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Abdul Malik Ragi executed

Pakistan isn't a police state like Iran where you can shut everybody up. There would have been demonstrations in Iran's Baluchistan too if they weren't scared for their lives. And anyways how is this diff then Iraqi Kurds or Turkish Kurds demonstrating against Iran's execution of Kurds? Is it Turkey's fault that the Kurds over there are sympathetic to terrorists?

What Kurd in Iran ever committed the acts of mass-murder, bombings, kidnappings, video-taped executions and other heinous crimes like Abdolmalek Rigi's group did?

Are you scared of saying what you really think or something? Never seen such a bunch of actors among Iranians like the 3 or 4 others on this website.

Dont apologize for people that support terrorism and crime like those people that were protesting in Pakistan over Rigi's trial.
martyr my ******* behind!
Idiots like you died for Islam not Iran. To me you are no different then the mercenaries who fought the Greeks for Persia.
And bache soosols like me are the future of Iran. fvcking hezbollahi arab piss of shi t.

I'm not here to please you and I could care less what labels you use. Moreover, I won't stoop down to your level with insults-- if anything you use it to substitute your lack of logic.
ای ایران;953615 said:
Look if you have something sensible to say i would be willing to debate with you but your entire response has no clarity or coherence to it and i quote only the above paragraph for its comical value.

I write about those Pakistanis who were protesting, and you and others read into that as 170 million or whatever your population is. Perhaps it is you and others who need to re-read what i wrote and not ask me to re-read that article.

Whatever, the negative image that such protests leave on the minds of Iranians and other peoples exists because they are so frequently reported as taking place in Pakistan and there has been no redress to the concerns of governments in Iran, Afghanistan and elsewhere about the extremism, criminality and terrorism that has been emanating from parts of Pakistan for a number of years now. If you cant understand that, then you will just never understand how the outside World perceives you and why it is becoming hostile to you. Thats unfortunate because you have millions and poor and starving people in your country who get ignored because all we see are the Taleban etc and their gullible supporters protesting in Pakistani cities.

first of all , Pakistan is not like Iran, here everybdy is independed and they can protest on any issue, also iran is supporting Shia terrorist group sipah-e-mohammad . Which is involved in killing many sunni clercs in pakistan.
Ahmedi nijid should be hanged for supporting terrorism..
ای ایران;953622 said:
What Kurd in Iran ever committed the acts of mass-murder, bombings, kidnappings, video-taped executions and other heinous crimes like Abdolmalek Rigi's group did?

Are you scared of saying what you really think or something? Never seen such a bunch of actors among Iranians like the 3 or 4 others on this website.

Dont apologize for people that support terrorism and crime like those people that were protesting in Pakistan over Rigi's trial.
I'm not apologizing for ****! It's a well known fact that Pakistanis, Saudis and Egyptians love to blow themselves up. I'm just surprised that you're making an issue out of these protests. What do you want Pakistan to do? send them to Evin for protesting? Not all countries are Iran and North Korea.
first of all , Pakistan is not like Iran, here everybdy is independed and they can protest on any issue, also iran is supporting Shia terrorist group sipah-e-mohammad . Which is involved in killing many sunni clercs in pakistan.
Ahmedi nijid should be hanged for supporting terrorism..

Saying that Iran/ Iranian intelligence supports the Sepah-e-Mohammad is like saying Pakistan/ ISI supports the Sepah-e-Sahaba.
I think it's quite ironic of Iranian to accuse Pakistanis of supporting terrorism - This is the same country which supports Hezbollah, Hamas and supported insurgency in Iraq and yes, anyone can protest in Pakistan - there are even protests against our Armed Forces, Intel Agencies and Government.Unlike Iran, Pakistan is not a theocratic state as such people have freedom of speech.We don't allow one sided protests only.People who are protesting in those pictures are actually people who want separation of Baluchistan from Pakistan too.If Pakistan was supported Jundullah then Iran would not be so peaceful.Pakistan could have gotten huge funding from US for this purpose but why would Pakistan sabotage relations with Iran when it is signing Pipe Line Agreement Iran despite huge world pressure.
BBC News - Pakistan protest over Iran hanging

Pakistan protest over Iran hanging
By Syed Shoaib Hasan

BBC News, Karachi

Protesters say that Mr Rigi was a hero

Demonstrations have taken place in Pakistan's port city of Karachi against the hanging of a militant leader by Iran.

