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Abdul Malik Ragi executed

Leader of Iran's militant group Jundallah hanged

Sunday, 20 Jun, 2010

TEHRAN: Abdolmalek Rigi, head of the Sunni rebel group Jundallah who waged a deadly insurgency in Iran's southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan, was hanged early Sunday, state news agency IRNA reported.

“After the decision of the Tehran revolutionary tribunal, Abdolmalek Rigi was hanged on Sunday morning in Evin prison,” IRNA said.

It quoted a court statement as saying: “The head of the armed counter-revolutionary group in the east of the country ... was responsible for armed robbery, assassination attempts, armed attacks on the army and police and on ordinary people, and murder.” Rigi was captured in February while on a flight. He led a shadowy Sunni militant group called Jundallah (Soldiers of God) that had waged a deadly insurgency in southeastern Iran killing civilians as well as military officials.

Iran says the group was backed by the United States.

IRNA, quoting the court statement, said Rigi's group was “responsible for the killing of 154 members of security forces and other innocent people and wounding of 320 people since 2003.” It said Jundallah was “linked to members of foreign intelligence services, including members from US and Zionist regime's intelligence services under the cover of NATO.” It was also linked to intelligence services of some Arabic countries and counter-revolutionary group People's Mujahedeen, the statement said.

Rigi himself was charged with forming the “terrorist group Jundallah which was fighting the Islamic republic.” He collaborated and ordered 15 armed abductions, confessed to three murders, ordered the murders of tens of citizens, police and military personnel through bombings and armed actions,” the statement added.

IRNA said he had been sentenced to be hanged in front of the relatives of some of the victims of his attacks, but the report did not specify whether he was actually executed in their presence. – AFP
Leader of Iran's Sunni rebel group Jundallah hanged: IRNA

TEHRAN: Abdolmalek Rigi, leader of the Sunni rebel movement Jundallah who waged a deadly insurgency in Iran's southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan, was hanged early on Sunday, the official IRNA news agency reported.

"After the decision of the Tehran revolutionary tribunal, Abdolmalek Rigi was hanged on Sunday morning," IRNA said.

It quoted a court statement as saying: "The head of the armed counter-revolutionary group in the east of the country ... was responsible for armed robbery, assassination attempts, armed attacks on the army and police and on ordinary people, and murder."

Rigi was captured in February during a spectacular attempted hijacking. He led a shadowy Sunni militant group called Jundallah (Soldiers of God) that had waged a deadly insurgency in southeastern Iran killing civilians as well as military officials.

Iran says the group was backed by the United States.

Leader of Iran's Sunni rebel group Jundallah hanged: IRNA - Middle East - World - The Times of India
I hope this action of Iran does not make him a hero in Sunni areas of Iran.
Iran hangs Sunni militant leader Abdolmalek Rigi

BBC News - Iran hangs Sunni militant leader Abdolmalek Rigi


The leader of a Sunni militant group has been executed in Iran for his involvement in "terrorist" attacks in the Islamic state, state media report.

Abdolmalek Rigi, head of Jundullah, was hanged at dawn at Tehran's Evin prison in the presence of the families of its victims, the Irna news agency said.

Mr Rigi was accused of being behind a series of deadly bombings and raids in the province of Sistan-Baluchistan.

He was arrested in February while on a flight from Dubai to Kyrgyzstan.

Founded in 2003, Jundullah (Soldiers of God) says it is fighting to defend the human rights, culture and faith of ethnic Baluchis.

The majority of Iran's ethnic Baluchi population live in Sistan-Baluchistan and adhere to the Sunni branch of Islam. They claim that as a minority in a Shia state, they are persecuted by the authorities.

Sistan-Baluchestan is also the most impoverished, underdeveloped and sparsely-populated of Iran's provinces. Drug trafficking is a major problem, and kidnappings and armed clashes are common.

Iran's government says Jundullah receives support from the US, UK and Pakistan, an allegation which all three countries have denied.
High-profile attacks

Four months after being captured by Iranian security forces when he was flying over the Persian Gulf en route to Kyrgyzstan, Mr Rigi was hanged on Sunday morning in accordance with a decision by the Tehran Revolutionary Court.


"The head of the armed counter-revolutionary group in the east of the country... was responsible for armed robbery, assassination attempts, armed attacks on the army and police and on ordinary people, and murder," a court statement said.

Jundallah was "responsible for the killing of 154 members of security forces and other innocent people and wounding of 320 people since 2003" and was "linked to members of foreign intelligence services", it added.

Mr Rigi had allegedly pleaded guilty to forming the "terrorist group Jundallah which was fighting the Islamic republic" and a number of other charges.

