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Afghan govt seeks extension in stay of refugees in Pakistan

Asking for extension whilst stabbing in the back? How shameless can you people get.
In 2001 when the American's came knocking at Pakistan's door to gain access into Taliban Afghanistan the appropriate response should have been "Yes but with the following conditions"

(i) When the US forces invades Afghanistan it must make sure that Pakistan interests are not compromised.
(ii) When US forces invade Pak special forces of at least brigade strength will accompany to make sure that no groups that are inimical to Pakistan's interests enter Kabul post Taliban.
(iii) That the Pak special force will stay in Kabul as long as is necessary to secure Pakistan's interests. In short Pakistan would be integral part of Opeation Enduring Freedom to make sure that whatever emerges post invasion is not only US compliant but also Pak compliant.

Instead of this that fag*got Musharaf said "Yes sir" to the Americans. He might as well have said "Yes sir and please install in Kabul anybody who hates Pakistan". The results are predictable. Within 48 hours of Kabul falling to American's we had Abdullah Abdullah gaving a long rant to CNN against Pakistan. This was in 2001. I saw that report and I thought "Oh no".

And here we are today. Policy making s all about preventing such disasters. Take Britain. During the colonial days the British Raj was always playing games to prevent Russian influence inside Afganistan. In fact they invaded Afghanistan to keep a pro British dispensation in Kabul. Read the link below how strategic interests are secured by those who built world empires.

One of the main reasons why NATO invaded Afghanistan post 9/11 false flags was to set up shop from where destabilization could be spread into Pakistan ultimately to build up international pressure in order to de-nuclearize her. "Pakistani nukes falling into the hands of terrorists, Pakistan is a failed state and cannot guard her nukes" etc etc.
NATO is intending to complete the mission even if it takes decades. I do not know if Pakistan's conditions would have been granted.

But I agree with you about Musharraf. Woe betide that man!
nternational pressure in order to de-nuclearize her
This will never. Repeat never happen. You can't de-nuclearize a 200 million people country with huge nuclear infrstructure and delivery systems. Even the American's know this. Further Pakistan is in strategic embrace of China. There is no way China would support or allow destabilization of Pakistan. It's that simple. Anybody wanting to do that would have to get Beijing on board and that it not and never will happen. In particular given US leaning and embrace of India. In this calculus Pakistan is counterweight to India for China. Bottom line. Pak nukes are here to stay unless we do something stupid like sell them to Al Qaeda or some other Islamist group in which case it is just possible China might be forced to retract it's diplomatic umbrella over Pakistan.

I do not know if Pakistan's conditions would have been granted.
They would have. What other option did they have? Geopolitics follows the line of minimum resistance. The only country they could access Afghanistan was Pakistan. So they would have had choice to either agree to our conditions or bomb us. If we said "NO" period. They would bomb us. If we said "Yes but ...." they would look at those "buts" and agree because it is not like they loved Northern Alliance. The only thing they would want is OBL and a Kabul to not give refuge to OBL or AQ.

But I agree with you about Musharraf. Woe betide that man!
This man was coward. This man was incompetant. In any other country he would be locked up but in Pakistan he went on to become President. Read up on the Kargil debacle. Any Pakistani patriot will be left in shame and anger. We lost some good men up those heights. Those heroes voices never to be heard while Musharaf went arround creating his halo on the bodies of good men.
This will never. Repeat never happen. You can't de-nuclearize a 200 million people country with huge nuclear infrstructure and delivery systems. Even the American's know this. Further Pakistan is in strategic embrace of China. There is no way China would support or allow destabilization of Pakistan. It's that simple. Anybody wanting to do that would have to get Beijing on board and that it not and never will happen. In particular given US leaning and embrace of India. In this calculus Pakistan is counterweight to India for China. Bottom line. Pak nukes are here to stay unless we do something stupid like sell them to Al Qaeda or some other Islamist group in which case it is just possible China might be forced to retract it's diplomatic umbrella over Pakistan.

They would have. What other option did they have? Geopolitics follows the line of minimum resistance. The only country they could access Afghanistan was Pakistan. So they would have had choice to either agree to our conditions or bomb us. If we said "NO" period. They would bomb us. If we said "Yes but ...." they would look at those "buts" and agree because it is not like they loved Northern Alliance. The only thing they would want is OBL and a Kabul to not give refuge to OBL or AQ.