Abdolmalek Rigi was head of the Jundullah militant group.

It says that it is fighting for the rights of minority Sunni Muslims in Iran's Sistan-Baluchistan province.

Iranian authorities say the group is involved in dozens of deadly attacks, including one which killed 40 members of the Revolutionary Guard in 2009.

Impoverished province

Iran says the group, which operates out of Pakistan's Balochistan province, has the support of Pakistani, US and British intelligence agencies.

"Abdolmalek Rigi's only fault was that he spoke for the rights of the Baloch," Abdul Wahab Baloch, who led the demonstration, told the BBC.

Mr Baloch is a leader of the Baloch National Front, an alliance fighting for the rights of the impoverished province.

He was speaking as demonstrators holding posters of Mr Rigi stood by, chanting anti-Iranian slogans.

Mr Baloch said that Mr Rigi was a Baloch hero.

"Jundullah is a Baloch nationalist organisation - it has wrongly been labelled a sectarian group," he said.

"It is fighting for the rights of the Baloch in Iran, which is a largely Shia country.

"That is why we have been called a Sunni group."

Mr Baloch said that Iran had used large-scale repression to crush the Baloch.

"At least 700 Baloch have been hanged in Iran during the last two years," he said.

"They include religious leaders, politicians and intellectuals."

He said his party was in touch with Jundullah and they planned to launch a united front in both Pakistan and Iran.

"We are fighting both Iran and Pakistan for our rights and control of our land," he added.

Nationalist groups in Pakistan have been a thorn in the side of the government for several years.

However, this is the first time they had expressed solidarity with secessionist groups in Iran.

Strange, since that many people haven't been executed in total in Iran. Maybe on a decade basis, this guy is taking too much hashish or shishe. The total number of executed people annually in the world is ~2400 people. According to this guy, we have 50% stake with Baluch people only-- ridiculous
☪☪☪☪;956819 said:
I think it's quite ironic of Iranian to accuse Pakistanis of supporting terrorism - This is the same country which supports Hezbollah, Hamas and supported insurgency in Iraq and yes, anyone can protest in Pakistan - there are even protests against our Armed Forces, Intel Agencies and Government.Unlike Iran, Pakistan is not a theocratic state as such people have freedom of speech.We don't allow one sided protests only.People who are protesting in those pictures are actually people who want separation of Baluchistan from Pakistan too.If Pakistan was supported Jundullah then Iran would not be so peaceful.Pakistan could have gotten huge funding from US for this purpose but why would Pakistan sabotage relations with Iran when it is signing Pipe Line Agreement Iran despite huge world pressure.

That's only partly true. Another reason is that you simply can't control the masses even if you wanted. Look at the borders, look at the tribal areas, etc... Iran has had a very established central govt for quite a time now so it's easy to rule with an iron fist.
That's only partly true. Another reason is that you simply can't control the masses even if you wanted. Look at the borders, look at the tribal areas, etc... Iran has had a very established central govt for quite a time now so it's easy to rule with an iron fist.

We also forget about the Non state actors who also have financial means to support terrorist campaigns. However, it is the duty of any government to crack down on the non state actors. Lawless places like FATA is not acceptable. There has to be an absolute sovereignty by the central government and constitution over the whole country without any exception.
We also forget about the Non state actors who also have financial means to support terrorist campaigns. However, it is the duty of any government to crack down on the non state actors. Lawless places like FATA is not acceptable. There has to be an absolute sovereignty by the central government and constitution over the whole country without any exception.

your populations is also bigger which is also problematic.
in this artical it is clearly mentiontha SMP have close links with Irani fundmentlist regime.
Sipah-e-Mohammed Pakistan, Terrorist Group of Pakistan

I have already read this particular page before. There are allegations of the connection but it ends there. These are not new and nor are they they the last of the allegations. Similarly, there are groups from the other end of the spectrum in the Punjab (say the Taliban, Sepah-e-Sahaba and others) who have external financiers/ supporters as well as elements within Pakistan itself. To my knowledge the SEM was made by elements within Pakistan to counter them precisely.
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