"He collaborated and ordered 15 armed abductions, confessed to three murders, and ordered the murders of tens of citizens, police and military personnel through bombings and armed actions," the court statement added.

Jundullah has said it was responsible for a string of high-profile attacks in Sistan-Baluchistan, including a suicide bombing near the Pakistani border that killed 42 people, including six senior Revolutionary Guards commanders, and a bombing in a Shia mosque in Zahedan that killed 25 people.

Shortly after his arrest, state media reported that Mr Rigi had admitted that he had been on his way to a meeting with a "high-ranking person" at the US military base at Manas in Kyrgyzstan when he was captured.

"They said they would co-operate with us and would give me military equipment," he said in a video statement broadcast on Iranian TV.

Despite the loss of their leader, the confrontation between Jundallah and the Iranian authorities has shown no sign of abating.

The group recently asserted in a statement: "Let the regime know that it will face a movement that is stronger and much more solid than ever before and one whose existence it has not been aware of."

Mr Rigi's younger brother, Abdolhamid, was captured in Pakistan in 2008 and extradited to Iran. State media reported that he was executed last month in Zahedan after being convicted of terrorism.
I hope this action of Iran does not make him a hero in Sunni areas of Iran.

one of my frnd told me that suni's in iran r treated just like minorties, some restrictions on them like , they can't announce Azan loudly, They Can't Build mosque's simply they treated like jews treated by Nazi's.., i dnt knw how true is that , Can Any body tel us truth?
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I hope this action of Iran does not make him a hero in Sunni areas of Iran.

He was a terrorist and not a Muslim period his activities were to kill people for Money i forget to see why media is using his religion of birth as his identitity.

So when Terrorist attack west they are called simply Muslim terrorist but when the same people are used by the west in Muslim countries they are called shia or Sunni terrorist two objectives are archived by this spreading hatred against Muslims all over the world and creating divide and rule situation in Muslim world.
one of my told me that suni's in iran r treated just like minorties, some restrictions on them like , they can't announce Azan loudly, They Can Build mosque's simply they treated like jews treated by Nazi's.., i dnt knw how true is that , Can Any body tel us truth?
I doubt that!! :) InshaAllah

He was a terrorist and not a Muslim period his activities were to kill people for Money i forget to see why media is using his religion of birth as his identitity.

So when Terrorist attack west they are called simply Muslim terrorist but when the same people are used by the west in Muslim countries they are called shia or Sunni terrorist two objectives are archived by this spreading hatred against Muslims all over the world and creating divide and rule situation in Muslim world.
I am not defending him. But people tend to make these kind of people martyrs. I am worried about that thing. Any comments on that????
He was a terrorist and not a Muslim period his activities were to kill people for Money i forget to see why media is using his religion of birth as his identitity.

So when Terrorist attack west they are called simply Muslim terrorist but when the same people are used by the west in Muslim countries they are called shia or Sunni terrorist two objectives are archived by this spreading hatred against Muslims all over the world and creating divide and rule situation in Muslim world.

I agree with you.

After all he admitted himself that he was going to meet some US official.
one of my frnd told me that suni's in iran r treated just like minorties, some restrictions on them like , they can't announce Azan loudly, They Can't Build mosque's simply they treated like jews treated by Nazi's.., i dnt knw how true is that , Can Any body tel us truth?

yes it is to great extent. Jews are allowed to have worships but there is great opposition to Sunni Mosques.
I doubt that!! :) InshaAllah

I am not defending him. But people tend to make these kind of people martyrs. I am worried about that thing. Any comments on that????

bro i am simply pointing out western propaganda against Muslims.

As far as Marty is concerned Most civilized educated people can see what he was so i cant see them coming to his defense only people who will try giving him the titles are his accomplices as we saw in Karachi where during bright day light Jundullah terrorist attacked and killed police officers who were doing there job.

DAWN.COM | Metropolitan | Jundullah frees Ashura accused from court

only a fundo will belive these guys are worth any thing more then what the Iranians did.
bro i am simply pointing out western propaganda against Muslims.

A far as Marty is concerned Most civilized educated people can see what he was so i cant see them coming to his defense only people who will try giving him the titles are his accomplices as we saw in Karachi where during bright day light Jundullah terrorist attacked and killed police officers who were doing there job.

DAWN.COM | Metropolitan | Jundullah frees Ashura accused from court

only a fundo will belive these guys are worth any thing more then what the Iranians did.

In my view Iranian's should have shown the things he has done on TV to the people. They should have done the media campaign in the Sistan i Baluchistan area to educate people about this guy and then execute him.
Turkey did the right thing by imprisoning Abdullah Ocalan for life rather than executing him and make him a hero
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