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Afghan govt seeks extension in stay of refugees in Pakistan

The Afghan government has formally requested Pakistan to give four years extension to 1.5 million registered refugees to legalise their stay till 2020.

And when extension wud be granted, Kabul wud again resort to blame Pakistan game as usual. This is what they are good at.
Pakistan must NOT host these unthankful people anymore. However, as our leaders are morons with zero IQ level, we should expect another extension, infact a life time extension.
Pakistan is Already facing Problems since Army Operation and Nadra Verification and Afghan Peoples Involved in making problems in Pakistan .....Pakistan have a Big Heart that's why he support refuges
Now this is the time to show Afghanistan middle finger. Go and get that extension from India. We are tired of you fucking ungrateful lot. Get lost from here. You are not welcomed here. F off.
I don't understand why every time there is something about Afghanistan someone always wants to get @A-Team point of view. This guy is too nice and i don't think he represents the actual feelings that general afghans have for Pakistan.

In my opinion, we have hosted them for 36 years but now its time to for them to go back. Preferably peacefully but by force if necessary.

I am not nice I am objective and a realist :) Have you seen the tone of my posts when Mullah Mansoor was taken out? I can be harsh when I feel that Afghan interests are at stake but harsh doesn't mean that I should be blind to genuine concerns of Pakistan vis-a-vis Afghanistan.

Genuine discourse will get us somewhere.
Either give them citizenship and start a program to Pakistanize them or deport them. Residents of Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, the main provinces of Afghan settlement both have problems with the refugees staying there. It is believed they bring crime, drugs and terrorism to Pakistan. I think we need to decide what to do with these refugees after consensus between all Pakistanis. The arrest of Afghan spies isn't helping the relationship either in any possible way.
Mate, you know and I know governments in our part of the world are incompetant. Even Western governments with efficiency and competant administrations would struggle to manage 3 million which is like what 10% of Afghan population. However as much as Afghan governmement is incompetant in taking care after of the 3 million Afghan refugees the Pak govenment is incompetant in kicking out the 3 million out. There you have it. Natural equilibrium at play.

One solution to the Afghan imbroglio is place you in charge of NUG.I suggest Pakistan should sponsor #A-TeamforPresident. I certainly support that. I think we could sort out our problems in a afternoon sitting.

On a serious note I blame all this on Musharaf. Years back I lived in a predominant Pakistani neighbourhood of Birmingham and this English guy knocked at our door. He was carrying this form and told us that the house next door was going to be converted into adult special needs home. The point was that we all in the street needed to get togather and petition the council to stop council granting permission. Nobody in the street took him seriously. Then he went around knocking again peoples doors few days before the council hearing took place. Again he said the home would have negative impact on all the street and we all needed to be in the meeting to make sure whatever was decided did not impact the residents of the street negatively. Nobody took heed. With the street residents not being there in force to put forth their objections the council meeting the council ended up giving permission to the home. Result - 24 hour disturbance. Traffic increase. General drop in prices of houses on the street. In short if your not there to make robust defence of your interests you will have no control over how things take shape in the future.

In 2001 when the American's came knocking at Pakistan's door to gain access into Taliban Afghanistan the appropriate response should have been "Yes but with the following conditions"

(i) When the US forces invades Afghanistan it must make sure that Pakistan interests are not compromised.
(ii) When US forces invade Pak special forces of at least brigade strength will accompany to make sure that no groups that are inimical to Pakistan's interests enter Kabul post Taliban.
(iii) That the Pak special force will stay in Kabul as long as is necessary to secure Pakistan's interests. In short Pakistan would be integral part of Opeation Enduring Freedom to make sure that whatever emerges post invasion is not only US compliant but also Pak compliant.

Instead of this that fag*got Musharaf said "Yes sir" to the Americans. He might as well have said "Yes sir and please install in Kabul anybody who hates Pakistan". The results are predictable. Within 48 hours of Kabul falling to American's we had Abdullah Abdullah gaving a long rant to CNN against Pakistan. This was in 2001. I saw that report and I thought "Oh no".

And here we are today. Policy making s all about preventing such disasters. Take Britain. During the colonial days the British Raj was always playing games to prevent Russian influence inside Afganistan. In fact they invaded Afghanistan to keep a pro British dispensation in Kabul. Read the link below how strategic interests are secured by those who built world empires.

Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Game


@Khan_21 Time for introspection? When will we learn from our mistakes. Cause and effect?

ATeamforPresident, thanks :D people do tell me that I am people's person with higher than average emotional intelligence :)

Hoping for better days. We should definitely grab some drinks on it

@Imad.Khan I agree with your views on @A-Team but you would rather not spend a moment with the ghairatmand brigade of Afghanistan who are as bad as our mullah supporting brigade. They display hatred far worse than the common hatred even Indians display for us when they have the chance. What has surprised me deeply is the hatred for Jinnah. They see him as some sort of Anti-Islamic figure when everything we Pakistanis are taught goes against that.

I think people like A-team are the only solutions to the problem. His critical and objective outlook and refusal to follow the common doctrine of many Afghans who want to sabotage relations over a border-line demarcated by their own king is very useful.

I have criticized Afghans a lot but I think it is time to criticize our own outlook of Afghanistan. I think we did not know this beforehand but sending mullahs to any country for war only creates friction between the populations of the countries.

