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A surprising map of the best and worst countries to be born into today

Holy$hit!! Look at this job it pays, $170,000 - $210,000/hr :cheesy::woot::what::disagree::blah:

Environmental Superintendent - Queensland job ($170,000 - $210,000/hr pkg) in Central Queensland, QLD ( Mining, Oil and Gas:Environment / Health and Safety Mining, Oil and Gas:Management Mining, Oil and Gas:Mining - Technical )

Is it for real? I can't believe it.. I don't think even the Prime Ministers/Presidents of most of the countries charges that much..

^two phrases: too good to be true. there's always a catch.
I don't agree. The best place is my home. Being 5.9 i would definitly hate having white women as friends, taller than me!!
I am staying right here in India and travel the world thru my IT job. I think where there is family friends that's the best place.
How is he my countryman? Asian American implies that his "ancestry" is from somewhere in East or Southeast Asia.

He is actually YOUR countryman, since he is an American, and you live in America too.

"Asian", in UK, usually means "South Asian" (Indian, Pakistani people, Nepelese, Burmese, Bengalis; all of them from ex-British Raj).

For "East Asian" (Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, Japanese, Mongolian), UK people call "Oriental".

But in USA, "Asian" refers to "all East Asian, South Asian and Central Asian". However, "Peoples from Middle East are excluded".

The map only contains 80 countries of the world,
International: The lottery of life | The Economist
Warren Buffett, probably the world’s most successful investor, has said that anything good that happened to him could be traced back to the fact that he was born in the right country, the United States, at the right time (1930). A quarter of a century ago, when The World in 1988 light-heartedly ranked 50 countries according to where would be the best place to be born in 1988, America indeed came top. But which country will be the best for a baby born in 2013?

To answer this, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), a sister company of The Economist, has this time turned deadly serious. It earnestly attempts to measure which country will provide the best opportunities for a healthy, safe and prosperous life in the years ahead.
Its quality-of-life index links the results of subjective life-satisfaction surveys—how happy people say they are—to objective determinants of the quality of life across countries. Being rich helps more than anything else, but it is not all that counts; things like crime, trust in public institutions and the health of family life matter too. In all, the index takes 11 statistically significant indicators into account. They are a mixed bunch: some are fixed factors, such as geography; others change only very slowly over time (demography, many social and cultural characteristics); and some factors depend on policies and the state of the world economy.
A forward-looking element comes into play, too. Although many of the drivers of the quality of life are slow-changing, for this ranking some variables, such as income per head, need to be forecast. We use the EIU’s economic forecasts to 2030, which is roughly when children born in 2013 will reach adulthood.

Despite the global economic crisis, times have in certain respects never been so good. Output growth rates have been declining across the world, but income levels are at or near historic highs. Life expectancy continues to increase steadily and political freedoms have spread across the globe, most recently in north Africa and the Middle East. In other ways, however, the crisis has left a deep imprint—in the euro zone, but also elsewhere—particularly on unemployment and personal security. In doing so, it has eroded both family and community life.

What does all this, and likely developments in the years to come, mean for where a baby might be luckiest to be born in 2013? After crunching its numbers, the EIU has Switzerland comfortably in the top spot, with Australia second.

Small economies dominate the top ten. Half of these are European, but only one, the Netherlands, is from the euro zone. The Nordic countries shine, whereas the crisis-ridden south of Europe (Greece, Portugal and Spain) lags behind despite the advantage of a favourable climate. The largest European economies (Germany, France and Britain) do not do particularly well.

America, where babies will inherit the large debts of the boomer generation, languishes back in 16th place. Despite their economic dynamism, none of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) scores impressively. Among the 80 countries covered, Nigeria comes last: it is the worst place for a baby to enter the world in 2013.

Boring is best

Quibblers will, of course, find more holes in all this than there are in a chunk of Swiss cheese. America was helped to the top spot back in 1988 by the inclusion in the ranking of a “philistine factor” (for cultural poverty) and a “yawn index” (the degree to which a country might, despite all its virtues, be irredeemably boring). Switzerland scored terribly on both counts. In the film “The Third Man”, Orson Welles’s character, the rogue Harry Lime, famously says that Italy for 30 years had war, terror and murder under the Borgias but in that time produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance; Switzerland had 500 years of peace and democracy—and produced the cuckoo clock.

However, there is surely a lot to be said for boring stability in today’s (and no doubt tomorrow’s) uncertain times. A description of the methodology is available here: food for debate all the way from Lucerne to Lagos.

Laza Kekic: director, country forecasting services, Economist Intelligence Unit

from The World In 2013 print edition

I don't agree. The best place is my home. Being 5.9 i would definitly hate having white women as friends, taller than me!!

they also have annoying smell and rough skins, west women, no.
I don't agree. The best place is my home. Being 5.9 i would definitly hate having white women as friends, taller than me!!
of cource you would hate the fact of being around a tall women... You should come to PUNJAB and see what a six feeter really is. Women here would really teach you a lesson or two in about heights. We consider bengalis as short little people from our southeast.
Canada seems to be doing pretty well, and surprisingly so does most of Africa apparently. Interesting...
Or come work for me being an AX man. I'll pay more than $120,000 yr. Only thing is it's the second most dangerous job in USA. Hurricane Sandy made me rich this year.

Is your job offer valid for summers? I'm thinking of taking a break and doing something crazy, no harm if i make some money out of it as well

You can pay me hourly and cash- bhai bhai wali baat karke :cheers:
Don't be a hypocrite.

"Hate crimes" in modern America are pretty much defined by attacks on Indians and Sikhs.

Even to the extent of an Army Veteran shooting up an Indian Temple a short while back.

can you put together a scenerio which would support your bullshit of the season from a chink.??? In reality we would stomp you like a shitfly to be frank.
Its all relative. People generally prefer to be among their own kind and this report does not take that into account. An Indian for instance will likely feel more at home in Pakistan or Bangladesh than in the us due to shared culture. And might rank those countries above any other as far as immigration destinations are concerned.
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