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A question for ALL INDIANS

Hi everyone)I have an indian freind and he is a sikh by faith.We had many arguments with each other on some topics because we both are equally patriotic) But once he said that M.A jinnah was a great leader and he deserves more than nehruHe also said that it,s your bad luck that jinnah passed away too early and did not fulfil what he dreamed about pakistan.Now i am really confused why he said so?How far is that statement true? And if that,s true please give me the reasons.
Indian members on PDF please give me your neutral answers without any hesitation,prejudice or bias.
well all he siad was jinnah went way too earli well before he could do anything substantial for pakistan and pakistan as a nation never was able to get back on its feet after that
Nobody indeed will like your BS

Because at the time of Pakistan's creation that is 47 Jinnah was too old to wish for any power neither he had any wealth from being First governor Gen of Pakistan.

As far as Nehru you Indians curse him for many things NO One curse Jinnah for anything since there is NON, NO such thing he did which could be cursed.

:cheesy: and banayas thought of creating two nation theory. infact Hindus were the ones who led to creation of this theory
The thing is jinnah started demand for pakistan in 30's not 47 and he died of tuberculosis and not simple old age
Hi everyone)I have an indian freind and he is a sikh by faith.We had many arguments with each other on some topics because we both are equally patriotic) But once he said that M.A jinnah was a great leader and he deserves more than nehruHe also said that it,s your bad luck that jinnah passed away too early and did not fulfil what he dreamed about pakistan.Now i am really confused why he said so?How far is that statement true? And if that,s true please give me the reasons.
Indian members on PDF please give me your neutral answers without any hesitation,prejudice or bias.
If you had have asked "who is the better politician",my answer would be definitely Mr.Jinnah.Nehru,through out all his career was a kin student of Gandhi and learnt all the qualities to use mass movement as a massive force to drive out the British from the sub-continent.But this was not the case with Mr.Jinnah.In his own words "I do not believe in working up mob hysteria.Politics is a gentleman's game".

On the other hand Nehru had shown little qualities to become a cunning politician who would use the situation in his own favor as it was masterly done by Jinnah.Nehru's astonishingly shocking remark after the cabinet mission meeting or the Congress' decision not to include Muslim League in the provincial government were tactically suicidal steps which helped Jinnah to regain his lost territory.
The Partition of India was a power struggle between two ambitious men. Who used millions as a pawn in their games. Games that are still being played to this day. I have no special love for either of these politicians. Because that's all they were in the end. Politicians.
Hi everyone)I have an indian freind and he is a sikh by faith.We had many arguments with each other on some topics because we both are equally patriotic) But once he said that M.A jinnah was a great leader and he deserves more than nehruHe also said that it,s your bad luck that jinnah passed away too early and did not fulfil what he dreamed about pakistan.Now i am really confused why he said so?How far is that statement true? And if that,s true please give me the reasons.
Indian members on PDF please give me your neutral answers without any hesitation,prejudice or bias.

With the benefit of hindsight it is easy to praise or castigate anyone, we cannot comprehend the pressures under which decisions were taken back then - this applies to any situation.

To that end depending on which side of the Radcliffe line one is speaking from views on these two leaders would naturally be clouded.

What you have quoted is a personal opinion of a friend. Jinnah died early therefore we are unaware of what he intended to do & how he would have gone about it. Independence & partition had become an obsession . Having got it there were not concete plans on both sides on ' what now' ?

On the Indian side , as events have brought out a systematic Five Year plan for development was put into motion, a constitution was framed, institutions built & nurtured. All these have stood us in good stead.

On the Pak side the unfortunately there is little to show. Given the fissiparous tendencies there is good chance that the sheen of Jinnah would have worn out & aspirations of other would have come to the fore.

He dies so on cannot say much.

Since Nehru lived on we find occasions to fault him which is natural.

One therefore cannot say who was ' greater'. In my view they both did well for their respective constituencies.
Jinnah contradicted himself so many times on so many issues. He was a typical opportunistic politician of the subcontinent. Nothing more , nothing less. He is widely admired by Pakistanis only because he died too soon to achieve anything. Had he lived a decade longer, he would have faced the same fate as the rest of Pakistani leaders.
Both were opportunist and power Hungry. Jhina was an agent of Britain who used to receive a huge chunk of money from British government and maintained a very high life style as per the Book of Tarek Fatah. Jhinha was a Shia Muslim though doing Namaz of Sunnis to take majority chunk of Muslims with Him. Naheru was a Dumb who failed in many Exams but still wanted to be Identified as Pandit. Some people say that Naheru was a VIsionary.
Jinnah and Gandhi or Patel are more of the same gen.
Nehru was 1/2 gen. next. So Jinnah Vs. Nehru is a bit skewed.

That Jinnah was also an 'Indian' (S.Asian may be more neutral term) patriot is often forgotten in the Indo-Pak. narrative.
@truthlover What your Sikh friend said was his personal opinion. All Indians need not share his views on Jinnah. IMO, M.A.Jinnah and Jawaharlal Nehru were both moderate, pragmatic leaders who probably underestimated the consequences of their little power-sharing formula through partition.
Why does everyone here think That India was divided just because of two men...does it ever cross their mind that the people in the areas that left India might have actually wanted to leave?
TBH, i have high regards for Jinnah than Nehru. But looking at it from a wider perspective, both were good for nothing.
Nehru is the one who's screwed up everything in the subcontinent - from partition to Kashmir to the Sino-Indian conflict.

Jinnah was pragmatic and a secularist.
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