America is the father of all evil. Begging and drooling for us and Saudi's support to evict a Soviet sponsered government in Afghanistan and then leaving us with the Presler Amendment and the fallout with drugs crime, terrorism, gun culture and refugees being parts of it. If we had left Afghanistan to the Soviets there would be no blame against Pakistan. We need a bit of rehash of history and ask ourselves whether it was any use for Pakistan to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. It certainly hasn't earned us love of the Afghan populace nor has it made the country any stronger. In Pakistan since Zia's time the mullahs have had unparalleled power. This power should end now.
Afghan MPA saying uno declare Pakistan a terrorist state why they want their citizen to live in terrorists state

It will be burden on our economy we can't build our military and civilian organization this their india wants

Only stupid can give them a extension of a traitor to Pakistan

They are here for 40 years what extension they want

No other country allow our citizen a second more after legally visa is over

Afghanistan is booming with India let these 500000 refuges be burden on Indian economy

We can play them out if we send these refuges to Afghanistan they will be burden on Afghanistan than Afghan govt won't have funds to takecare they ask india india won't offer more as they offered. Them already out of their limits

Than refuges will fight Afghanistan govt Afghanistan govt fight india for more more money at the end either Afghan govt will go Indian puppet show will over

Only Pakistan has to do this it's time for them to go no stay nothing no one help us everybody put burden after Soviet war on Pak and criticise Pak let teach then lesson

I support Baluchistan interior minister take them by force

Most wahan time to wake up do not waste time u r duty is to listen general public of Pakistan not Afghanistan govt so do what is best for nation these bastereds showed their *** to USA time to teach they belong to sewers

Are you serious, you want to give citizenship to people that hate you. why don't we give citizenship to all the indians and isrealis as well
He is Afghani took for sure no Pakistani can say it this after 2001 they did we all know

Mark him as Afghani too
I don't understand why every time there is something about Afghanistan someone always wants to get @A-Team point of view. This guy is too nice and i don't think he represents the actual feelings that general afghans have for Pakistan.

In my opinion, we have hosted them for 36 years but now its time to for them to go back. Preferably peacefully but by force if necessary.

Agreed, not even Afghani diplomats are as diplomatic as @A-Team. No offence meant A-team but it seem like you don't even represent minority of Afghans.
Either give them citizenship and start a program to Pakistanize them or deport them. Residents of Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, the main provinces of Afghan settlement both have problems with the refugees staying there. It is believed they bring crime, drugs and terrorism to Pakistan. I think we need to decide what to do with these refugees after consensus between all Pakistanis. The arrest of Afghan spies isn't helping the relationship either in any possible way.

Normally I don't agree with you but on this occasion I do. They're not going to leave Pakistan and the reality is that we can't force them to either. It would be in inhumane and un-Pakistani to do so either. We should set up a program for Afghans and other larger nationalities residing permanently or long term in Pakistan to "Pakistanize" them and make them more like us rather than become our enemies.
@Imad.Khan I agree with your views on @A-Team but you would rather not spend a moment with the ghairatmand brigade of Afghanistan who are as bad as our mullah supporting brigade. They display hatred far worse than the common hatred even Indians display for us when they have the chance. What has surprised me deeply is the hatred for Jinnah. They see him as some sort of Anti-Islamic figure when everything we Pakistanis are taught goes against that.

I think people like A-team are the only solutions to the problem. His critical and objective outlook and refusal to follow the common doctrine of many Afghans who want to sabotage relations over a border-line demarcated by their own king is very useful.

I have criticized Afghans a lot but I think it is time to criticize our own outlook of Afghanistan. I think we did not know this beforehand but sending mullahs to any country for war only creates friction between the populations of the countries.

America is the father of all evil. Begging and drooling for us and Saudi's support to evict a Soviet sponsered government in Afghanistan and then leaving us with the Presler Amendment and the fallout with drugs crime, terrorism, gun culture and refugees being parts of it. If we had left Afghanistan to the Soviets there would be no blame against Pakistan. We need a bit of rehash of history and ask ourselves whether it was any use for Pakistan to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. It certainly hasn't earned us love of the Afghan populace nor has it made the country any stronger. In Pakistan since Zia's time the mullahs have had unparalleled power. This power should end now.

I have always believed that both Afghanistan and Pakistan can make it work, there are far worse examples in the world and now they are thriving together. In our case we have more common than separating us but all we need is to empower the leadership that thinks pan region. In the Afghan side you have Ashraf Ghani a giant of a man who carries no historical baggage and genuinely wants to make it work with Pakistan and thus his initial outreach to Pakistan despite Afghan hawks impending him.

The opportunity provided by the outreach of Ashraf Ghani can genuinely address Pakistani concerns vis-a-vis Afghanistan and thus Pakistan should work with us, rather than follow its interest via actors such as the Talis, Haqqanis etc.

For a better days!

Agreed, not even Afghani diplomats are as diplomatic as @A-Team. No offence meant A-team but it seem like you don't even represent minority of Afghans.

Frankly there is an informed, educated middle class emerging in Afghanistan who are well connected and understand the importance bringing the never ending hostility between us to an end. The initial outreach by Ashraf Ghani towards Pakistan is precisely in that spectrum. I thus represent not a minority but an empowered growing section of the society.

Remember its the empowered section of the society who at the end of the day make policy decisions and the masses follow.

In summary : Support Ashraf Ghani and the NUG, you can achieve your interest far wisely this way then dealing with some Talis who will turn on you the moment they are done with Afghanistan.
Normally I don't agree with you but on this occasion I do. They're not going to leave Pakistan and the reality is that we can't force them to either. It would be in inhumane and un-Pakistani to do so either. We should set up a program for Afghans and other larger nationalities residing permanently or long term in Pakistan to "Pakistanize" them and make them more like us rather than become our enemies.
The vast majority do not want to become Pakistani and forcing them would be inhumane. Get this into your heads!
Demand a large sum of money and if not then throw these scums into the Arabian sea. They are useless anyways.
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