This man was coward. This man was incompetant. In any other country he would be locked up but in Pakistan he went on to become President. Read up on the Kargil debacle. Any Pakistani patriot will be left in shame and anger. We lost some good men up those heights. Those heroes voices never to be heard while Musharaf went arround creating his halo on the bodies of good men.

NATO cannot do to Pakistan what she did to Afghanistan and Iraq, that is why she is waging a 4th generation war over 15 years now to weaken and destabilize this 200 million nuclear armed nation. She has found a convergence of interest with Modi's Bharat. Ideally she would like to see ethnic strife spreading, sectarian strife spreading, propaganda being proliferated to demoralize Pakistanis and tensions between the Kabul governments and Pakistan. She is even using refugees in this 4th generation war. The perfect situation for her would be a situation like Syria or Libya in Pakistan. Of course China has been a great ally to Pakistan. Remember what the Chinese President stated after the false flag raid in Abbotabad of OBL. NATO was not ready to wage war on China.
Don't get me wrong, Inshallah Pakistani nukes are here to stay but that does not mean NATO will give up. She must satisfy her masters wish: Israel's messianic quest to expand her borders!
I have always believed that both Afghanistan and Pakistan can make it work, there are far worse examples in the world and now they are thriving together. In our case we have more common than separating us but all we need is to empower the leadership that thinks pan region. In the Afghan side you have Ashraf Ghani a giant of a man who carries no historical baggage and genuinely wants to make it work with Pakistan and thus his initial outreach to Pakistan despite Afghan hawks impending him.

The opportunity provided by the outreach of Ashraf Ghani can genuinely address Pakistani concerns vis-a-vis Afghanistan and thus Pakistan should work with us, rather than follow its interest via actors such as the Talis, Haqqanis etc.

For a better days!

Frankly there is an informed, educated middle class emerging in Afghanistan who are well connected and understand the importance bringing the never ending hostility between us to an end. The initial outreach by Ashraf Ghani towards Pakistan is precisely in that spectrum. I thus represent not a minority but an empowered growing section of the society.

Remember its the empowered section of the society who at the end of the day make policy decisions and the masses follow.

In summary : Support Ashraf Ghani and the NUG, you can achieve your interest far wisely this way then dealing with some Talis who will turn on you the moment they are done with Afghanistan.
I wish you and your country all the best and hope that we can make our relations work. I agree the time for supporting all types of mullahs like the Taliban is over. We cannot forgive the death of 60000 Pakistanis and more than a Million Afghanis due to terrorism (though in Afghanistan warlords are to blame too)

As I have said before there is much in common and a Pashtun on first look from either Pakistan or Afghanistan are indistinguishable from each other. The difference comes only when we delve deeper and we will notice that Afghan Pashtuns are influenced by Farsi and Pakistani ones by Urdu.

I strongly believe there are points Afghans and Pakistanis can work together on. One would be the protection and spread of culture history language and traditions of Pashtuns. I would love to see more people know about Pashtun dynasties like the Lodhis, Suris and Durannis as well as speak the language which I still do not have proper command over. It applies to all cultures in Pakistan. For those Pakistanis who forever fear spread of ethnic culture and history as a problem that will create traitors I tell them openly Pakistan is going no where and our loyalty is first with Pakistan then the ethnicity. We need to be a little less harsh on spread of ethnic culture though there is no space for disloyalty like that of MQM, JSQM ANP or other groups.

