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Afghan govt seeks extension in stay of refugees in Pakistan

First ask Abdullah Abdullah and Hamid Karzai to beg then we might think about it
nope.. tell them politely that enough is enough. Give them a grace period of 1 to max 2 yr so as to avert any diplomatic disaster and then afterwards throw out these self centered and thankless burden to the society. Make an afghan specific alien registration cell and then hunt every single one of these down.
Just have a look at the anti - pakistan rallies in Afghanistan . have a look at their jubilation when they burn our flag .

That being said @A-Team is one of the nicest and level headed afghan's I have come across:D
I don't understand why every time there is something about Afghanistan someone always wants to get @A-Team point of view. This guy is too nice and i don't think he represents the actual feelings that general afghans have for Pakistan.

In my opinion, we have hosted them for 36 years but now its time to for them to go back. Preferably peacefully but by force if necessary.
He is the only active Afghan member here other than an Indian false flagger whose name I don't wish to take.
True but still it's for Afghan government to fix the issue of providing sustenance and livelihood, instead of spending thousands on fancy cars they should start figuring out how to allocate lands resources to these returnees now.
Mate, you know and I know governments in our part of the world are incompetant. Even Western governments with efficiency and competant administrations would struggle to manage 3 million which is like what 10% of Afghan population. However as much as Afghan governmement is incompetant in taking care after of the 3 million Afghan refugees the Pak govenment is incompetant in kicking out the 3 million out. There you have it. Natural equilibrium at play.

One solution to the Afghan imbroglio is place you in charge of NUG.I suggest Pakistan should sponsor #A-TeamforPresident. I certainly support that. I think we could sort out our problems in a afternoon sitting.

On a serious note I blame all this on Musharaf. Years back I lived in a predominant Pakistani neighbourhood of Birmingham and this English guy knocked at our door. He was carrying this form and told us that the house next door was going to be converted into adult special needs home. The point was that we all in the street needed to get togather and petition the council to stop council granting permission. Nobody in the street took him seriously. Then he went around knocking again peoples doors few days before the council hearing took place. Again he said the home would have negative impact on all the street and we all needed to be in the meeting to make sure whatever was decided did not impact the residents of the street negatively. Nobody took heed. With the street residents not being there in force to put forth their objections the council meeting the council ended up giving permission to the home. Result - 24 hour disturbance. Traffic increase. General drop in prices of houses on the street. In short if your not there to make robust defence of your interests you will have no control over how things take shape in the future.

In 2001 when the American's came knocking at Pakistan's door to gain access into Taliban Afghanistan the appropriate response should have been "Yes but with the following conditions"

(i) When the US forces invades Afghanistan it must make sure that Pakistan interests are not compromised.
(ii) When US forces invade Pak special forces of at least brigade strength will accompany to make sure that no groups that are inimical to Pakistan's interests enter Kabul post Taliban.
(iii) That the Pak special force will stay in Kabul as long as is necessary to secure Pakistan's interests. In short Pakistan would be integral part of Opeation Enduring Freedom to make sure that whatever emerges post invasion is not only US compliant but also Pak compliant.

Instead of this that fag*got Musharaf said "Yes sir" to the Americans. He might as well have said "Yes sir and please install in Kabul anybody who hates Pakistan". The results are predictable. Within 48 hours of Kabul falling to American's we had Abdullah Abdullah gaving a long rant to CNN against Pakistan. This was in 2001. I saw that report and I thought "Oh no".

And here we are today. Policy making s all about preventing such disasters. Take Britain. During the colonial days the British Raj was always playing games to prevent Russian influence inside Afganistan. In fact they invaded Afghanistan to keep a pro British dispensation in Kabul. Read the link below how strategic interests are secured by those who built world empires.

Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Game


@Khan_21 Time for introspection? When will we learn from our mistakes. Cause and effect?
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Each and everyone needs to be sent back IMMEDIATELY...... even if they ALL die on the way back home, we DON'T care........... NO MORE AFGHANS.
I don't understand why every time there is something about Afghanistan someone always wants to get @A-Team point of view. This guy is too nice and i don't think he represents the actual feelings that general afghans have for Pakistan.

In my opinion, we have hosted them for 36 years but now its time to for them to go back. Preferably peacefully but by force if necessary.

It's actually 37 years, Imad.
Afghan and Pakistan relations will reach their logical conclusion only and only when we have a one to one talk on the table. these morons are every where at the moment so how can we have a debate with a foreign nation when its people are littered across the whole country???
Balochistan and Fata will be alot safer without these people who are willing to drop explosives anywhere for a few hundred rupees.
Our economy and local population will benefit alot. Be it the truck driver, fruit seller, local nan shop, local stone crusher or any petty job that the millions of uneducated local folks can do.
Lets put their head at the right places. They have been like a termite to us. Eating away our society from within. Shove them back to the shit hole that they came from. they have done enough damage already. send them back before they turn pieces our land into another shit hole.
I have no idea from what mouth can they ask us to take care of their citizens when from that very same mouth they call us names and want to brand us terrorists in the UN along with sanctions.. If we gave sanctions who the hell will feed their illegal citizens or even legal ones since the UN expenditure is a pitance. The burden they are on our economy is amazing and bcz of them we have to sideline our people bcz our money is being wasted on these ungrateful people who would literally come to your home, eat your food and then throw tantrums on how its not good enough and break stuff.

I think firstly we must place a check on the illegal travel between Pakistan and Afghanistan which will help illegal migration of refugees which results in more trouble. With the border secured we can start a repatriation process with ease that those we send back won't return.

Anyway the ungratefulness of afghan govt is staggering.
I have no idea from what mouth can they ask us to take care of their citizens when from that very same mouth they call us names and want to brand us terrorists in the UN along with sanctions.. If we gave sanctions who the hell will feed their illegal citizens or even legal ones since the UN expenditure is a pitance. The burden they are on our economy is amazing and bcz of them we have to sideline our people bcz our money is being wasted on these ungrateful people who would literally come to your home, eat your food and then throw tantrums on how its not good enough and break stuff.

I think firstly we must place a check on the illegal travel between Pakistan and Afghanistan which will help illegal migration of refugees which results in more trouble. With the border secured we can start a repatriation process with ease that those we send back won't return.

Anyway the ungratefulness of afghan govt is staggering.

If we did not have millions upon millions of Afghans in Pakistan, our economy would have been very strong. Much stronger than it us now. Afghans are parasite that are sucking the blood of Pakistan dry. They are the most useless people on earth.
The corrupt politicians will never take any concrete steps to return the Afghan refugees. The ones that make the decisions are paid by their friends in the US and UN. These friends accuse Pakistan of destabilizing Afghanistan while Afghanistan has millions of her citizens living and destabilizing Pakistan. Apparently it seems like incompetence on the part of the Pakistani leaders but actually it is corruption that prevents them from boldly pointing out who is destabilizing what.
throw them back or send them to india. in this extension they will produce more terrorists, agents. we should get rid of this cancer as soon as possible otherwise it will become incurable.
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