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A Tribute In Memory of Burhan M Wani Shaheed

This guy is one of the latest symbols of your civilization's fight against ours.

This guy is the latest symbol of resistance to oppression.

Like Bhagat Singh and Che Guevara, Burhan Wani has become an immortal soul ... A symbol of courage, and resistance against tyranny .. An inspiration for millions .... and a nightmare for the oppressors and their supporters
Terrorist supporters are labelled terrorists and then they cry "trump dint include them in his speech"... "We have sacrificed million and bla bla..."
This guy is the latest symbol of resistance to oppression.

Like Bhagat Singh and Che Guevara, Burhan Wani has become an immortal soul ... A symbol of courage, and resistance against tyranny .. An inspiration for millions .... and a nightmare for the oppressors and their supporters
No yaar, you are mixing all different ideologies together. Very divergent ideologies.
Che (for all his faults) and Bhagat fought against religious zealots as well. Both were atheists. Their definition of 'oppression' was at least non religious or even secular. Che, Singh and their followers will lynch you for putting them in the same bucket as Mr. Wani. :)

Wani's definition of 'oppression' was rooted in theology. There are huge differences.

As for inspiration - no doubt about it. I remember seeing Osama pics post 2001, and recently ISIS flags in Srinagar too. It definitely inspires many people.
No yaar, you are mixing all different ideologies together. Very divergent ideologies.
Che (for all his faults) and Bhagat fought against religious zealots as well. Both were atheists. Their definition of 'oppression' was at least non religious or even secular. Che, Singh and their followers will lynch you for putting them in the same bucket as Mr. Wani. :)

Wani's definition of 'oppression' was rooted in theology. There are huge differences.

As for inspiration - no doubt about it. I remember seeing Osama pics post 2001, and recently ISIS flags in Srinagar too. It definitely inspires many people.

Their ideology was same no matter what their backgrounds were ... Fight against oppression and tyranny

And if you believe that Muslims have no right to fight against foreign oppression, then you are an Islamophobic religious bigot who needs help
Fight against oppression and tyranny
His definition is different. But yes, Hizb (his UN designated terror org) claims a democratic setup in JnK as kufr and hence its the tyranny of the masses. They wish to implement the Divine Law. In that sense, yes, he is fighting against tyranny of not being able to convert his land to an Islamic state.

then you are an Islamophobic religious bigot
Of course, the whole world is one.

against foreign oppression
There are no foreigners in this land. Only some foreign ideologies. It is ridiculous, man. It's like South Africa converting to Buddhism or Hinduism and asking to join India suddenly.
Bhagat Singh allowed himself to be arrested and did long fasting as protest in Jail, He knew what he was doing and faced death bravely-

While Burhan was caught by info from one of his jealous(due to cheating) girlfriends who called him to meet at a secret location for private time, he wept and moaned like a spoiled child when army surrounded him- Please don't insult our Bhagat Singh, find a man from Pakistan It there ever was any one-

The British Oppressors, unlike Indian oppressors were not 'Terrorists'. That's the only thing that makes the end of the stories of the two great freedom fighters slightly different. Their legacies will live for eternity
Their ideology was same no matter what their backgrounds were ... Fight against oppression and tyranny

And if you believe that Muslims have no right to fight against foreign oppression, then you are an Islamophobic religious bigot who needs help

Bhagat, Che etc fought for all on their land, their ideology had a place for every person, Burhan's Kashmir had place only for Sunni Muslims, not even Shia forget Hindus and Sikhs-

He can be compared with Mullah Fazllulah, who share similar ideology- Only a certified sectarian person will try to compare people like Bhagat Singh with him and call him a resistance fighter- Although his resistance was all tears when trouble came knocking which is usually the case with the likes of sectarian lot-
S.No District. Persons. Male
1) Srinagar. 1250173 665789
2) Ganderbal. 297003 158900
3) Budgam. 755331 400583
4) Anantnag. 1069749 552203
5) Kulgam . 423181 216873
6) Pulwama. 570060 297988
7) Shopian. 265960 136302
8) Baramulla. 1015503 542171
9) Bandipora. 385099 201531
10) Kupwara. 875564 475126

Total Male Population = 3647466

Under 18 = 1350000 (app)

Population of Kashmiri Adult males = 2,297,466

Ppl present at wani's funeral= 200000

Confirmed supporters of Wani in Kashmir who defying the curfew reached Wani's Funeral = 200000/2297466

= Almost 9% of Kashmiri Adults

That is the minimum number of ppl who support wani on the ground.

By comparing percentage of people who attended the funerals, one can conclude that Wani enjoyed a greater support among Kashmiris compared to the support enjoyed by Bal Thackery or even Gandhi among all Indians.

Huriyat was behind mobilizing the people to use this occasions for there political benefits, 500rs with food supplements where offered for gathering, people where provided with transportation facilities. Having said that 200000 is wrong figure to even think about, there where few thousands, any more than that would have been a nightmare for management system.
you can bark as much as you can we have no issue but please do not spread your dung here.

This is the person who trained TTP squads how to attack military installations, which your Military had taught him to do in India- Next time when some terrorist attack happen in Pakistan do remember him and what Burhan Wani could've become If we wanted- Thank us that we saved Musharraf by providing prior information about his plans- Had Musharraf been killed at that point- Burhan's dream of Islamic state would've been realized in Pakistan itself-


Dog's tail cannot be straightened, even after becoming self declared biggest victims of terrorism-
The British Oppressors, unlike Indian oppressors were not 'Terrorists'. That's the only thing that makes the end of the stories of the two great freedom fighters slightly different. Their legacies will live for eternity

You have a Big Mouth just like Burhan Wani's you would make a good icon for Pakistan- :pakistan: At least with you Pakistan can claim something of own- :tup::rofl:

PS: Are you a muhajir ?
His definition is different. But yes, Hizb (his UN designated terror org) claims a democratic setup in JnK as kufr and hence its the tyranny of the masses.

An Indian talking about UN ???? :lol:

Hizb a UN designated terror organization ? Source please

There are no foreigners in this land.

Indian admission to J&K is provisional. The 'accession' is yet to be decided ... Read UN Resolutions

They wish to implement the Divine Law. In that sense, yes, he is fighting against tyranny of not being able to convert his land to an Islamic state.

They only wish to exercise their right to self-determination given to them by the UN but denied by the so called world's largest democracy. The terrorist Indian Army has killed 100,000 innocent Kashmiris so far and raped over 10,000 women, but they have failed to break the Kashmiri's resolve to fight for the liberation of their homeland from the occupation forces .... . No oppression lasts forever ... India will have to retreat eventually

So Take your BS propaganda somewhere else.

Bhagat, Che etc fought for all on their land, their ideology had a place for every person, Burhan's Kashmir had place only for Sunni Muslims, not even Shia forget Hindus and Sikhs-

Stop lying Indian
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