. If we were Muslims as we suppose to be it would be ... We are imran khans ... Randy horny beysharm zanis but soon as we climb podium we adopt sharafat ... Not baby boy called sharafat i mean shreefon wali sharafat ... Anyway i was talking about lack of self respect in Pakistans for all things Pakistani.

Taliban i would do to them same what nazis did to Jews. These people are Deobandis and therefore semi Khawarij in methodology and practice. They are killing Sunnis left right centre. I have contact with Sunnis of Afghanistan and i know what they doing to Sunnis. I would decimate them with nukes the day i get my hands on few. These people are only benefit to state of Pakistan but not to Muslims/Sunnis. They have murdered thousands of Sunni scholars in Afghanistan. Last time they were in power ... They killed thousand of Sunni scholars alledging they are mushrikeen and kaffirs. They have same merhodoligy of judging tawheed shirk as wahhabis and isis have/had. Isis killed 900 Sunni scholars on first day of take over of Mosul or some city. There are videos online of beheadings of sunni scholarship.

I will do to them what prophet said he will would do to the kharijis if he were to meet them thats to comoletely uuterly anahilate then like nation of Aad and Thamud.
Quit khutbas and practice what you preach. Either leave Britain or accept you're also a begherat slave with no self respect, culture and history.
I see that they brung back the porno-king, so much for "permanently gotten rid of"

What's back story of this grooming gang British mullah?
A gya na aukaat p. Nasal dar nasal ghulam.
View attachment 770430

Literally no one implied that here,stop projecting and it's not slavery to aspire for a modern progressive country.

The problem is the Pakistani version of aspiring towards a modern progressive country is the equivalent of a pig in lipstick.

The westernised Pakistani will wear gora clothes, eat gora food, learn the gora language, watch Netflix, buy foreign brands, have a gay friend, drink brandy and think they've made it.

Unfortunately they are only as gorafied as the thick layer of Tibet cream they slap on every morning.

Underneath that is the classiest hate filled **** who considers anyone not exactly like him - beneath him. He'll have poor people's children cleaning his house, his staff are all paid a wage at which they can't earn a decent living and every argument starts with "o Teri auqat?!" or "tu janta nai mein kon hu".

This is not about you as a person - this is about the scumbag elitist class that the English medium is symbolic of.

Someone asked me about Jinnah - Jinnah didn't use the brown man as a doormat. Jinnah didn't sit on PDF talking about how Aryan he was. He worked to create a state for all the barefoot towelheads today's burger glass spit on.

None of the elite who have followed have done a thing for the common Pakistani other than detest them.

Someone mentioned earlier on about the Muslims who migrated to Abbisinya. They did so to escape zalalat. Pakistan for anyone who isn't the burger class is varying degrees of zalalat. The kafir society is 1000% better.

If we were to adopt these peoples values, laws, decency, I would become a rabid secularist. Unfortunately we o ly adapt the surface of thier society.

Much in the same way we only adapt the surface of Islam - underneath it is no different to yazeed or other zalim.
What's back story of this grooming gang British [brelvi from mirpur] mullah?
he was enjoying sexting messages in forum posts until I got him stopped then he found a way round it by posting porno searches from google disguised as "research on hinduism and devdasis of temples".

got him banned permanently but they missed him so much that it lasted just 3 months
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There's a deliberate sabotage at display by the overnight liberals . Mere thought of common syllabus for all Pakistani kids is causing fits of rage .

This is exactly what he meant when he said we'll have to fight the statua quo.
Why Pakistanis are optimistic about the Taliban?

You have to understand the background before drawing the final conclusion. The Afghan regime was backed by India and it's not a hidden secret. Ex-US Defense secretary Chuk Hagel and US commanders who served in Afghanistan clearly stated that India is using Afghanistan as a second front against Pakistan. India is using the Afghan Govt, intelligence, and its people to destabilizing Pakistan (exporting terrorism from A-stan soil). It was quite evident the way Ashraf Ghani, NDS and many ex-Afghan govt officials bashed and abused Pakistan for no reason.

