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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

The anxiety of this nation is worth enjoying.
After every such Test comes two cheers for Pakistanis

1 : Missile Test
2 : Watching Indian @$$ burning


one arse-hole on IDF is posting that as now Pakistan has MIRV , so Indian should buy more S-400 and Brahmos , his plans are epic when he wants to Intercept a BM with a CM :rofl:

LOL That's right. We'll make sure that this retired guest compliments out achievements.
one arse-hole on IDF is posting that as now Pakistan has MIRV , so Indian should buy more S-400 and Brahmos , his plans are epic when he wants to Intercept a BM with a CM :rofl:

LMAO LMAO These Indians are clueless.

On a different note, let's burden their defence expenditure so much that they start buying the arms of the whole world to counter Pakistan. LMAO
Nope we dont have MIRV tech as of now . .but this test will push us to pursue it ASAP.

Congratulations BTW.

A country which can launch Multiple Satellites via Civilian program does not possess MIRV technology is unbelievable, or in other words I should say this capabilty is UNDECLARED for missile program but India has demonstrated this capability & passed the MESSAGE to the global community


Expect it's declaration & operationalisation with AGNI-VI & eventually with K series as well .....
A country which don't have capacity to send satellite with SLV to earth orbit claiming to get MIRV technology

Pakistan is day by day became proganda driven society

Here comes another butt hurt Indian. I feel sorry for them today. The level of 'butt hurtism' today is at astronomical levels.
Roger sir.
I was also hesitated first to share this post but actually i want to show you guys a level of temperature across border.

No problem Bro, I was actually hinting towards a chance of trolling that brigade may avail here to divert the topic that has nothing to add to the subject at all.
A country which can launch Multiple Satellites via Civilian program does not possess MIRV technology is unbelievable, or in other words I should say this capabilty is UNDECLARED for missile program but India has demonstrated this capability & passed the MESSAGE to the global community


Expect it's declaration & operationalisation with AGNI-VI & eventually with K series as well .....

It's better we don't declare. What is going to change ?

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