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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

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I woke up late today as i was working on my paper last night, and first i thought its some Air-to-Air missile as recent statement by Sohail Aman about getting state of art stuff for PAF .. but when i see the full news about it been a BM and MIRV capable .. i jumped over my couch and than laugh over thinking the reaction of poor Indians haha
Hmm. There will be more surprises this year i guess.
A country which can launch Multiple Satellites via Civilian program does not possess MIRV technology is unbelievable, or in other words I should say this capabilty is UNDECLARED for missile program but India has demonstrated this capability & passed the MESSAGE to the global community

Neat. Means Norway is MIRV-capable too:D. Look out Denmark, we've come to reclaim Greenland as our own:sniper:!!!



We're always launching stuff, sometimes stuff carrying more then one stuff. Sometimes lots of stuff at the same time.

The point's valid though. If your rocket can carry and deploy multiple objects like satellites, then with some guidance mods and a different bus, it could deploy multiple warheads too. India has the means, but has yet to demonstrate the validity of its MIRV capabilities.

Other nations like Japan, also a nuclear latent nation capable of hefting unconventional warheads, are faced with the same situation. They have the technical means, but haven't demonstrated a weaponization of their rockets like Epsilon - Epsilon is believed have the capability to be converted into a nuclear strike ballistic missile leaving Japan with a latent second-strike capability:

Japan has demonstrated the means to deploy multiple objects via one rocket.

A number of nations possess the means, but lack the ability to translate these technical theoreticals into practical solutions. Launching and targeting a MIRV is a bit more complicated then deploying satellites.
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Any "debunking" videos from bharati media yet?
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Hope you understood the importance of BMD. Which is why I asked if there is a plan adopted by pak.

Yeah, of course, I do; in fact, I'm sure everyone in this forum understands. But, only problem is that it is completely useless once the arrow has been shot from bow. So, like I said before, chance of stopping it, if any, lies only in destroying bow. So, talking about bow, interceptor must destroy it before taking the shot. Numerous factors make even destroying the bow less probable:

Firstly, Farther the launch location, more time your defense system will take to detect it and initiate autonomous defense.
Secondly, Farther the launch location, more time your interceptor will take reach it, and using current technologies defense system will be completely useless if launch is beyond its reasonable reach.
Thirdly and most importantly, your interceptor can be intercepted itself and even probability to of intercepting it is much higher. So, farther the launch location, lower are the chances that your interceptor will reach it before being intercepted itself at first place.

So, I'll say again, even successfully proven technology only works in short ranges. For India it maybe useful for short range missiles and for Pakistan too in same scenario. But, what about medium range ballistic missiles? Both Pakistan and India have Medium range missiles. We can fire it from other end of our country and it can easily avoid the interception threshold; India can do the the same. So, tell me again, how many odd are there for interception?

(My last statement isn't question, please don't answer it, just answer yourself. Anti-missile system is useful only to some extent in case of Ballistic Missile, however, very useful to intercept cruise missile and that should be Pakistan's target in my view)
LOL, this stunned me as well, i had no idea will we will go for a new missle in this environment

Its a fake test. Look at the color of the missile. It changes from white to black to violet to indigo to orange.

also there are no multiple war heads coming out of it heads
speed test shows that missile is very slow:pakistan:
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We should keep testing long range missiles as bigger as India is testing, if world dpnt uave problems over indias Icbm why should they have to worry about pur tests...im praying for India to test Hydrogen Bomb, Icbm, SLBM etc so that we alao can following them, keep them thinking stop dreaming to match with china but u are nothing infront of Pakistan yet
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