Despite my concerns about Indian influence in Afghanistan I will let these concerns rest because I find that there are some Afghans who truly want to make the relationship work.
government of Pakistan if you are willing to let them stay then kindly throw us out then because it seems like you care more about them the your own people.:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
The fu***** audacity of Kabul regime is simply astonishing.
Send them via wagah border to India with two fingers salute. Kabul regime is projecting India as some sort of saviour by selling some cosmetic gestures like parliament building or some random dam. Let the Indian friends of Afghanistan carry the burden of all these Afghan refugees for next few decades.
NATO cannot do to Pakistan what she did to Afghanistan and Iraq, that is why she is waging a 4th generation war over 15 years now to weaken and destabilize this 200 million nuclear armed nation. She has found a convergence of interest with Modi's Bharat. Ideally she would like to see ethnic strife spreading, sectarian strife spreading, propaganda being proliferated to demoralize Pakistanis and tensions between the Kabul governments and Pakistan. She is even using refugees in this 4th generation war. The perfect situation for her would be a situation like Syria or Libya in Pakistan. Of course China has been a great ally to Pakistan. Remember what the Chinese President stated after the false flag raid in Abbotabad of OBL. NATO was not ready to wage war on China.
Don't get me wrong, Inshallah Pakistani nukes are here to stay but that does not mean NATO will give up. She must satisfy her masters wish: Israel's messianic quest to expand her borders!
I wish to add that NATO are working to foment a full out Sunni - Shia civil war. The recent rapprochement between Iran and the US seems to me to be sinister. Should Iran and KSA get embroiled in a direct conflict, it will be a very difficult time for Pakistan. If I was a strategist this is what I would need to do in order to break Pakistan.
I wish you and your country all the best and hope that we can make our relations work. I agree the time for supporting all types of mullahs like the Taliban is over. We cannot forgive the death of 60000 Pakistanis and more than a Million Afghanis due to terrorism (though in Afghanistan warlords are to blame too)

As I have said before there is much in common and a Pashtun on first look from either Pakistan or Afghanistan are indistinguishable from each other. The difference comes only when we delve deeper and we will notice that Afghan Pashtuns are influenced by Farsi and Pakistani ones by Urdu.

I strongly believe there are points Afghans and Pakistanis can work together on. One would be the protection and spread of culture history language and traditions of Pashtuns. I would love to see more people know about Pashtun dynasties like the Lodhis, Suris and Durannis as well as speak the language which I still do not have proper command over. It applies to all cultures in Pakistan. For those Pakistanis who forever fear spread of ethnic culture and history as a problem that will create traitors I tell them openly Pakistan is going no where and our loyalty is first with Pakistan then the ethnicity. We need to be a little less harsh on spread of ethnic culture though there is no space for disloyalty like that of MQM, JSQM ANP or other groups.

Despite my concerns about Indian influence in Afghanistan I will let these concerns rest because I find that there are some Afghans who truly want to make the relationship work.

Imagine someone with your thinking in the leadership level, this region will turn into bastion of prosperity!

Imagine driving all the way from Delhi, to Islamabad, to Kabul to Tehran and enjoying the awesome food on the trip :)

For better days!
Imagine someone with your thinking in the leadership level, this region will turn into bastion of prosperity!

Imagine driving all the way from Delhi, to Islamabad, to Kabul to Tehran and enjoying the awesome food on the trip :)

For better days!
That's the dream!
Each and everyone needs to be sent back IMMEDIATELY...... even if they ALL die on the way back home, we DON'T care........... NO MORE AFGHANS.

ouch!! :disagree: I care. I think we should keep all the Afghans. In fact, we should embrace them, give them Pakistani citizenship and put them in our military and government. Then we should work on making strong ties with our brothers (the Arabs) and vow to protect them and their lands at all cost. After that, we should probably listen to the US and stop making so many nukes. We should sign the UN treaty.

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I think we give Afghan refugees right to vote in their Afghan elections. It will build their connection with their land and work as a magnetic pull. Govts. of Pakistan and Afghanistan can work together to devise a mechanism for voting.

When it is done the pull will come into action and demand to pave the way to smoothly make the two meet. This stage will rise other related issues e.g. if the repatriation is not done in a proper way the students may lose one academic year, other health and human issues.

For students both countries can make a syllabus that would be taught in Pakistan and when they go to their home they face no problem in continuing their studies.

From here the ball is in Afghanistan's court that how she gives them shelter, medical facilities etc. No doubt Pakistan and other countries will provide with medical teams and other necessities till they are rehabilitated completely.

What surprises Pakistan has in this process? Afghan refugees are millions in number, an undiscovered treasure. Pakistan can lobby them in voting. They can have their own candidate for president and PMship. So Pakistan has a whole game to play on her soil and even when they are sent back.
HAahaha akir kar apni ukat pr a hi gai aur hamin terrorist state declare kro:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
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