So how do you expect Pakistan will support any Indian installed regime forcefully that has ZERO foundation or backing of locals and abuse Pakistan?

India has spent billions of dollars on A-stan just to built an anti-Pakistan narrative in the young afghan generation. India is totally irrelevant in the equation when it comes to Afghanistan. They have zero relevance or role even Russians (the closest ally of India) refused to call India in any regional/Afghan-related meetings in the past 2-3 months. Russian and Americans literally sideline India in all the recent meetings. There was a reason behind it. India is the sole peace spoiler in the region. Read ex-US Barack Obama's book, what he stated about India's obsession with Pakistan.

DisinfoLab Euro already exposed India's propaganda against Pakistan in the domain of information warfare. Just take an example of the recent sanction Pakistan trend. Most of the pages on Twitter and Facebook running by the Indians. What evidence do you want more? why should Pakistan support such a corrupt, cowardly and puppet regime of A-stan? Give us a single reason...

The current leadership of the Taliban has strong reservations against Pakistan too. They are not dependent on Pakistan. Pakistan handed over many existing leaders of the Taliban to the US and many of them were in jail after 9/11. So how the **** Taliban are the tool of ISI or Pakistan? use your brain instead of becoming a tool of Indian propaganda.

Pakistan and Pakistanis have zero love for the Taliban. The only reason for being optimistic is, we don't face more terrorism and abuse from or western border. Accept the reality rather than living in the fool paradise. No one support such govt from whom you have been abused for no ***** reason while facing terrorism. Who bombed, attack, destroy Afghanistan? Americans not Pakistan. Who left Afghanistan and abandoned Afghanis in the middle? Indians and Americans, not Pakistan so before making an argument or narrative, use your brain if you have.... run trends on social media against Indians and Americans. Ask them why they've abandoned you.... ask A.Saleh, Ghani who fled to the other countries and left you in the mid-airrrrrr....

PS: Those who believe on this BS that the Taliban having Pakistan’s intelligence agency aka ISI support, they should ***** themselves. No sane mind with common sense accepts this non-sense. Basically, they’re trying to say that $850Billion budgeted military might along with NATO, + with the world’s best warfighting machines defeated by a few million dollars budget intelligence agency? If that's true then everyone should tell the US to sack all the commanders and generals and dumps all the military equipment.
You forgot i am Muslim so i didnt have trannies on my wedding dancing to please men n women ... In fact on my wedding imam saab gave khutba in beginning n at end n kids recited naats taking turns. I didnt have dhol dhamakka kanjar khana that is native to ur households. I am Bhens and i have not forfotten two things i am muslim and two Bhens from Islamgarh and third izzat of my religion and my baap dada is in my hands. Would i bring disgrace to them or izzat. I am not exactly a perfect Muslim but i havent forgotten i am one and that keeps me in check. My sins are in private not public. One who sins in puvlic will never have forgivess as opposed to public sinner.
Oh lala. Tu te apne alakay na banda niklya ve.
Indian media is reporting one sentence from a long speech the PM gave today about education.

He was at the official launch of the Single National Curriculum. During his speech he was talking about mentality, and especially slave mentality. He talked about how the Pakistani education system encouraged a slave mentality through the English Medium curriculum. He said it was bought originally to create brown Englishmen for the Empire. He said post independence we adopted it and kept that same culture where our culture/language is considered inferior to those of Westerners.

He talked about the class divide between the students of religious seminaries, Urdu medium and english medium. He said he wanted to unify the nation by bridging these divides. He said the single national curriculum is step 1 and the status quo will fight it. He said we'll need to burn our boats in order to implement these changes.

During this speech he went on to talk about how in higher education people adopt English culture and become mental slaves to this foreign culture. He said mental slavery is worse than actual slavery. It's an acceptance of foreign culture as superior to yours. He said breaking the chains of mental slavery is very difficult. He said Afghanistan has broken the chains of physical slavery. He said the mental slavery is hard to break.

You can see this part of his speech here -

starts at 6:30.
More interested in what's in it for us. All the kudos and hurrahs to the talis if our TTP problem stands addressed, otherwise, don't care much.

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